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Note: Main topic begins at 41:30 mark. Enjoy!

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On this episode of 83 Weeks, Eric and Conrad discuss the incredible impact and career of television pioneer, Ted Turner. Eric shares stories of his time working for Turner, the first time he met him, and his admiration for the man that helped make WCW a household name.



Ron Ward

I'm not sure how much product placement I've seen in reality tv. In fact, I think I can remember them blurring it out more than anything. When was it that boxers started wearing ads on their back during a boxing match? That used to annoy the hell out of me because you could tell when a camera change was coming based on them doing everything they can NOT to shoot it.

Bobby KF5GTX

Another great episode! I think there should be a part two to cover the tons of questions that didn't make air... maybe an Ask Eric Zoom? Top Guys and Gals haven't gotten as many zooms with the hosts as we used to...