Bonus #146 - AirBNB Doesn't Want You to Party (Extra Dose) (Patreon)
2022-11-08 17:01:01
Hey everyone, it's Bonus Dose day, and this is one of those "fun stories I would have liked to make fun of back in 2013, but might be a little too niche for a channel in 2022" types of videos that I really like making and that the algorithm really hates promoting, so instead you guys get them as bonus videos. Enjoy!
AirBNB is trying to crack down on people who rent places and throw parties, resulting in damages or homes not being ready to quickly turn around to rent to someone else. Buckley's having a hard time who to side with here... on one hand, entitled pricks wrecking people's homes are bad, but on the other hand... people who buy houses to run as AirBNBs because they want to run unlicensed, unregulated hotels can also eat it!