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On this episode of Tuesday with The Taskmaster, Kevin Sullivan discusses topics including a 6-man Hell in a Cell, memorable receipts, holiday traditions, horse racing, Central State Wrestling and more!



william weiskopf

With Wrestlemania 40 in Philadelphia, do you think there will be any ECW Legends in this years HOF Class? If so…who?

william weiskopf

Kevin, we all know the famous story of Hiro Marsuda breaking Hulk Hogans leg to see if he was committed to the business and if he would come back. We all know he did and proved his toughness, but was he considered a ‘tough guy’ among the boys? During your many times working with him throughout the years, did you witness anyone ever confronting or testing hogan backstage? Just curious. You always hear some guys knocking hogan nowadays, but I don’t remember any stories of altercations involving Hogan. Was it fear of retribution from office…or was Hogan considered a tough guy?