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Thank you SO MUCH for another month of support! ♥ And for this whole year, honestly! I'm so happy I am back to Patreon and I feel like I found a really good balance to keep making cosplays and bringing content! I'm very excited for my next projects and can't wait to share my plans for this next year!

NGL though this month was soooo chaotic for me. Especially this last week with Christmas and now NYE I feel so overwhelmed. Been working really hard so tonight I might just eat the grapes (spanish tradition lol) and go to bed. I really need some rest. xD

Wish you all A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING. I appreciate you all SO MUCH!! Thank you for being part of this journey with me. ♥




Thank you so much for all the amazing work that you do! I hope 2024 is a wonderful year for you!😊

Sean Ryan

So prettyful Shernie! 😊❤️ Happy New Year my friend! ❤️❤️❤️