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... As she played with her husband, the strange power invaded Tonya's body again.

The powerful glow appeared in her eyes and mouth. This time, she was growing so fast that only a few seconds later, all she had to do was spread her legs to reach the ground which just a moment before was 12 inches under her feet.

With one hand, she fixed his hair while with the other she released Josh from his awkward position and lifted him with ease and grace to eye level.

"Look at this ... two hundred pounds of man hanging limply at the end of my hand..."

She rocked him gently from side to side, his toes barely brushing the floor. Then she put her finger under his chin and with a slight movement began to move him up and down while following him with her gaze, fixed in his eyes.

"Fascinating, isn't it? I'm pretty sure that with just a flick of the finger I could get you through the concrete ceiling.

But I wont do it ... Even if the passion is a little dull after two years of marriage, I have no desire to damage my dear husband ... On the contrary, I think rather that this little one evolution will spice up our relationship"

She put it down gently on the ground and while looking at herself in the mirror took a pose worthy of a championship.

"Go on, do the same to see... Look at that, not only am I now almost a foot taller than you but now you look really pale next to my new measurements ... And take a look at those biceps ... "

She brought her huge arm in front of his face and contracted it in several quick steps.

"Look at this, my forearms are the size of your biceps and my biceps are not only bigger than yours, they are the size of your head..."

But Tonya's monologue was cut short before Josh could think of anything to say ... Someone knocked on the door and a small voice came in, that of their daughter Pollyanna. "Daddy, mummy !!! Can I come in?"

"Shit, it's Polly ... Go hide in the bathroom Tonya, I'll put on some pants quickly ..."

John said ....

The young girl entered her parents' room, quite excited.

It was impossible not to notice that her body now sported astonishing musculature, worthy of a national champion of bodybuilding if not better.

"Daddy, daddy" She said in excitement

"Look what happened !! I was sleeping and then I woke up, and I was like, ooh, what's going on? And my eyes made, like wooosh, a big light. And then my bed collapsed, so I tried to got up but barely moved my arm, the sleeve of my pajamas exploded, like Baam ... and then everything else, all torn by my muscles. Like the hulk. And then my alarm clock went off, so I tried to catch it but I smashed it with my hand, it was funny ...Oh, Check this out..."

She posed in front of Josh, proudly displaying amazing biceps that would have made any male athlete cry. She had fun contracting them in rhythm, while saying "Look at these.. left, right, left right... so cool"

Josh understood that for him, problems were just beginning ...



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