Bonus #107 - Kanye, Kim & Pete's Bermuda Love Triangle (Extra Dose) (Patreon)
Hey everyone, it's Bonus Dose day! Now, you probably thought "Oh Buckley forgot about us today, he's really slacking!" but I decided to delay this week's bonus video by a few hours on purpose because today's February 1st, and on the first of every month Patreon does its payment processing. In the past, this has caused the site to be laggy, to be slow to send out e-mails, to be generally unpleasant to visit, and so I felt it might be better to wait until later in the day when their system finishes up, so you wouldn't be affected by any of those issues. Anyway, on with the video!
Buckley looks at the inexplicable attraction women have to Pete Davidson (the originator of "BDE") and his most recent relationship with Kim Kardashian. Kanye's not taking it too well, threatening Pete Davidson in song and spreading rumors about his... health? Let's say that. Perhaps this group needs a certain legend to step in to help them...