Bonus #162 - The Average American Is Too Wide For Mario Kart Ride (Extra Dose) (Patreon)
Hey everyone, it's Bonus Dose Day and this week it's a fun look at an issue that I think more companies are going to have to deal with as America continues to grow as a nation... and I ain't talkin' in terms of population. Enjoy!
A Mario & Nintendo themed area recently opened up at Universal Studios Hollywood theme park, offering up an experience for gamers to walk around a plastic approximation of the Mushroom Kingdom and pay way too many coins for some desserts shaped like Toad. But they kinda made a mistake with the area's most popular attraction, the Mario Kart ride: roughly half of Americans DON'T FIT IN IT! Buckley looks at the "waistline limits" set by the theme park, and wonders if Nintendo and other companies are too behind the times when it comes to catering to modern America.