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Username (online only): prerelease12
Password:  #12wurdemitgen0


If you find any bugs, please report them on the games Discord Server Patreon Bug section. Optimal would be if you also post a save game short before the bug or when it does happen. You can join the Server [here]. There is also a pinned post in the bug section where you can download the newest build.



am i the only one that's surprised that with all these mind control drugs we get access to, there isn't an option to turn the tables on Antlers?


or start altering bob/alex for that matter.


we even have a mechanism already in game: you can STOCKPILE pink pills and use them on other people. a few pills mixed with an alcoholic beverage=funtime. sprinkle a few in Antler's lunch every day. possibilities are endless.

Ahry Siss

True but all the writing, different scenarios and consequences from this... would be a lot on top. And there are many more things that could be added and improved on to give the player more freedom. But its a big piece of work to add everything so wouldn't hope for it. Maybe we can hope for it after the 1.0 release as an update.


You can share drugs with Alex, but in a limited manner.