Bonus #215 - The Steroid Olympics are Real! (Extra Dose) (Patreon)
2024-03-05 17:00:08
Hey everyone, it's Bonus Dose Day, and today we got another video in the "Didn't Buckley talk about this like 8 years ago?" category. This one is a look back at my "Doping in Sports" video along with an all new competition that's scheduled for this year, that just goes to show: what was absurdist humor nearly a decade ago is today's reality! Enjoy!
Nearly 10 years ago, Buckley did a video where he suggested he'd like to see an Olympics where all of the competitors were allowed to use 'roids, just to see what might happen. In 2024, Buckley may get to see that, with the announcement of the "Enhanced Games", a bizarre event in which advocates FOR performance enhancing drugs are offering a bounty to juiced-up competitors who can break the records of "clean" athletes. But what about the PURITY and FAIRNESS of sport?! Well... Buckley talks about that too.