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It is time to figure out, how the interaction with the Community character (the Public Relation Sissy... err... Secretary Ezrabeth Prissy).

Encounter 3:
Mrs. Prissy has heard of some of your "struggles" at the company and thought you could benefit from taking a trial run through a new employee orientation she has helped design; Requestion to borrow you for the afternoon to show off some of the wonderful opportunities provided by Social Interaction Service Syndicate:

a) check out robotics division where they're working on the ultimate in realistic "companions" for work or home... "companions" that are full featured and anatomically correct...
b) check out the apparel division where they're working with some advanced materials that transform so you can go from the office to the club with the push of a button. Seeing you in this hot new number may spur the design team to test how "durable" their creation is in the field...
c) check out the entertainment division where they're working on the latest VR systems, enter a virtual simulation demo and experience the latest "full body" haptic feedback...



Now if Option A involved getting confused for one of the new products, now that could be interesting...


Yes, becoming one of those Companions sounds nice

Raven Night

I could also see "option A" leading into something with Aiko after you get her home but ie Live in Robo Dom