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Another poll in the books, and it looks like our "junior" colleague is a feminized dude with exaggerated, anime-esque proportions, including packing the "full menu" downstairs. It seems that they've taken their abundant enthusiasm for their job VERY seriously!

The senior colleague will be requiring the player to earn their key (which they can, of course, refrain from using if they choose) by "doing some service" - I'll be writing this scene today.

For the final poll on this topic it's time to decide what sort of task the MC is going to require before turning the chastity key over to this new acquaintance. Note: to allow for some choices in-game, the top ~3 results here will be options in play.

Nothing: Being an employee of Social Interaction Service Syndicate Inc. can be hard; you don't want to make it any harder. Just hand over the key with no strings attached.
Make them beg: Nothing too hard, just make them beg for the key for a bit first.
Freedom is pain: If they want the key, they need to bend over your knee for a nice spanking first.
Keeping it green: Have them eat our your ass.
Hierarchies: If they want freedom, they need to show service: have them act as your personal slave for an hour or so while you lounge on the beach.
Unlocking the pantry: You'll let them out... But once you do you want a taste of the two-course meal they've got locked away.
Joyride: You'll let them out, but only if they let you go for a ride...
The full tour: You'll let them out as the conclusion of your 3-hole tour of their holes (note: requires either you already unlocked + have penis, or you will use a strap-on)
Chaste is best: Refuse to unlock them, "for their own good."



everyone is skipping over the first 5 options it seems


I need them ALL!


kind of makes sense seeing as how at this point the MC will be pretty submissive