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Development of went along quite nicely, so the official release might be just around the corner (mostly because of my sickness, this time the artists had time to catch up :D). So here's what to look forward to! This update is mostly about everyone's favourite Tech Wizard, so she got an updated character portrait (and maybe a few more).

Let's get technical

  • Develop your relationship with that cute girl from IT
  • A new 1 on 1 roleplaying campaign!
  • Take charge or submit, this relationship is all up to you!  

The reason attendance is so consistent...

  • Discover what happens to naughty players that fail to meet their commitment to showing up to RPG sessions...
  • additional consequences for showing up to game with "gamer smell."

Let's take this online... 

  • Pickup the latest MOBA game all the cool people are talking about (also, the Tech Wizard really likes it)
  • Endure PUGs or play with a friend as you work on you skills and get those unlocks!
  • Three different character classes to choose from!  

The Peak of Perfection

  • New maid café event to unlock the maximum value for heels skill

Sissy In Charge?

  • Dip your toe into taking on a dominant role... 

Let's go to the mall!

  • New random events in the mall, and in its restrooms...  

50350 words, 158 passages



That sounds great, thanks! Just one thing... to tel the truth, nothing EVER happened to me in mall's restroom. What am I doing wrong? Or will these events appear in this update for the first time?


random events in the mall bathroom are an addition for this update, they did not previously trigger