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by Sashka:

In 0.9.0 there will be a new prostitution event where you take to the streets to attract customers at three different locations: a public park, outside nightclubs, and on a street near the bar. (Suggestions can be location-specific, or just focused on the client/event). We will curate all suggestions and run a follow-up poll to see which ones get written and added.

Details by Deedee:

So this poll is like the Cosplay Poll more open for suggestions, so anyone can post ONE RATIONAL SIZED suggestion in here. This thread will be closed on Wednesday, the 18th of January, 23:59 CEST.



Thanks, if you wanted to flesh out ideas for any of the locations/characters a bit more, it would help inspire my writing/capture votes in the next round.


I suggest that our hero go to the park, and be taken there by the mounted police. They take her back to their base and lock her inside the stable as punishment for the night. But once there, we discover that one horse has a particular sexual interest and the player is given the choice of doing nothing or spurring the horse on to a final scene where the PC is completely drenched/covered and also "drunk" (like having filled her tummy to to the brink) with horse sperm. This should count points to humiliation or any other path you might think about.


Mrs. Antlers might end up tying MC in a humiliating situation while preventing MC from other clients (keeping highly aroused without release). Alternatively, there could be a parody of certain movie, where a rich man is looking for a trophy-wife and adds to feminisation of MC (trading manhood for trinkets).


My silly suggestions are; At public park, - park bench - wooden picnic table - dog walking field Outside nightclubs, - old school rock club/ biker bar - dance club - posh/ fancy/ expensive wine bar On a street near the bar, - tied to a lamppost/ sign - behind a bin - end of alleyway/ up against a fence Three clients: - blindman and his dog - the angry drunk* - Mr. Horn *My thinking for is anger/ frustration is due to him being a lab tech under Dr Twig (who i can see him treating this poor bloke like rubbish). It would mean he has access to some of the labs drugs to bring with him