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On this episode of Monday Mailbag, Mike and Paul discuss fun Owen Hart ribs, World Series predictions, worst bumps, ejecting managers, hanging with The Nature Boy, and more!

Mike has got some brand new tees to check out over on Pro Wrestling Tees, including "The Ref of My Childhood" and a new "Third Man in the Ring" check them out!



Ben Jones

Hi Dad! I am doing some research into our family tree and was wanting to know the origins of our Chioda surname.

Dillon Leahy

Mike and Pauly what’s up fellas! Hockey season is right around the corner and you know I have to ask who’s y’all’s early Stanley cup finals picks? Also Mike C what’s the craziest thing that anyone (Vince) has ever said to you over the IFB during a match? Thanks guys and Pauly it was nice as a Cards fan and I’m sure for you as a Pirates fan to see the Cubs and Reds bounced from playoff contention! Hopefully it’s Pittsburgh and St. Louis next year in the playoffs one way or another!

Dillon Leahy

Hey fellas back again, but I just had to ask does Mike have any autograph trading cards? If so where can I buy them and if he has some that he can autograph I can venmo him or cash app so money for it! I need me that Mike C autograph card!


Did you smoke some Ric Flair drip when you mess kix’n it with Naitch?

Ron Ward

Fuck, marry, kill. Blair, Jo and Tootie? Sing itPauly You marry the good you kill the bad You fuck the ho No love for Nat She was too fat Cancel me! I'm already cancelled! Cancel me! I'm already cancelled! Wooooooo!

Ron Ward

Keep singing it Pauly I think I'm gonna marry Jo You know that girl She sure can blow I bet her anal pipe Fells nice and ripe You tell her this you better duck But I heard Tootie sure can fuck I'll let her ride my cock If you hear screaming knock. I guess that means I'm killing Blair That's no big loss I bet she just lays there I've got no remorse On not fucking a corpse I'd like to see A.I. beat that fuckers.

Travis Babcock

What did you think of the scab referee angle in 99

Travis Babcock

Mike did you ever think that the wrestling business would have ever got as big and as hot as it did during the attitude era

Mark Keith

Been a bit since I’ve been on here but wanna say the Metallica show I mentioned previously was fucking awesome. Only downside was Jame Hetfield test positive for Covid so they had to postpone night two, and I had to miss it due to coming back home. Now for my question. Who is both of your favorite authors and why? Mine is Stephen King for the wild imagination he has to have written so many very unique books over so many years. And also Nicholas Sparks for his ability to toy with the readers emotions. I also love how they both base a lot of their novels in areas familiar to them..King in New England area and Sparks in the Carolinas

Richard Brown

Love ya Pauly B. Hanna says Hi as well. Hey Mike, just wondering if you ever had a strange encounter with a fan while out in public? Or your feelings and thoughts towards fans approaching you in public for autographs or photos? Thanks

Josh Henne

You guys are the best! Mike, were you an employee of WWE as a referee or independent contractor? Who paid your travel expenses? Thank you!

Joe Karolides

“I get paid not to see.” Has to be a shirt! Mike, have you or any other refs had long term shoulder/wrist injuries due to making counts? Also, how terrifying is it doing a 3 count when there are thumbtacks in the ring? Thank you!

Bryant Haremza

Mike and Paul you each get to own any wild animal that you want. What animal do you choose and why? For me I’m picking a monkey. I’ve always wanted to own one.


How come after Joey Marellas death there wasnt a tell bell salute?

Aaron Polowin

Hey guys, I couldn't help but think of you two this weekend as it was Canadian Thanksgiving and I had myself some Thanksgiving Poutine. That's French fries, cheese curds, gravy and then topped off with some turkey, cranberry sauce and stuffing, TMI but I felt like I was giving birth the next am. Anyways, I want to propose a tag match Pauly B and I since we have such similar tastes in women vs the adventures of the sexual water sports tag team of Snitsky and the Coyote. It can't be as bad as the Brothers of Destruction VS Dx at Crown Jewel. .. Now for my actual question for Mike - Any memories of working with Mohammed Hassan, his interview on Adore just dropped, seemed like he got such a raw end of that deal. It was an amazing character until they radicalized him. He could wrestle and was an excellent talker, then they made him a terrorist and he could basically never bounce back from that.

Matt M

Have you guys seen the Netflix doc about Johnny Manziel “Untold: Johnny Football”

Dave McClay

Hey guys how you doing as always this show is awesome and a must listen and I’m very depressed on how the pats are doing this season but at least they’ll have a guaranteed victory on December 7th I think. That being said Mike how did you get along with CM punk during his time with WWE?

Carl Hayes

Do you think WWE still goes in November to Saudi with the war in Israel going on? Sorry for the heavy question. To balance it out, when you over in Thailand and that area, ever have a nice looking lady come up to you and realize she had, well to quote There’s something about Mary, Franks and Beans?!!