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Premiere of UKvsTW 2! Let's go! Link: https://vimeo.com/912434927/ba69806a81


UKvsTW_S2_E1 Reaction


Richard Marker

I just wanna say, Bussy queen or "Jeffrey Dahmer" I really don't give a fuck. You are one of those amazing hosts who can give us the tea but at the same time be so obviously unbiased and professional that you could be on some morning show. Many a dark days I've had that you lifted me out of. I love you.

Bussy Queen

aw hi richard i am truly touched reading this; thank you for saying all of that. glad i could make even just one day of yours a little brighter! <3 xoxo

Brandon Beall

Marina killed it and the two seasons of Phillipines is worth tuning into. They're so talented and so shady.