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So, turns out had a bug due different Tweego Story Format files (which was my fault). This has been fixed as well as a few others which popped up in the time between.

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Also, the survey posted a short while ago gave back some results, which where edited into readable form thanks to Sashka. Without further ado:

Customer Feedback

So thank you everyone who took the time to fill out the survey - we're crossed the 850 response count as I was writing this and... yeah, it's been great to get a bit more insight into overall game feedback (and if you want to make your voice heard/ask questions we try to read everything that happens here, on the forums and discord and reply as we can).

Before we get into some results we'd like to note some immediate action: after reviewing responses we did some tweaks and made some small additions to 0.7.11 based on the survey feedback. This isn't to say there aren't more survey-inspired things coming, this is just a handful that were small enough/made sense to fit in at this point. So, thanks to YOU we can announce the following features have been added to 0.7.11:

  • Note next to link when gym bimbo/swolebro/martial arts unlock until you take them at least once
  • If you fail the maid test due to insufficient heels skill you'll get a hint to checkout the gym + said class will unlock (if you have unlocked the gym)
  • Significantly reduced the frequency of the mall "elevator" event
  • Option to permanently disable the manager water sports random event
  • If an autosave exists (game autosaves at the start of each day), the Game Over screen presents the option to revert to such point
  • You can now thank your manager for "helping" with your bedroom remodel
  • There are now additional bedroom remodel options (text only, no art)
  • There is a new "impatient" mode available in the options, this should remove all time delays from therapy, etc.
  • If you are at a max threshold you can now get a "hint" as to the next threshold
  • New "cheat" option for 10x xp gain
  • Fetish flag to replace certain words in the game
  • The prostitute character gets renamed if you disable the word "Sissy"
  • Better guidance at poker game on how to play without buy in
  • Streamlined inspections in stage 2 and 3 if you go 3+ days in a row without screwing up
  • Player can now permanently give up their chastity key, starting in stage 3 (standard 4 fem_style unlocks, money is not presently obtainable except via 9001)

total of ~2500 words and 6 new passages of content added to 0.7.11 so that it now sits at 69k k words (nice), and 232 passages

Now, on to some per-question results:

General Feedback:

1) How far into the game have you played? - 63% of you answered that you had done significant content in stage 3, which means that the survey tilted towards the more hard-core players (not a particular surprise)

2) Have you replayed the game? - 93% of you had restarted (with the majority of those restarting for new versions), further re-enforcing the point from 1... and indicating that the game packs replay value, which is good to hear

3) Which of the four progression styles do you prefer? Some interesting results here - almost an exactly even split of 27% each for obedient and voluntary, with "a mix" edging out as the most common 30%, bad girl came in at 10% with greed the least popular at 4%. The follow-up feedback showed that there is significant demand for a more "brat" focused playstyle, as well as some for a less "conflicted" version. We have already considered the brat style and it + a possible more "enthusiastic" style are now on our radar/may show up in future polls.

4) Approach to Sex - Pretty even split of just shy of 30% each wanting to be forced into things vs. actively seeking out, with 20% wanting "reluctant" and 16% of you wanting to be seduced. There was also a LARGE number of custom responses, mostly describing mixtures or preferences re: gender

5) Sexual preference: 68% responded sex with everyone, 20% preferred women, and 6% preferred men (with the remainder "custom" being further thinly slicing preferences) - this is about as expected/what the game intends, it's possible we may drill into this further in future polls to allow players to shape their preferred content; such is potentially a fair amount of reworking though, so no promises.

6) Experimental Therapy Content: 85% of you had accepted multiple events, 4% either haven't experienced, or avoided this content. No major surprises here, the overall intent is for this content to be "optional" though, as the game is in progress, some of the alternate unlocks for skills do not yet exist.

7) Obligatory Experimental Therapy: 72% of you wanted this as an option and, good news! It has already been added to 0.7.11

8) Obligatory Drug Content: 65% of you wanted this as an option and, good news! It has already been added to 0.7.11

9) Other drug comments: it would seem that the drug content is a bit tricky to find, hopefully the 0.7.11 option will help with this, but we'll think about adding some additional hints so that it isn't missed by those who might be interested.

10) Chastity content: 49% of you have reached the "peak" of in-game chastity w/the 9001 device, with another 27% having been upgraded. No major surprises here given that chastity is so entwined with the overall game structure.

11) Chastity preferences: 40% of you want things to be even harsher than they are, with a surprising 21% wishing for no chastity at all. The size of this latter group is surprising, and we will continue to think about it going forward, such changes would be... very expansive. As to "harsher" note that we have already added the option to permanently give up your key in 0.7.11 (which has the standard 4 greed/voluntary/bad girl/obedient options), and will keep it in mind for future tuning.

12) RPG Group content: 58% have done at least one playthrough. The idea of rewards on non-succubus paths is taken to heart and we'll try to think of things. The length of the campaign was raised but there isn't really a clean solution to such, and I think part of the problem is that the rest of the game isn't as "far along." Also note that once the first playthrough is complete subsequent "runs" play out over a single night. Further RPG content is something we want to do, but it will come down to time/inspiration/patreon preferences.

13) Gaming: It looks like some of the progression here is confusing, plus notes that it's a bit thin. We have further plans for gaming content, so it will be expanded/we'll incorporate feedback... but when that will work into the schedule remains TBD.

14) Gym Content: 6% of you were unaware of the existence of the gym at all, we've added some more hints/pushes to help unlock this important location. Note re: some of the "end" grind that there's another block of Gym Content yet to go in that will "finish" stats up to 20 and add a "Miss Hard Pump" Contest as well as a martial arts tournament.

15) Maid Content: Y'all like being maids... The biggest feedback here was "more" - in particular wanting the opportunity to clean for some combination of your friend/therapist/boss. The core of the game is always going to be on being Secretary... but we will keep an eye out for where more maid options make sense.

16) Prostitution: 84% of you use the gloryhole frequently... Which matches with "more prostitution" content being a runner-up in every patreon poll that it has appeared in/only ever losing to eventual winners. I'd say this points towards 0.7.13 being prostitution focused... but it will, once again, be up to patrons to decide.

17) The After-work Party: 25% of you haven't gotten to this point (a bit weird against the 83% having gotten deep into stage 3 from the first question. The main feedback here is that things feel a bit sparse and in some cases unintuitive. Note that what you wear around your neck (collar/necklace/collar with ring) can greatly affect what content is available to you... but it sounds like we need to work on making that more clear in-game. There will continue to be more party content added (we already have one major event written and ideas for a few more) as the "work" side of content moves forward.

18) Other content/flags: the ones that showed up multiple times were cum, pink clothing, and content with men. All three of theses would represent substantial effort to make optional and thus would be up to patrons for us to divert effort to do such.

19) Bad Ends: a surprising 27% of you have never seen bad ends, with another 43% who avoid them. This was a little surprising/disappointing given that we try to get creative with the various bad ends... yet only 8% of respondents actively search them out.

Character feedback:

1) Unsurprisingly 40% chose your manager as their favourite, with 30% picking the tech Wizard. Of the remainder 12.5% went for your psychiatrist, 8.6% for the AI, 5.8% for your friend and only 1.8% for your poor landlord. The overall spread here isn't particularly surprising, and also correlates fairly closely to the total content related to the character + the general preference seen elsewhere in the survey of women > men

2) Romantically it was close to a 3-way split between "everyone", "multiple" and 1 character/playthrough. The plan is to support the first two options with no character being "required" to be romanced (though you may still need to interact with/make friends with them platonically to get the better endings)

3) Relationships: 50% of you want to sub 31% want to switch and another 10% want to switch based on the gender of their partner... no real surprises here and tracks with general game plan.

4) Your Manager; 63% of you want to be her slave, 25% just enjoy working and 5% want to destroy her (with most of the "other" responses being most specific ways they wanted to be with her). Overall as to be expected, and matches her being the "primary" driving force of the game. As to the 2.5% who want to avoid her... I'm glad you're enjoying the rest of the game but... I have bad news...

5) Your Old Friend: Easily the most "varied" response with no single answer breaking 30% consensus and 5 different choices > 10%. nothing too surprising, and we'll continue to offer options with him so that hopefully everyone is ~happy.

6) The Tech Wizard: 87% of you want to get with her in SOME fashion, with close to half preferring to sub to her, then the remaining preferences being girlfriend, switch, her subbing to you. This, too, matches with current plans and we've already planed out + written quite a bit of content for her for future releases.

7) Your Landlord: 64% of you want to be his subby maid (and another 17% just want to work as a maid)... which I think is combining two things (wanting to be a maid and wanting to be with him) together to make this one of the nosier responses... We have definitely heard the "more maid!" cry and will have to wait for another poll to get better insight into him as a character.

8) Your Psychiatrist: 68% of you want to do everything she asks, with another 18% doing experimental therapy. Note that 0.7.11 is therapist-focused so... hopefully those of you who enjoy the lovely Dr. will find more content you enjoy.

9) The AI: 36% of you want to be drones, with almost all of the rest doing missions for some reason or another. A scant 1% want to destroy her. There is more AIKO content coming, but the structure of it means that such a release will only be ready to go in once stage 4 is unlocked.

10) Secondary characters: 40% chose Candy as your favourite, another 22% voted your Ex, and only Luna (the Punk girl from the RPG group) managed 10%, the rest being single digits. That said your ex-gf dominated the "more content" poll, followed by Candy and the barkeeper.

11) Candy: 37% of you want to be like her, 37% of you want to know more about her, only 5% avoid her entirely. More content with her is coming, and your questions will all be answered (such content requires stage 4 before it becomes available in patreon polls)

12) Dr. Twig: a polarizing character, though less negatively-perceived than I would have imagined. 30% want him to mould them and only 10% want to destroy him, with another 37% working for him for various reasons. Much like the landlord I think interests may have dirtied the data... but there is some more "nurse work" coming in 0.7.11 and he will remain a significant secondary character as the plot advances.

13) Mr. Pawn: The big bad of the game and 40% of those of you who have met him want to serve him (35% destroy, 19% avoid)... This was one of the most surprising results, to be honest, but we have heard the passionate sub-group interested in him and there will be a "Pawn" path available as an offshoot/side ending for those who like that sort of thing.

14) The Bartender: 42% of you want to work for her, 45% want to spend more time with her... clearly one of the more "underserved" characters in terms of content vs. interest, but there are things written, it's just a matter of them being prioritized for a release.

15) Your Ex: 40% of you want to make friends, 22% to get back together and 16% revenge... with more "custom" answer on this question than for any other by a factor of two. This character has always been a bit... divergent in that the original game design was to subvert genre clichés and make her a bit of a red herring/minor character. That said, there are some future plans for her, so keep an eye out.

16) Co-workers: Very diverse optioning here with Achieng taking 33%, Erich/Erica and Lisa Soto both breaking 20%. I imagine that Ezrabeth (the patreon-voted coworker) will move up a bit once she has more content - her art is looking great and stay tuned for more patreon polls to determine how her scenes progress!

17) Work managers: The manager of development took a clear win at just shy of 1/3 of voters, Discipline ad 23%, Harassment at 20%, Nintendolls at 16%, and Retention trailing at 8%. No real surprises her and fans of "development" can rest easy that the "class" that has been hinted at is written and waiting as a major portion of stage 4.

18) Other comments: Common "other" feedback were issues related to progression being confusing or not even realising certain content existed, we're taking some steps to help in this regard both in-game and through the wiki - stay tuned. Overall feedback here was very positive and we thank you all for taking the time both to play, and to tell us your thoughts - we will read them all and take inspiration where we can.



Regarding chastity cages: I'd be curious about the overlap of players who don't like it and have also played around with one in real life. Personally I think they're both overused as a mechanic, and they aren't something you should be wearing at all times. It's not possible to properly clean yourself and nothing smells worse than an improperly cleaned penis. They can be fun in the right situations, but "I've decided to lock you away (or lock myself away) permanently" is just so overdone I can't help but roll my eyes when the cage comes out these days.


Wow, thanks for the very detailed post, the future of the game seems promising, keep up the good work, (and the good art)


Oh, one bit of feedback I forgot to put in the survey was I wish the actual talk therapy sessions were more frequent (or optionally more frequent). With more content being added there are so many subjects, I'll sometimes be in stage 2-3 before I've even talked about "the demasculinization of your clothes" or other really early topics.

Raven Night

quick question are either of the outfits in that pic in game?


I think my overall feedback is to make things more clear/obvious and easy to understand, plus add hints to most things. It would be great if the Wiki was fully expanded and actually had a proper walkthrough/guide in it. The Wiki could also do with having ALL the info about characters and routes, just with some hidden behind spoiler tags, as most people who check the Wiki are already looking for more info/help and/or are trying to plan out their perfect playthrough and have no problem with spoilers and most who do have a problem don't check the Wikii in the first place but just play the game.


Thank you very much for sharing this information with us. Undoubtedly it will be a while before another survey like this comes along but your response to the results has informed me what kind of feedback you're looking for.

Emilie-Jessica Lawson

I'm pretty sure this is gonna make me look stupid, but... There's a wiki for the game?!?! o.O Dang that could've been useful to know a few gameplay ago :(


Unfortunately, it is rather lacking in information and is somewhat difficult to navigate, but yes there is a wiki, here's the link: https://sites.google.com/view/secretary-game-wiki/home/

Emilie-Jessica Lawson

OMG! That's still better than trying to blindly stumbling on a way to play and then never be able to figure out what you did to get to where you are ;)


We're working to get the wiki more up-to-date and usable, unfortunately it's a large game, and thus a large undertaking. Until then (and in general), if you have specific questions I recommend the discord, I'm usually around/there are others that can often help.


One should remove chastity devices regularly for cleaning (I think daily is a good idea), apart from that extended wear is not a problem if one has a high quality and well fitting cage. It's quite a disturbance when sleeping, but that is pictured. This game is still a very fictional (which often takes some suspension of desbelive) and there a many aspects that are much more unrealistic. For example, take the 24/7 availability for anal: This is only achievable in scat-free way, when doing many regular enemas. Or the pill that lead to instant breast growth. One could add a cage-cleaning scene to the daily checkup, or mention at one point that through some marvel of technology, modern chastity devices ensure that the genitalia always stay fresh. I myself am prepared to believe that the game plays in a universe, where genitalia are always clean and people don't have to poop.