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Are you guys ok with it having female characters in the background? or would you rather prefer to be males only



You know my standpoint on this

Theo Voaklander

The 7 dollar PotM tier is called the Gay tier, not the Bi tier, and having women watch makes them voyeurs, which either means they're consenting and thus part of the sex, thus not making it gay (which I assume is your intention) or they're not consenting and you're drawing sexual harassment (which I don't assume you're doing). Many mlm, myself included, are uncomfortable with the sexualization of women, and while it's easy enough to deal with in other tiers as it's marked and expected, getting it suddenly on the image that's supposed to be gay not only makes it feel like a waste of money, but like I've been lied to. If you're going to have women voyeurs, or even worse women actively participating in sex in these images, you cannot call it the gay tier. It's false advertising (hell, queerbaiting since it attracts a gay audience then lies to them about the gay content).


In light of your tremendous concern not only over this particular piece but also on my own personal moral ethics and considering your behaviour and attitude on the Patreon server and my DMs and your last message on the Exit Survey on Patreon, I think it's best that -since the month it's not over and the monthly packs haven't been sent- I issue a refund for you so you're not exposed to me and my art anymore, since clearly it makes you uncomfortable and unhappy. I thank you wholeheartedly for your support up until now, I'm sorry things have to be this way and I hope you take care of yourself. -Kupo


This isn't an issue of 1 or 2 people being unreasonably uncomfortable. You charge extra for gay content and then you have the balls to put women in it


Hi! I see you're not happy with my art and my work so since the month is not over yet and the monthly packs haven't been sent, I decided to issue a refund for you. According to Patreon you should expect it back in 5-7 days. Thank you so much for your support up until now and hope everything goes well for you! -Kupo


god i can't believe someone kicked up so much dirt over this. you do you.