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Robert, Scott, and Dan break down another Dynamite to see if they've got a dud. Plus, they look ahead to the next big WWE show - Crown Jewel!



Ron Ward

It's ironic scream came up during this. I've actually been thinking there's a similar thing going on with the devil mask. We assume it's one person and there could actually be two. I have to word this right. Think about all the subtle hints that were dropped during the WWF mega powers collide angle with Elizabeth. If AEW draws it out long enough and keeps the hints subtle enough, the reveal could be amazing if there's two of them. This is just an example, so ignore what's wrong with it. The guy in the devil mask gives somebody the GTS (hopefully without shockmastering his mask) and we assume it must be punk. Something then later goes down with somebody wearing the mask and Punk is on camera elsewhere. It can't be him. Turns out it's both Punk and MJF and they go on AEW's version of the two man power trip. Interest in this angle has been a little lackluster, so far. There's still hope for it if they do it right from this point forward.