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by Sashka

Welcome to another year, a year that is looking to be an exciting one for us here at DeeDee Inc... and for all of you following along with us. We've been continuing to work on Secretary and other projects and while we aren't ready to announce everything yet, we've got a start of the year update of what is ahead.

I. Secretary 1.0.0
Secretary 1.0.0 has been in testing pre-release and we've been actively hammering away at bugs, working on art, and filling in the last few bits of writing (including the most recent winner "Revising The Past" - which is already live on the discord pre-release version!). We are on track for the public release towards the end of January, which will bring the "core" story of the game to a conclusion, including a multitude of endings.

II. Mousepads
As previously discussed, we've put in the order for a batch of Antlers-themed mousepads, once we have them in hand we'll be taking orders and shipping those out for all you productive Secretaries out there to get clicking.

III. The As-Yet Untitled Next Game
With Secretary nearing its conclusion, we've begun working on what will be our next game. We'll be having a more detailed announcement later in January. We're keeping things a bit close to the chest, for now, but expect something in a thematically similar space to Secretary in regards to tone and content, but with a new setting and a bit more "game" in the gameplay. As the year moves forward we will transitioning efforts to this new game as we move forward and Secretary winds down.

IV. Secretary 1.0.1+
While Secretary 1.0.0 is a "complete" game... there's a few bits and bobs that never quite made it in. This includes a handful of scenes that were outlined without getting fully implemented, some side/alternate content that was hinted without being fleshed out, and a handful of quality of life general improvements that were procrastinated in favor of more pressing issues. Towards this end we will be continuing the bi-monthly Secretary releases for a couple more versions (while simultaneously working towards a first playable version of the next game). Included in this will be a few more backer-voted items, feel free to use the comments section on this post (or the always available suggestions channel on discord) to shout out anything that you were wishing had made it in.



Happy new year! Hoping Patreon is going to continue to be your supported platform

Maurice Conchis

Are we ever likely to get a female start to the game, post 1.0.0? :)


i don't think so... wouldn't that kinda go against the entire idea of the game?