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The build for you becoming WWF Champion starts on the first Raw on TNN. Did the move from USA Network to TNN have any effect on you whatsoever?

Steve Austin has returned to the WWF and he opens the show with Commish Foley discussing the investigation into who hit him with a car. Do you know if you were ever considered to be the person who hit Austin with the car causing him to be out for almost a year?

Eventually Chris Benoit would come out asking for a title shot and then you would come out and announce you have forgiven Stephanie McMahon for what happened at Unforgiven and that she’s still your friend. You would cut a promo on Austin - and get stunned in response. When are you told you’d be wrestling for the WWF Title at No Mercy?

There was a backstage segment with Trish Stratus who was hitting on you but you didn’t really notice until she stuck the medals down her cleavage…you could probably sell those medals on eBay for a nice profit Kurt…

In the main event of that Raw - Rock would defend and retain his title over Chris Benoit but you & Benoit would lay out Rock & Triple H after the match. Stephanie would slap you in the face for beating up Hunter and you wouldn’t react but Benoit would by headbutting her and you’d leave with Benoit and not care about Stephanie. Were you sad to see the focus of you & Stephanie start to get phased out?

Do you know why that was?

On Smackdown in Pittsburgh you’d tell Mick Foley he’s doing a great job as Commish and that Mick is being fair minded and is also an eloquent dresser. You ask Mick for a match against Triple H for his hometown fans in the main event - but then call the Steelers a disgrace, the Pirates an embarrassment and that no one cares about the Penguins. And with so many of the fans in attendance tonight out on bail - they deserve nothing less than you in the main event. Who scripted your promos? Was it Brian Gerwitz because they’re some great stuff at getting heat in your hometown?

Later on you & Benoit get into it about his headbutt on Stephanie and Benoit calls you a clown and you ask Benoit if he’s the best wrestler in the business - where are his gold medals. It’s a very good point Kurt.

Foley would make a tag team main event of you teaming with Benoit to take on the Rock & Triple H. Is it a big deal to you to be facing off with two of the biggest stars in the company in your hometown?

You would end up getting the pin on the Rock with the Olympic slam and the building popped huge for you to get the win and even Stephanie was cheering for you. Did the Rock have any issues putting you over? What was he like to do business with at this time?

The next Raw from Washington, DC features the Rock offering you a title shot. Foley & Hunter would interrupt - then Benoit & Kane…then Rikishi…Kurt it’s a 25 minute promo. That’s just way too long isn’t it?

It would lead to you taking on Hunter for the #1 contendership for the WWF Title. Stephanie would come out after Hunter told her not to - but it would lead to Benoit threatening Stephanie and when Triple H went for the save - Benoit cracked him with a chair and you pinned him with the Olympic Slam to become the #1 contender. Do you think the Benoit - Hunter - Stephanie story muddled the win for you? I mean this is a big freaking deal as you like to say…

What is Vince saying to you at this time? Getting you ready? Prepped? Excited for you to get the title?

The next Smackdown is in Baltimore and you cut a promo about how you’re on quite the winning streak - defeating the Rock and Hunter in recent weeks - and it’s almost like Cal Ripken’s…except that yours will actually mean something because you’re going to end up on top and not washed up playing with losers. That sports heat is real heat isn’t it Kurt?

Stephanie would come out and help you defeat Rikishi & Too Cool when you teamed with Edge & Christian - but the real story is that Hunter told her to go home and Stephanie stayed to make sure you would win. Speaking of Edge & Christian…did they know you were expected to win the title? Did they give some props and were they happy for you?

You would thank Stephanie for her help as she’s leaving the arena and you offer to have her accompany yourself to the ring because she’s such an asset and Hunter is crazy to not see that. Stephanie shakes your hand and that she’ll think about it … what do you think the story could’ve been between you & Stephanie if it went all the way with her being your manager while you were champion?

Stephanie managed one person as a WWF champion - Chris Jericho - and there was always a lot of controversy about that story and how it all played out. What did you think of the Jericho - Stephanie - Hunter story into that WrestleMania?

The next Raw in October is the legendary Raw where Rikishi admitted he was the driver that hit Steve Austin. What did you think of Rikishi being the person who hit Austin and the reveal and the classic - I DID IT FOR THE ROCK?

You actually would team with Kane in a tag match against the Rock & Rikishi before the announcement was made that it was Rikishi and he would pin you after Kane turned on you. Seems kind of silly for you to take this pin doesn’t it?

The next Smackdown is in Los Angeles and you’re taking on Kane but before the match - Stephanie comes out and says she’ll be your new manager. Stephanie would help you get the win over Kane. Rock would main event taking on the Right to Censor’s Val Venis. What did you think of the RTC gimmick and that godawful music?

You would be out there for that match and you have such a great line on commentary: “If anyone who believed Rock wasn’t involved also probably believes OJ didn’t do it.” Rock would get the win but you would hit him with two Olympic Slams after the match.

You’re 2 weeks away from No Mercy at this point - how excited were you about getting the title? Were you calling family and making sure they were going to come out for the show?

In Detroit on Raw - Hunter would threaten you because of Stephanie and you would smirk in his face and eventually team with Edge & Christian to take on the Hardys & the Rock. The Hardys were really over at this team as a babyface tag team. You 6 in the ring were like the perfect combination weren’t you?

The crowd was electric and you would even get Lita involved with a hurancanrana on Christian before Rock would hit a Rock Bottom on you and Stephanie would save. Eventually Jeff Hardy would go up top but Stephanie would hit him with a tire iron and you would get the pin after an Olympic Slam. In these days - if heels went over on TV - after the show there would be a dark segment to send the fans home happy. Did you enjoy having to be out there when that was happening? Was it fun to goof off sometimes not in front of the cameras?

Smackdown is from Cleveland at the Gund Arena for the go-home and you come to go talk with Mick Foley but Hunter cuts you off and then Stephanie cuts you off. Did you ever feel upstaged by them in these segments?

There’s a four corners match scheduled between yourself, Benoit, Hunter & Rock on this SmackDown and you let Stephanie know you’re concerned about having her at ringside because you don’t trust Rock or Benoit - let alone her husband. Stephanie reminds you - it’s a business decision and that she’ll do the right thing. Hunter tells Stephanie the same thing and Stephanie says once again it’s a business decision - and Hunter reminds her who she’s going home with…was there enough focus for you on your soon to be quest to be champion?

You would get the win in the four way when Stephanie stops Rock from pinning you and you actually end up pinning Hunter and when Stephanie didn’t break it up…Hunter is pissed. I don’t know Kurt..almost seems like you’re a backdrop for all this - do you think so?

The show goes off the air with Benoit putting the cross face on Rock..and no focus on you. This isn’t something you’re upset about is it?

We finally arrive at No Mercy in Albany, New York. What are you like backstage? Nervous - or was this just another day at the office?

The show is built around Steve Austin’s first match back since his major neck surgery - do you think that overshadowed your title win?

Did you talk a lot with Steve about your various neck injuries?

This is some pretty funny stuff Kurt wasn’t it?

Fire up your Peacock and watch along with us…

Search for No Mercy…choose season 2 episode 1 - and fast forward to 2 hours - 15 minutes - and 26 seconds

From the Observer

Kurt Angle became only the second former Olympic gold medalist to win a major professional world heavyweight wrestling championship in the final match of the 10/22 No Mercy PPV from the Pepsi Arena in Albany, NY.

Only Henri DeGlane of France, the 1924 gold medalist in Greco-roman wrestling, who won the world title in the famous "battle of the bite" match on May 4, 1931 over Strangler Lewis in probably the second most historical World title change ever in Montreal, has both won a gold medal and a major world professional singles title.

Kurt - be honest do you know who Henri DeGlane is?

Angle, who captured the gold medal in the 1996 Olympics in freestyle wrestling at 220 pounds, was propelled in record time to the WWF title level. While Vince McMahon, with few matches under his belt, was recognized as champion, as far as serious wrestlers holding the belt, Angle, with two years in the business, and only one year as a major performer, had one of the quickest rises in history to ascend to what is the premier money championship in the business. Paul Wight, as The Giant, captured his first world title in WCW six months after his pro debut in 1996.

Kurt - this really is just a tremendous deal. Were you ready to be champion?

In a sense, Angle's win came across as more of a pawn of a show to involve the other key players, but the involvement of Stephanie McMahon, HHH and Rikishi was somewhat compensated by Angle, who had previously not been portrayed as a strong main eventer, putting an Olympic slam on both Rikishi and a weakened Rock at the finish of the match.

Do you think the win was tarnished by all the involvement of all these other players?

Angle's title win was guaranteed earlier in the day by Stephanie McMahon, who seemed almost the focal point of the show, almost as if she was a Von Erich daughter and the rest of the talent were the hired hands. But at the end, she was taken out of the picture, bringing out HHH to attack both Angle and Rock. HHH laid Rock out, but it wasn't enough for Angle to win. Rikishi then came out to attack Angle, but miscued twice, nailing Rock with a squash and a kick, which led to Angle laying both Rikishi and Rock out with his Olympic slam for the win.

Do you think Stephanie would’ve been managing you if you weren’t going to win the title? I mean she doesn’t put herself with guys aren’t in top spots right?

“8. Kurt Angle pinned The Rock in 21:01 to win the WWF title. This was announced as a no DQ match, which was because they were going to do tons of outside interference and put it over like Stephanie out thought everyone again. They showed HHH watching the match again with ice on his shoulder to get over the Benoit crossface spot, which is one of those little touches that makes the difference in moves getting over or not. It also guaranteed he'd be out before it was over.”

How do you go about putting this together? Was it you & Rock - was there an agent?

“ Rock threw Angle threw the set twice. Angle threw Rock into the speakers. Rock crotched Angle on the post and hit him with two chair shots. Rock used a dragon screw into a sharpshooter. Angle was tapping like crazy but no ref. Lawler then made the stupid comment of the night, saying the submission wouldn't count because it's a no DQ match.”

Did it matter to you that it was a no DQ match and there was a gimmick attached to it - or would you had rather had won it in a straight up wrestling match?

“Crowd was far more into this match than any of the others. Rock threw Angle into the ring steps, which may have busted Angle's eye as it was starting to swell pretty bad by the end of the match.”

Damn Kurt - that looked like it hurt. You’re just two months removed from SummerSlam and getting planted into the ground from that Pedigree - were you starting to worry about concussions?

“ Rock also bounced his head on the announcers table and spit water in his face. Rock blocked a belt shot after Stephanie threw the belt into Angle, and Angle blocked the rock bottom. Angle then hit the belt shot but Rock kicked out, although Angle hit him hard enough that Rock's head was busted open, which appeared to be hardway.”

Kurt - was it hardway? Did you get any shit for it by Rock?

“Angle hit a german suplex and at this point it was evident his eye had been busted. Angle missed a moonsault. He does a really nice looking one, but after Bob Holly, I don't know that anyone is going to lay there and take it, as he's only hit it once in his career and that had bad results.”

Were people refusing to take the moonsault?

“Rock got a great near fall with a float over DDT and did a belly to belly suplex and a spinebuster. Stephanie ran in to save Angle, but Rock gave her the rock bottom. He went to do the people's elbow on Stephanie, but Angle grabbed his leg to stop him.”

This is such a great spot is it not?

“HHH came out and attacked Angle, seeing as if anything happened to Stephanie, it was Angle's fault. HHH also gave Rock a pedigree, pulled Stephanie out and carried her to the back.”

Did you need the Triple H interference or do you think it helped?

“Rock kicked out of the pedigree and Rock hit a DDT for a near fall. Rikishi came out but at this point, Rock gave Angle a rock bottom and Angle kicked out. Rikishi went to squash Angle in the corner, but Angle pulled Rock in front and instead he squashed both guys, but more Rock selling it. Rikishi then went to kick Angle, but he moved and he kicked Rock. Angle did the Olympic slam first on Rikishi, which was a huge guy to do it to, then to Rock, and scored the pin to win the title, to a big face pop. ****¼”

It’s such a great reaction and had to really mean something to you didn’t it?

Were you happy with the match - the switch - and everything?

“He then mimicked his crying at the 1996 Olympic medal ceremony as he clutched the WWF title belt.”

Kurt - real tears of joy or did you do it on purpose?


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