Bonus #209 - The Alex Jones Video Game (Extra Dose) (Patreon)
2024-01-23 17:00:07
Hey everyone, it's Bonus Dose day, and for those of you who aren't really gamers, don't let the title of this one fool you, it's not REALLY about video games... it's more about the sad plan of a grifter that hasn't gone quite the way he wanted it to. Also, trying to do an Alex Jones impression hurts. Don't try it at home kids!
Conspiracy grifter Alex Jones is looking for any way he can to raise the billion dollars that he needs to pay back the families of Sandy Hook that he defamed by claiming they "were crisis actors" and "no kids actually died". And so, one thing he's attempted is... a video game! Buckley looks at Alex Jones: NWO Wars, as well as the reaction to it on Steam. He's probably going to need to find another way to make that money...