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Hi everyone! Exciting things are coming. All stars 5 was just announced and the cast looks STRONG. I'm super thrilled to be covering  this season with your support. I just wanted to say - I love you all and I look forward to another exciting season of "Hot or Rot" with AS5. 

There will be some overlap between AS5 and S12 this week. My plan is to get the AS5 entrance looks HoR out first (before the next S12 review). So, look forward to that SOON! But, the next S12 review MAY be a day or two late this week because of that.

I also know I owe you all the "Katya Hot or Rot"  - just know I am working as hard as I can to get all these videos done. I have a lot going on in my personal life and am trying my best to balance everything while maintaining my mental health. One thing to help my time management I've done this week is removed social media apps (except for Patreon) from my phone. I will be checking in on instagram/twitter using my PC in limited capacities moving forward - so the best place for you all to contact me is still right HERE on Patreon.

In summary, upcoming videos include:

1. AS5 Entrance Looks (Goal Date for Early Access on Patreon: 5/9)

2.  S12 Ep 11 Lip Sync Reaction (Goal Date for Early Access on Patreon: 5/10)

3. S12 Ep 11 Review (Goal Date for Early Access on Patreon: 5/12)

4. Katya Hot or Rot (Goal Date for Early Access on Patreon: 5/15)

Have an excellent weekend! <3



Bussy, look after your health first before anything!

Timotheus Smart

Bussy please take care of yourself first. You can’t be good for anyone or anything if you aren’t good to you first. ❤️