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Let’s get into our topic - and it’s the continuation of our conversation of Dixie Carter. Please check out our first episode covering her last year in our archives over on YouTube!

Dusty Rhodes is running creative in 2005 - what was the relationship like with Dusty & the Carters - specifically Dixie?

You’re on FSN at this point in time - what is FSN’s relationship with TNA based around Dixie Carter? Was she a point of contact for Fox Sports Net?

There’s always been talk…conjecture…TNA is closing…the Carters are pulling the money. Did you ever hear that and talk to Dixie about that in 04/05?

Was that threat ever real?

From the Torch 4/30/05:

•Dixie Carter addressed the staff and crew of wrestlers before Lockdown on Sunday. She said that rumors of TNA going out of business soon are incorrect. She said that they have committed to this project and they're sticking with it. Without being overly specific, she said they had some big announcements coming up soon. She did announce that they would be airing on Eurosport in more than a dozen European countries. "We want what she said to be true," says one TNA wrestler. "Everyone here wants this place to work." The consensus from multiple sources in TNA is that the belief is the talent is more than adequate, but the booking isn't, nor are business operations in general. "It's crazy that they keep nickel and diming the people who are bleeding for them," says one TNA wrestler. "Meanwhile, they don't even have a decent cable timeslot yet or their DVDs in stores. Management can't keep asking everyone to sacrifice if they don't seem to be running the business side smartly."”

Was Dixie a help in trying to get a cable timeslot - what was she doing to help push the company to the next level if anything?

When Dusty and the Carters finally break ways - it’s supposedly Dixie that forms a creative team - did you have any say in this?

From the Torch:

“The committee that Dixie Carter formed to replace Dusty Rhodes includes Bill Banks, Scott D’Amore, Jeremy Borash, Dutch Mantell, and Mike Tenay. Tenay, the lead announcer for TNA, is a long-time student of the game who has laid low and observed for years what has happened in TNA, and now is said to be excited about trying to correct some of the errors of the past.

Jeff Jarrett and his father Jerry Jarrett are considered master politicians who have managed to talk TNA President Dixie Carter, whose family has controlling interest in TNA, into not forcing a title change for months. The main reason given time after time is that the other options “weren’t ready yet” and it would do damage to give them the belt too soon. A.J. Styles had been moved back to the X Division, where his size and style was an ideal fit. That left older wrestlers such as Dallas Page and Kevin Nash, or less established, inexperienced wrestlers such as Monty Brown and Abyss as candidates.”

Well Jeff - Wade is saying you & your dad are master politicians…what say you?

At Lockdown - Frank Dickerson, a long-time member of the Panda Energy board - was being brought in as CEO & CFO. Jeff - where does this decision come from?

What did you think of Frank?

It was reported in the Observer that after Dusty is removed - creative would have to be approved by an executive committee, including Dixie & Dickerson. Chat me up Jeff - was that true?

This is reported in the Observer as well: “Jerry Jarrett has been courting a new backer, believed to be the multi-millionaire who backed the disastrous Randy Savage CD. He had come up at various times over the past few years as a potential TNA backer. Jarrett was attempting to use him to buy out Bob Carter's majority interest, and the new backer would put Jerry in full control. The fact money has been tight of late, with many people being paid for two shows instead of three when they did the triple tapings, makes people question the Carters long-term. Others feel they are in it for the long haul, believing they think once they get a good television time slot, the company, which has lost $20 million since the Carters took over as the financial backing in September of 2002, they can be profitable. The longer they can stall out the title loss, the better chance they can be back in complete control and the loss wouldn't happen.”

Was this close to happening? This was Dave Nelson right? Where were you at in this process?

From the Torch in June of 05…

“Torch 6/26/05:

Jeff Jarrett did not wrestle in the main event of Sunday’s third anniversary TNA pay–per–view, Slammiversary. Although heavily advertised for the “King of the Mountain” match with four other wrestlers competing for the NWA World Hvt. Title, he bowed out of the match voluntarily.

Multiple sources heard that Jarrett was upset that he wasn’t being booked by the new booking committee to win the match. After spending a lot of time over the last year pushing himself as the “King of the Mountain,” he apparently felt it would be damaging to his character to not win that match. Dixie Carter, who has majority ownership of TNA, stood her ground and would not change her mind and have Jarrett win the match.”

AJ Styles had just won the title from you the month before - and here was the return match that included the likes of Raven - who would eventually win the title. Was this the first major creative butting of heads with Dixie?

“As a result, several scenarios were discussed, and they went with an angle during the PPV pregame show where Jarrett would be arrested for attacking a fan and thus unable to compete.

Jarrett was scheduled to be at this week’s TNA television tapings in Orlando, Fla., although with Dixie Carter exerting her power, no one in TNA is expecting smooth sailing between the Jarretts and Carter family in upcoming weeks as the struggle for power and influence continues.”

Jeff - what can you tell us about this show and your decision and all the talk of this?

Did the relationship change from this - had it changed before that - and what’s the real story?

The Spike deal is signed - how integral is Dixie to this deal?

Was the relationship in a bad spot or place during these negotiations?

Torch 9/3/05:

TNA President Dixie Carter told TNAWrestling.com that the promotion has achieved one of its major goals within the business model in being broadcast on a major cable network. Carter hinted that more big news is coming pertaining to the Spike deal. On contract negotiations with Spike as well as WGN, Dixie said, “We were fortunate enough to have interest from several places... In the end, we felt that Spike TV and their audience was the best place for us to be.

These guys understand our audience and have experience in wrestling. They value the product and we look forward to growing our property together.” Carter said TNA is considering each available free agent from WWE on a case-by-case basis, but the focus will remain on the current group of wrestlers who “have worked their butts off for TNA and deserve this exposure to show the world how amazing they are.”

She’s great to have out in front of PR and press…but what was she adding to the company in the long run do you think?

Torch 10/8/05:

According to TNA president Dixie Carter, the thought of shutting down TNA amidst the monetary losses and unfavorable television deals never crossed her mind. “There has never been a day I felt that,” Carter told Between the Ropes radio. “People have been saying we don’t have a chance. You lose money when you start a new company... We’ve had a wonderful business plan in place that we have met or exceeded along the way.”

Carter confirmed reports that Spike TV planned to get out of the wrestling business after working with WWE before taking interest in the TNA product. “From the first meeting, they were intrigued by the uniqueness of our product, how innovative it was, how different it was from what they currently had on their air,” Carter said. “They’ve been believers from the beginning. They’re as excited about us being on Spike as we are.” Carter views TNA as competition to WWE with an opportunity to bring back the ten million viewers who stopped watching wrestling over the last five years. “I hope they (WWE) grow two million fans and I hope we find the other eight,” Carter said. “That’s what it’s all about—getting back in there and reconnecting with people who maybe got disenchanted with where wrestling was going.”

Did Dixie have the business plan?

Torch 12/10/05:

When asked about building TNA and establishing a foundation for the company, Dixie said October 1 was the beginning of the company. “The first three years (were) research and development and investment money,” Dixie said. “We’ve been very smart with our money as we continue to make more money and build a business foundation that when the money did start coming in that (losing money) would never be an issue with us.”

Is that the company line in your opinion?

Jeff - as you finish out of 2005 - where do you and Dixie stand, do you think?

What was the relationship you had with Bob Carter?


Torch 1/14:

Jeff Jarrett has more political power and creative input now than he ever has in TNA. Even Dixie Carter has backed off, letting Jarrett make decisions and sink or swim as a result.

Where did the shift and change come from?

As the company continued to expand - how did you & Dixie work together?

Was your focus on wrestling, or were you doing it as a whole spectrum picture?

What were Dixie’s job duties would you say?

Who had the better relationship with Spike - yourself or Dixie?

As the Spike relationship grows and expands - who would go to Spike to say - let’s sign Sting? Dixie?

When prime time becomes an option - is it a company directive - was it something Dixie pushed for that you didn’t agree with - chat me up.

From the Torch 2/11:

Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter met with Spike officials last week to try to talk them into a 90 minute timeslot on Monday nights (with the last 30 minutes going head–to–head against Raw). Spike officials, though, saw an opportunity to create synergy with their UFC product, which is locked in for Thursday nights starting in April, and aren’t confident yet TNA can thrive up against Raw. If TNA draws well, it could get the 90 minute, or even two hour, slot it desires on Monday nights this fall.

“The move to prime time on Spike is the most significant event in TNA Wrestling’s short history,” says Dixie Carter, president of TNA Wrestling. “I am very proud of our entire team and all their hard work in achieving this milestone. Spike has been a fantastic partner, and we have accomplished so much together in just four months. We look forward to continuing to work with them to grow the TNA brand during this exciting time.”

Was this Dixie’s pushing - your pushing - someone else’s?

“The Sting signing was intended to be an indication to Spike that you invested in us and we’re serious about this. They also intend to make a concentrated effort to sign Brock Lesnar if he wins his lawsuit.

Jeff Jarrett has final say over all booking matters. He plays the Vince McMahon role in that the writers present storylines to him and he either gives his approval or shoots them down. The booking team is Scott D’Amore, Jeremy Borash, Bill Banks, Mike Tenay, and Dutch Mantell.

Dixie is 90 percent behind Jarrett, but they still butt heads constantly.”

It’s odd to hear you compared to Vince McMahon in this view - but are you really in that role?

Would you agree with that assessment - 90% behind you but butting heads constantly?

Was it the cash or the creative as our friend JR would say - would you find the biggest battles on?

How many power plays do you think Dixie was attempting - or others - before the move to Spike in prime time?

What was the biggest disagreement that you can remember during this time period?

Dixie would say this to the Torch

Regarding the discussion of a Monday night timeslot with Spike TV, Dixie said it wasn’t even considered because there was an opportunity to package TNA with UFC on Thursday nights. “As far as Monday nights go, no we did not discuss that,” Carter said. “It was more Thursday. We had some prime time success on Thursday, so that’s where the schedule opportunity first arose.”

What did you think of Dixie in her PR role for the company? Was this her biggest strength or asset?

Chat me up about Bob Carter and the move to prime time…I saw a tweet the other day that discussed how Bob Carter was most proud when he could tell his golf buddies he was paying Hulk Hogan - not D-Ray 3000. What was that relationship like at this point?

From the Torch 2/27:

“Jeff Jarrett is not scheduled to be in the World Hvt. Title picture for the next few PPVs at least. As TNA expands, Jarrett has realized his need to step back from trying to wear so many hats. While he still has tremendous influence on the creative direction of the company and holds a V.P. title and is co–owner of the company, he is not as dead set on being the sole wrestler the company is built around at this point, perhaps because he senses Dixie Carter and Kevin Day don’t think that’s the best plan…”

Was this your mind set?

“Dixie Carter continues to be very active within TNA, working with business affiliates, promoting the company, and overseeing the entire operations. She is spending less time getting to know individual wrestlers since she found herself in a position common to new executives in wrestling companies over the years, where wrestlers tried to befriend her and get her to see things their way. She is still visible and friendly, but now has enough of a foundation to her wrestling knowledge that she doesn’t answer every call from every wrestler anymore as she once did…”

Was this a goal to get her more in the background at the time for the company and its events…and do you think she resented that?

From the Torch 4/29:

“Impact on Thursday, Apr. 20 drew a 0.9 rating in its second week on Thursday nights in the 11 p.m. timeslot. In the 10 p.m. timeslot, UFC’s “The Ultimate Fighter” show drew a 1.9 rating. The Impact replay on Saturday, Apr. 22 drew a 0.6 rating... There were actually people in TNA relieved to hear the rating dropped in week two on Thursday night. The feeling is TNA cannot succeed in the long–run with the current booking team, and strong ratings only delay that inevitable realization. There is fear that curiosity will lead to a short–term ratings pop this week to see Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell, and Rick Steiner. When ratings sank well below 1.0 a couple months back,

Dixie Carter was said to be close to making some creative team changes, but when ratings rebounded, changes were put on hold. “The booking team is oblivious to their ineptitude,” says one wrestler. “They are genuinely shocked when bad reviews come in for their work. They’re too close to really see how bad they are.” What is TNA President Dixie Carter’s reaction to the booking? Says one wrestler: “She seems really smart. She also seems really insulated from any other points of view. I know she used to welcome opinions from wrestlers, but now it seems she’s decided to blindly side with Jarrett and see where it takes the company. She won’t listen to anyone else anymore”

This was a common theme about wrestlers and bitching about TNA booking - but do you think Dixie ever turned a “blind eye”

According to the Torch in May of 06 - Dixie was telling people that TNA was finally turning a profit. Was the move to prime time what finally pushed TNA over the edge in terms of turning a profit?

Dixie goes on maternity leave in May of 2006 - and that you took over complete control of day-to-day operations. What did that exactly entail for you?

While Dixie is on leave - Terry Taylor was named Director of Talent Relations. Was this a Dixie call or your call?

Finally in the Torch from August 5th:

Dixie Carter is back to being a regular backstage presence at TNA tapings. She was in good spirits at this week’s tapings, but both she and Jeff Jarrett talked to each other and others backstage about the dropping TNA Impact ratings. Jarrett was downplaying it as a result of a weaker lead–in with the comedy show Spike TV put in place of The Ultimate Fighter series. The Ultimate Fighter returns later this month to Thursday nights, at which point TNA expects ratings for Impact to return to the 1.0–plus range regularly…

Was there a change in the backstage atmosphere when she was there? Were you more on edge?

We have discussed in the past when Kurt Angle came into the company and Vince Russo returned all in one fell swoop - what that meant for the company…but how crucial was Dixie in all of this? Would you had signed Kurt without Dixie do you think?

As the ratings for Spike would go up and down before Kurt would come in - there was always CHATTER in the dirtsheets about Spike not being happy. Did they live and die on things week by week?

The ratings going down before Kurt signed was the reported reason for Russo being brought back - and that you were just going to be on the creative team with Russo and & Dutch Mantel while Jeremy Borash. Mike Tenay & Scott D’Amore were removed. Was this all a Dixie call? Did you agree with it?

Dixie is the one that has to handle the PR concerns about Kurt and his condition from his time in the WWE ending…how do you think she handled that?

You think it helped that she was considered a woman in power?

Do you think Kurt or Russo helped drive a wedge in your relationship - or did you guys have enough of that yourselves?

As the expansion of TNA continues to house shows and pay-per-views out of the Impact Zone - was it a battle over dollars?

Do you remember - anything up until the end of 2006 - something that the company needed to do in your own mind…and Dixie said no to?

What was one of her better ideas that was utilized?

We will continue this discussion further - as your relationship would go up and down with Jill’s cancer battle returning, stepping away from the company for a short time, keeping yourself off TV, returning and then your world in TNA explodes. But that’s a story for another time!

Next week we will discuss Halloween Havoc 2000 next week. A major singles match between yourself & Sting is on the pay-per-view, which includes many Stings including James Storm, Vince Russo becoming WCW Champion, the San Francisco 49ers match for the vacant WCW title with Booker T, Beetlejuice, WCW’s trip to Australia, teaming with Kronik and so much more!


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