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Welcome back to the bus stop! Don't forget to vote in the poll on the post right before this one. Link: https://vimeo.com/929212317/dbb324a970


rpdr_s16_e13 reaction



I am SO glad that I signed up for your Patreon! I've been watching you for around 2 years now over on YouTube, but I was unprepared for how much I like this too! I didn't realize that the youtube vids are more tailored for a wider audience. All of the extra stuff that I was always wishing for from your YouTube show is right here on Patreon! I should have joined sooner, and not let past experiences with other youtube/patreon creators jade me to expecting less or just more of the same. You are doing an outstanding job, sweetie. Mwah! Props to ya, Mama! 🥰💋

Bussy Queen

Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling! (Hehe) and on a real note, omg yay thank you so much! do you mind if I read this in a future video when I promo my patreon?


Ps! - I have been working with fostering kittens my entire life. BEST CAT TOY EVER - take a piece of paper and rip it in equal halves. Crumple them up to make 2 tight paper balls. (I know, ball joke, hardy-har-har.) They can swat them around so easily because they are super light and they bounce. Also, they are super easy for kittens to pick up and carry around. You will not regret it, there's no toy you can ever buy that a kitten will like better. 40+ years of kitten raising experience, right here! I'm telling you - make her some paper balls. 😸😺