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Premiere part deux! The re-up! Again! Oops I did it again! Link: https://vimeo.com/903034373/cc88ee3890?share=copy





Your eye roll + "say one nice thing!!" was my exact reaction to Plane Jane. I'm all for a villain, but can we have some nuance at least? Like some level of underlying kindness somewhere? This rude for no reason schtick is going to get tired really quick. I don't even necessarily take issue with how she ranked the other queens, like this is a competition, I get it. Do your thing. But being rude for rude's sake, being genuinely unkind...like why (besides the obvious, which is I guess to piss people off and get them talking about her, even if it's not positively? Any press is good press kinda deal?)

gary marshall

I have to disagree about Plain Jane; the queens on the last seasons have been so insipid and too knowledgeable about how the edit can make you a villain. Even Mistress Isabelle Brooks, who was supposed to be the villain last time, was so blandly mild in her reads. I look forward to having some actual bitchiness this season.

Bussy Queen

Gary you do have a point about making good reality TV. Plane will definitely keep us entertained. I just hope it stays with good spirits!