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Hey everyone, it's been a little while since I've posted a Q&A thread so I figured "maybe I should do that before December rolls around and I'm too busy to say anything to anyone until the Worst Songs is released!", so here we are! As always, you can ask pretty much anything: questions about past videos, current events that I haven't talked about in videos, things I like or dislike, hypothetical questions regarding multiverses, whatever. Over the month, I'll return to this thread to answer those questions directly under your replies, and you can come back here and check those out. Have at 'er!




I'm looking at getting into freelance VO work and I need to make a demo reel, only problem is, apart from some filmed advertisements, I don't have any content that shows what I'm capable of, so I have to basically make up content to show. Any tips on the best way to go about making up a good demo reel?


Greetings from Minnesota Buckley! Not sure if you've been asked this question, but I remember an old video of yours about being a YouTube commentator where you had a KMFDM Godlike shirt and I thought it was cool since I was getting into their music around that time. Are you still a fan of them? If so, what are your favorite tracks/albums?


Who do you feel is the worst scumbag from all of your Scumbag of the Internets that you've done?


Yeah I'm a huge KMFDM fan, have something like 60, 70 CDs of theirs (albums and singles and compilations, plus their entire 24/7 vinyl collection). XTORT and ANGST are probably my favorite, but I like Symbols too (I think a lot of fans don't because it got away from their more hard rock sound of the 90s but whatever). I could listen to XTORT all the way through without skipping anything (except for maybe the weird bonus track on the end of it).


From a personal standpoint I guess Rachel, but from a standpoint of "who ripped off people the worst" I guess probably the Crypto King of Canada's gotta be up there. I can't say I remember every single one right off the top of my head though, maybe my opinion would change if I looked deeper at that list.


What qualities (or lack thereof!) do you look for in a Musical Autopsy corpse? I giggled like a little kid at how ridiculous “Fancy Like” was, and I’m amazed it escaped your morgue.


Generally it's something I hear, think of a joke based on the lyrics I hear, and then think "well I wonder if I can write any more?". With Fancy Like, I think I ignored it because the Internet had already tore it up way before I ever could, and I don't think I could have said anything original that wasn't already pounded into the ground.


What do you think of the experimental music scene? You've mentioned artists such as Merzbow before and always wondered what you thought of other noise or experimental artists. Do you respect what they do but simply not enjoy it or do you outright think it's just pretentious shit?


I don't really follow it or anything, any artists I DO know are because someone else mentioned them to me, and usually I'm probably making fun of them. I just don't get it. Especially Merzbow, like... can he recreate any "songs" he makes? Or does he just record some noise, give it a title, and then move on? I've mentioned in the past how I don't "get" art for the most part, and this is definitely one of those things. Good for the people who do like them I guess, but yeah no one will ever convince me it's not just bullshit for people who think they're smarter than everyone else, listening to static and going "ahh yes this really makes a statement about society at large..."