Bonus #109 - Volunteering at the Super Bowl (Extra Dose) (Patreon)
Hey everyone, it's Bonus day! A little behind the scenes on my creative process if you're interested: I actually made this video a week ago, and then made a couple minor edits to it on Monday night to include images from the actual event to make it look like I put this whole video together yesterday or hours after the game. All of my videos are made in such a way that I can make changes to them right up to the point of uploading, fairly quickly if I want to, without having to re-record entire sections or edit entire chunks of video. All that radio training payin' off! Alright, onto this video, which you might be saying "Buckley, you did a sports video LAST WEEK and I didn't want to watch that, TWO sports videos in a row?!" and let me assure you... this video has nothing to do with sports. Enjoy!
Every year, the Super Bowl draws a massive audience, and part of that is due to the halftime show, which gets people who have zero interest in Football to at least tune in for 15 minutes for the big event. And given the caliber of stars they get every year, the NFL must spend a small fortune on the entertainment. Right? WELL... not as much as you'd think. Especially if you think... any amount of money.