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Firstly, I am sorry to everyone for disappearing without any warning. That was totally unfair to all of you here on Patreon supporting me on a monthly basis. If anyone would like a refund of their August pledge please message me and I will happily process it. I will be back creating content for the month of September.

For me, it's difficult to share any part of myself with the world on a public platform, much less one so personal. The truth is I have been dealing with relationship issues which ultimately led to a breakup and I've needed time alone to process my emotions regarding everything going on. I'm sorry for leaving you in the dark so long. Please know I am okay and am missing entertaining everyone on the Youtubes! I'll be back soon.

Much love,


Dorothy HALL

Hey girl, I’m sorry you are going through this much. And I’m late to reply to this. I was in the hospital and now in a rehab. I nearly died September 5. But after a little over a month I am recovering well. So believe me, I understand needing time. I’m divorced myself, and I know it’s not easy. But I hope you are healing from that. Thank you for your candor. I look forward to catching up on your content and look forward to seeing more soon. ❤️


No apologies necessary and I'm sorry to hear. Hope you're feeling better queen ❤️❤️