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As a quick disclaimer- a kitten this young should be with their mother if possible because of the large amount of special care needed to take care of such a young kitten, but unfortunately for him that was not a reality.

About Titan: He's an orphaned (no longer!) kitten who is approximately 4.5 weeks old now who loves cuddling in my neck. I posted some pics of Titan from the first few days I had him on instagram, but I figured I'd share some more here for you all as well. I also just uploaded some videos of him chasing a string and showing off his couch climbing skills into the discord pets channel.

He's still on kitten formula with some wet food mixed in (full weaning in about 1-1.5 weeks) that I feed him every 4-5 hours. He's gone from ~340g to ~495g since I've had him (wow!) and its been super fun to watch his developmental changes from not really being able to walk that well to fully exploring a room and bouncing around like a ball. The one thing that is not so fun is that young kittens need stimulating (look up the kitten lady on youtube if you want to know what I mean) to go to the bathroom. He's getting to the age where he should be figuring that out himself, but is struggling a bit to initiate, so we will be trying a different (kitten safe) litter soon to see if that helps him 'get' it! He was also a bit underdeveloped and underweight for his age when he was found, so it's possible he is just a little bit behind in that area due to that. Fingers crossed!

Also - new video should be up tomorrow! <3



Dorothy HALL

It is good of you to take care of a kitten that small. ❤️ I adopted my two boys at eight weeks. They were weaned and able to use the box ok. But they were still pretty small. They are now grumpy old 17 year olds. They have some health problems but are doing well. I have not seen them since September 5 because of the hospitalization and transfer to rehab. I miss them.

Jen Young

Oh my heart!!! Thank you for being an amazing cat dad and for including those disclaimers & details in your post. I do cat rescue and that made my heart so full. ♡