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Today JR we’re going back 30 years ago to discuss your first Royal Rumble…Royal Rumble 1994!

We’re coming off Survivor Series 1993 - and that would be the second pay-per-view for Radio WWF. JR - what did it all take to get the WWF to produce the shows for the radio?

Was it something Vince was into or did it take some convincing?

Did you do the PPVs for Radio WWF because it was your idea and your baby?

November 1993 was a month of changes and happenings within the WWF. Joe Fowler left the company. He was hosting the “Face to Face” localized house show promo segment on each syndicated show for all the different markets, taking over from Mean Gene when he left in September (and Mean Gene hated doing these which partially led to him leaving).

Jim, you would then took over hosting these segments when Fowler left and was doing them all between Survivor Series and Royal Rumble. What do you remember of the transition period in the company?

Did you enjoy doing these promos?

Speaking of transitions in time - Jerry Lawler has legal issues in November and that means he can’t be on TV. Bruce Prichard as Reo Rogers replaced Lawler on the first week of Superstars. Did you see Bruce doing a bad Dusty Rhodes as Reo Rogers?

From that point forward - Stan Lane is brought in as his replacement. What did you think of the work Stan did with Vince on Superstars?

Do you think it could’ve been you & Vince on Superstars?

The fallout of the Survivor Series is not just about what took place in the ring - it was took place the day before…Vince McMahon was indicted on November 23rd in Brooklyn. Vince pleaded not guilty and was released on $250,000 bond with a trial date set for May 2nd, 1994. Jim - did you know this was coming?

What did you think of working for Vince while under federal indictment?

Now the storyline fallout is the issue with Owen Hart being the only Hart eliminated in the Hart Family vs Shawn Michaels and the Knights match. The story of Bret & Owen being the brothers who are trying to make it work - it’s a really compelling storyline is it not?

There’s been talk from Bruce and Jerry Jarrett about who put the story together of these two. Do you know the answer to that?

Also coming out of the Survivor Series - the tease of a Yokozuna - Undertaker story between the World Champion and the Dead Man sets up as a casket match at the Royal Rumble and a lot of the build is based around Undertaker building a supremely big casket to fit Yoko. This is Undertaker’s return to the main event scene for a Title shot for the first time since his program with Hulk Hogan. Taker and Yoko was quite the compelling story wasn’t it?

Also coming out of the Survivor Series - the WWF rules that there was only going to be one Doink going forward … and it leads to Dink. Did we really need a smaller Doink?

Bobby Heenan finishes up with the WWF on the first Raw in December and leaves the company, and is memorably kicked out of the building by Gorilla. Were you surprised to see Heenan leave?

This would lead to you making your first Monday Night Raw appearance - taped before the Rumble and to air after the show. Were you again surprised that Vince didn’t want you on the main TV show?

Bobby’s final appearance on Wrestling Challenge with Jim Ross was on December 5, and Gorilla would replace Bobby going forward on that show along with JR. This led to a unique time where there was no heel color commentator on the syndicated shows for a few months which had been the norm for years at this point. You’re also hosting Radio WWF during this time - were you excited for the challenge of not working with a heel on the syndicated shows?

The New York Daily News reported that Hulk Hogan was the unidentified WWF performer known to the grand jury who allegedly was supplied anabolic steroids from Titan Sports & Vince McMahon. This had to be known in the industry that this was coming right?

There was a lot of television publicity in the wake of McMahon's arraignment, particularly on numerous local NBC newscasts which featured an interview with Tully Blanchard where he stated that the look Vince wanted of his wrestlers, which is skin stretched over cinder blocks is a look you can only get from steroids. He said when he was there the company tested for cocaine but anything else went. He said that was a problem for him because he enjoyed cocaine. Blanchard said that because they brainwashed a generation of kids, he prays to God every night that someone takes the business down, which came off as a very strong statement. What do you remember of the publicity and what Tully said here?

The annual Thanksgiving show at MSG drew 12,700 and $220,000 at the gate. That seems to be an encouraging number for business does it not?

The pre-sale for the Royal Rumble was not like the Survivor Series was. The Survivor Series was built around one of the last big shows at the Boston Garden and almost sold out instantly. The show at the Providence Civic Center though only sells 2500 tickets on the first day of the sale. Was it being in Rhode Island too much for that area at the time?

Madusa debuted as Alundra Blayze and won the WWF Women’s title in the final of an almost fictitious tournament, where only the final match was acknowledged, where Madusa defeated Heidi Lee Morgan.

This is the WWF re-introducing the women’s title for the first time since 1989. What did you think of the idea of a woman’s division at that time?

Jeff Jarrett’s debut vignettes are airing and in those videos are Tony Falk, Miss Texas aka Jacqueline, Ronnie P. Gossett. Jerry Jarrett becoming involved with the company while Jeff is starting to get promoted on WWF TV - do you think Jeff felt the heat of that at the time?

From the Observer

“Former wrestling legend Edouard Carpentier filed a $127,000 lawsuit against Titan Sports in Quebec Superior Court on 11/26. Carpentier, 66, is claiming wrongful termination. He handled the French commentary on the WWF's syndie shows from December 7, 1984 through October 27, 1992. Titan, in the letter firing him, claimed he was negligent, incompetent and disinterested in the product and claimed he was offered $1,669.20 in severance pay but then never received it. Carpentier is asking for $52,868.70 as his salary for the 14 months remaining on his contract when he was fired, $25,000 for defamation, $25,000 for age discrimination and $25,000 in punitive damages. Raymond Rougeau has handled the French announcing since Carpentier was dropped.”

Any dealings with Edouard Carpentier in your time at the company?

There’s some great TV matches at the time, you got Razor Ramon beating Diesel, Shawn Michaels beating 1-2-3 Kid - was this the beginning of the formation of the Kliq?

Also debuting at the time is Thurman Sparky Plugg - what did you think of Bob Holly when you first saw him?

From the Observer

They also seem to be doing a "900 line scam of the week." Last week they asked fans to vote if Randy Savage should be allowed back as a broadcaster, which set up him co-hosting WWF Mania. This week they were asking fans to vote to give Jack Tunney input on whether or not Lex Luger should be allowed in the Royal Rumble, which is a total scam since that decision was made in the office months ago.

What do you think of these “scams?”

Lou Albano reappears on WWF TV as well. What did you think of the company bringing him back at the time?

From the Observer

“There is apparently a major feud going on with Gene Okerlund and Jesse Ventura with Jim Ross. Okerlund made some sarcastic remarks about Ross on the Hotline although nothing serious, but Ventura has gone a lot deeper on television including this past weekend on World Wide asking about whatever happened to the fat Oakie and then made a remark about him broadcasting shows that have midgets dressed up as clowns.

Like Ventura has never broadcasted on a show that had a midget dressed up like a shark trying to blow up a boat. Ross on his WWF radio show called Ventura overrated and made comments about Dusty Rhodes' weight, which was equally ironic.”

JR - what was going on at the time with Okerlund & Ventura?

Why fire back on the radio show about Dusty?

One of the other major angles is Lex Luger entering the Royal Rumble as his way of getting around his one title match loop hole against Yokozuna. Did the WWF miss the boat on Lex and was his chance already blown by this point to be a draw or top guy?

The Raw ratings are rather strong. On December 27th - on a show that goes head-to-head with Starrcade - yes pay-per-views aired on Monday - draws a 2.9 rating. That’s quite impressive looking back at it now isn’t it?

The Rumble build is really just based around the Rumble itself, and four matches. The one being built up that doesn’t take place is Ludvig Borga taking on Tatanka. Borga gets an ankle injury and would never wrestle for the WWF again. What did you think of Ludvig Borga and his run in the WWF?

Owen & Bret are going towards a tag title shot at the Quebecers after making up following their falling out at Survivor Series - but there’s quite the story that takes place two straight weeks in a row on Raw. The 1-2-3 Kid & Marty Jannetty win the tag titles from the Quebecers before dropping them back a week later at MSG - while the WWF is airing Raw. These are some of the first title changes on live cable TV isn’t it? This is new ground for the WWF right?

They would also celebrate the one year anniversary of Monday Night Raw with Randy Savage and IRS getting into it with a cake getting smashed into IRS’ face. One year of Monday Night Raw - is that something you wish you could’ve been a part of?

Curt Block was hired as VP of Media Relations. Any memories of Block you can share with us?

From the Observer

Rumor had it that there would be a confrontation between wrestlers and Vince McMahon at the tapings this week. The wrestlers are mad about SummerSlam payoffs (reportedly $5,000 to $10,000) and about the frequent flyer miles being switched starting the first of the year from the wrestlers to the company, all coming just a short time after the wrestlers had been assured that the company was having no financial problems. The company does pay for the plane tickets so one would think the company has the right to the frequent flier miles, although the wrestlers had considered it one of the perks of working there that when they were off they'd have free tickets to take their families or send friends on vacations.

Did you ever hear about these issues?

From the Observer

John Studd was a guest on Jim Ross' radio show this past weekend. Word we're told is that Pat Patterson is going to take a look at Studd & Ron Reis as a tag team called "The Giants of Wrestling."

John Studd would never return to the WWF and sadly passed away 14 months after this. What did you think of Studd?

Also debuting was Kwang - TNT from Puerto Rico. What did you think of the future Savio Vega - and the gimmick Kwang?

Sgt. Slaughter would work MSG in a one-off house show Royal Rumble, won by Owen Hart - did you think you’d see Sgt. Slaughter back in the WWF in the ring in 1994?

What do you think of a Rumble match being used as the main draw for a MSG house show in the same week as THE Royal Rumble we are trying to sell on PPV?

We’re at the show now Jim - and the show draws 200,000 buys compared to 1993 which drew 300,000. Is this just the after effect of Hulk Hogan not being in the company?

From the Observer

The Royal Rumble came just days after the WWF drew a 3.6 rating for Monday Night Raw which made it the highest rated show for the week of any kind on cable television-- the first time in many years a pro wrestling show has occupied that spot. Raw has generally finished between No. 10 and No. 15 in the weekly ratings with its highest previous finish in the cable ratings being No. 4. It was the highest rated non-special cable show in more than one year and an all-time record for the 53-week old show.

That’s a big deal isn’t it JR?

From the Observer

This was also the sleaziest PPV in history, although the trend it started is likely to continue from both promotions. While plugging the 900 line during big shows has been going on for years in both WWF and WCW, this was the first show where it appeared the main emphasis after simply getting the customer's $24.95 or $29.95, was to then get as much more money as possible before the end of the show, and then work a main event finish designed mainly to lead to the latest phone scam of the week. Whether it was desperation or greed, it reeked of both. It's one thing to give the viewer at home a chance to hear something they can't, ie "exclusive interviews" or "a chance to talk to a star" by paying extra. It is another to withhold key storyline information unless they pay extra to receive it. It is yet another to tell viewers they can vote for something and that their vote is part of an election to determine how the storyline is written when in fact the vote has no determination as to a storyline that had already been written well before anyone asked them to vote.

Listen JR - we’ll discuss the finish of the Royal Rumble later on - but the line did amazing business. Do you consider this sleazy?

We’re going into the 10th WrestleMania - and Meltzer would go on to say that it would be it might be the lowest buy rate in history for a WrestleMania. It would be the first without Hulk Hogan. Did you have that feeling as well?

Tickets for the show in Providence ended up going faster as closer to the show it went - and it would sell out with a legit 14,500. But the show opens with Ted DiBiase debuting as a color commentator for the Rumble. What did you think of Ted in the spot with Vince on the show?

You’re on Radio WWF for the show - but you would take the Razor vs. IRS match. Who made that decision on what match you got to broadcast on the pay-per-view?

What does doing one match on the pay-per-view do to you. Upset you or you’re just happy to run the play that’s called?

A while back we exclusively released the audio of you & Gorilla calling the first two matches over at AdFreeShows.com. Be sure to check that out!

From the Observer

1. Tatanka pinned Bam Bam Bigelow with a flying body press off the top rope in 8:12. Tatanka was minus the red stripe in his hair. Apparently the die job was causing too rapid hair loss. Some good spots by Bigelow. A little too much in the way of restholds for an 8:00 opener and the timing on the high spots was a little off. Bigelow pulled out a Vader trick, missing a moonsault to lead to Tatanka's finisher. *¾

I recently discussed Tatanka’s WWF career with Bruce - and it’s a fascinating insight. What did you think of the run of Chris Chavis?

From the Observer

2. Quebecers kept the WWF tag titles beating Bret & Owen Hart in 16:48. The first 7:00 saw the Harts dominate. It was Bret's turn to sell, but it was short-lived because he got the hot tag to Owen at 9:00. Owen after some aerial moves got Jacques in the sharp shooter 30 seconds later, but Pierre made the save and Owen was worked over for about a minute before the hot tag to Bret. As Bret was about to come off the ropes, Johnny Polo opened up the ropes and Bret took a bump to the floor and started selling the knee great. Jacques hit the knee with a chair and later a broom as Owen distracted everyone else. Bret was actually out of the ring for nearly three minutes selling the knee with the count continually being interrupted. Finally Owen put Bret back in the ring. Pierre came off the top rope with a legdrop to the back of Hart's head but when they went for their double- team flip off the top finisher, Bret moved. Bret had the chance to tag Owen but instead went for the sharp shooter on Pierre but his knee couldn't hold the move. The referee then stopped the match ruling Bret couldn't continue. After the match Owen yelled at the fallen Bret and finally kicked his bad knee. Bret wound up doing a stretcher job with Stan Lane telling fans to call the hotline to find out his condition. Owen then did a backstage interview on the video wall broadcast while they were carrying Bret out calling Bret selfish. Owen is going to need a good manager to get over as a heel against anyone but Bret. ***¼

JR - this is one of the great all-time angles between Owen & Bret is it not?

The kicking the leg out of your leg is also a classic moment. Did you know how good Owen & Bret were going to be together?

Now the match you call on the pay-per-view - from the Observer

3. Razor Ramon kept the IC title pinning IRS in 11:30. Mainly restholds until the ref bump finish. IRS then went for the briefcase but Ramon got it from him and used it, but no ref to count the fall. Ramon gave IRS a backward superplex but the ref was still on the ground selling. Shawn Michaels then came out and hit Ramon with his IC title belt and the ref came to and IRS got the pin. Ref Earl Hebner then came out of the dressing room and told the original ref what happened and at this point Ramon got IRS in the Razor's edge for the pin. *½

These two worked together a lot during this time - what did you think Razor & IRS together though in the ring?

Do you think you could’ve got the drama of the Bret & Owen turn over more than just calling Razor & IRS on the PPV?

From the Observer

4. Yokozuna kept the WWF title beating Undertaker in 14:20 in a bizarre casket match. Yokozuna tried to use a chair but Undertaker got it and used it to Yokozuna's back and another to the head. Yokozuna then threw salt in the eyes and used the chair to the back and to the head. Yokozuna then tried to put Undertaker in the casket but he rose up. He immediately did a choke slam and DDT and tried to get Yoko in the casket but Crush ran in. Then Kabuki, Tenryu, Diesel, Adam Bomb, Head Shrinkers, Bigelow, Jarrett and just about every heel in the promotion came out. Somehow during this Mr. Fuji got the urn from Paul Bearer. I think Jim Cornette was vomiting during all this. Bearer got the urn back and hit Cornette and Fuji with it and Undertaker made a comeback against every heel in the promotion. The least they could have done was show the babyfaces dressing room door locked to explain why it was 10-on-1 with nobody coming to help. Finally Yokozuna got the urn from Bearer, KO'd him and Undertaker with it and opened it with a green smoke bomb special effect coming out. Bigelow, Samu and Fatu all came off the top on Undertaker and they got him in the casket and started wheeling him down the aisle. Then the music played and the lights went back out and on the video wall came a message from Undertaker, direct from inside the casket, largely saying that he was about to die but his spirit would live on forever and that eventually he'd be back. He then closed his eyes as if to "die" and the video showed the Undertaker's spirit leaving his physical body and a special effect showed him levitating in mid-air, and finally raising to the heavens, with his arms spread wide ala the crucifixion. *

I mean my goodness JR - what was all this…is this the silliest shit ever?

Now the Rumble…

There’s a ton of stories here that were told. Owen Hart’s debut as a heel which he puts Rick Steiner out which would be Rick’s last pay-per-view appearance for the WWF.

Then…it became the Diesel show. Bart Gunn, Scott Steiner, Owen Hart, Kwang, Bob Backlund, Billy Gunn, and finally Virgil. Diesel leaves this show as an over babyface - but man oh man that Diesel spot has become legend in the Rumble has it not?

When Diesel is thrown out the Shawn Michaels story is planted where he did nothing to help Diesel at that point. There were a lot of long term stories in the WWF at this point in time wasn’t there?

Lex Luger would come out - and he’s not exactly over. There’s a tease that Bret Hart couldn’t make the Rumble but when he does come out - the crowd explodes. Finally it comes down to Fatu, Shawn Michaels, Lex & Bret. Fatu is thrown out then Michaels and it comes down to Bret & Lex before 24 seconds later both take a bump out of the ring and there’s mass confusion.

JR - what did you think of the Rumble?

And the finish?

From the Observer

If nothing else, the 1994 Royal Rumble is going to be the subject of a lot of controversy and polarized views. The vehemence in the phone calls to the Observer was like no show in recent memory. Those who didn't like the show, which was a greater than two-to-one majority, hated it with numerous calls saying it was the worst PPV show of all-time and many remarks that they expected this to be a 100% thumbs down poll. Yet of those who gave it a thumbs up, very few gave it a marginal thumbs up and some thought it was one of the best PPV show ever. I guess it comes down to the debate of whether pro wrestling should be a worked sporting event with showmanship involved that one can attempt to suspend disbelief during, or that it is nothing more than a broadway show with oversized actors using a wrestling ring as a set.

What say you JR? Thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle?

From the Observer

Despite more money and more television time and more effort being spent to push Lex Luger as not only the next champion but the next Hulk Hogan, it just doesn't work. Sure, the guy gets the requisite babyface pop coming out of the dressing room. And truthfully, the ability to maintain heat during his matches (which Luger's headline matches at the arena lack) or decibel level of the cheering for him has probably little correlation to drawing power. But Luger is not a draw, which is the key point. Bret Hart is a better wrestler, which is a point nobody would argue. Hart is more popular, which is a factor in drawing but not an all-inclusive factor. The truth is, making Hart champion which seems to be the popular alternative to Luger won't make a difference at the box office. The difference in reaction to the announcements of who had won the Rumble (Luger got an initial pop drowned out by loud boos, Hart got all cheers) was apparent to everyone live, although with the music quickly cut off, it wasn't as apparent to the people watching on PPV. However, unless a change in plans is made immediately, and this is the key, WWF is going into Wrestlemania for the first time with the headline match not being the match the match people are dying to see.

This ends up being a great way to judge who the crowd really wanted more - but really - it was more an indication that the Lex Express just didn’t work did it?


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