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She thinks she shouldn’t be arrested because she has daddy issues



It’s because no one takes responsibility for their own actions. Everyone has been taught to blame someone else. I’ve watched a lot of these interactions, and it’s always something. I’m driving with an open container right beside me. It’s because my mom was mean to me. My license is revoked but I’m driving because I want to. But it’s revoked because of the mean cop that pulled me over before.

Matthew The Celt

Man... that perp with dad-issues & shit SURE seems comfortable dumping her problems onto the VERY SAME motherfackers lap, into which she was JUST sharting! The BALLS on that lady... Fack-a-doodle-DOO, & the ENTITLEMENT!!! Like, "I have issues, & if this gets TOO REAL, you need to go easy on me, even IF I caused this whole atrocity..." just dayumn...