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Leave your questions below for these upcoming topics!

Note: While the hosts try to get to as many questions as possible on their respective shows, there is no guarantee that all questions received will be read on-air. Thank you!

83 Weeks - Ask Eric Anything. Eric will soon have a fresh cut - and you have your opportunity to ask Eric anything you want!

My World - Slammiversary 2017. Jeff's first Slammiversary after his return to TNA and the GFW influence that's taken place in his time with the company. The 15th edition of Slammiversary will be covered where Alberto El Patron takes on Bobby Lashley to unify the GFW & TNA titles, Sonjay Dutt takes on Low Ki for the X Division Championship & so much more!

What Happened When - Bash at the Beach 1998. Dennis Rodman & Hollywood Hogan take on Karl Malone & DDP, Goldberg defends his newly won WCW World Title against Curt Hennig, Booker T defends his TV Title against Bret Hart, Chris Jericho defends the Cruiserweight Title against Rey Mysterio, Chavo & Eddie Guerrero face off for each others hair, Kevin Greene challenges the Giant and so much more!

Grilling JR - The Mid South Wrestling story continues. After the initial reaction of the Dark Side of Mid South episode, the story of JR in Mid South will continue. If you have questions about the first episode or this upcoming one leave them below!

Oh…You Didn't Know - Launch of the Performance Center. The transition of the developmental program in the WWE to Full Sail, what Dogg had to do with it, why was it necessary and more!

Something to Wrestle With - Sean Waltman. The guys will be looking back at the career of the 1-2-3 Kid, X-Pac and Sean Waltman as a whole!

Foley is Pod - King of the Ring 1998. We have arrived at the historic 25-year anniversary of Hell in a Cell, where Mankind and Undertaker began the match at the top of the cell and Mick goes off and through it. The episode everyone has been waiting for!

The Kurt Angle Show - Vengeance 2006 & Destination X 2012. Kurt & Paul will be watching back Kurt's epic match with Randy Orton after his move to ECW. Also he will be watching back his match as part of the Bound for Glory series against current ROH TV champion Samoa Joe!

ARN - September 1992. Arn will be discussing Clash of Champions 20, Michael Hayes joining Arn and Bobby, Barbarian as a title contender, Bobby Eaton and AA vs. Doc and Gordy, the build to Halloween Havoc and more!

ARN - October 1992. Arn discusses Halloween Havoc 1992, the end of Nikita’s career, the beginning of the end for the Dangerous Alliance, challenging Dustin and Barry for the tag titles and more!


Brad Stanton

83 WEEKS- Is there anything in creative you wish you would have done differently? Maybe a talent that you had a better idea for that you still think about.

Brad Stanton

Foley is Pod-Do you think you would have got the WWF Championship opportunity when you did if this match doesn't happen?

The Old Guy From Old-Ham

Foley is pod - hypothetically who’d win in a triple threat match between cactus jack, dude love and mankind had the final of KOTR final was a triple threat?

Brad Stanton

Oh you didn't know-I just watched NXT Takeover Dallas. You have a lot of older wrestlers in the show. Today everyone in developmental is very young. Do you like it both ways?

Kyle Gray

83 Weeks - Eric, what's the funniest thing you ever saw in your time in wrestling? And is there anyone more fun to fire than Honky Tonk Man? (I'm itching for another Eric Fires Back!)

Brad Stanton

STW- Was X pac the difference maker when you relaunched DX?

Brad Stanton

Grilling Jr- No question Jr. Just thank you for all your honesty

Brad Stanton

Arn oct 92-Who else is joining you and Wardlow for the new Dangerous Alliance?

Brad Stanton

Arn Sept 92- What kind of a worker was Valentine? I only really know him from the WWF

Brad Stanton

WHW-I understand the main event being an attraction match. But do you think Goldberg should have opened the show since he wasn't going on last?

Bryant Haremza

Kurt Angle Show - Vengeance 2006 - you mentioned that Vince wanted you as the face of ECW. Did it makes sense then for you to go and compete on a Raw PPV? Did you feel the story with Randy needed an ending at this show?

Bryant Haremza

Kurt Angle Show - Destination X 2012 - what were Kurt’s thoughts on option C that Austin Aries used to get the world title shot? Did Kurt think this would be something that would help elevate the X Division?

Bryant Haremza

My World - After this GFW would become the name for the company. Did Jeff feel a rebranding away from the TNA name was something that was needed?

Yambag Jones

83 Weeks - if CM Punk was as tan as Hogan, would you have put him over at Starrcade 97 or would he have gotten the ‘Sting treatment’ also? Something to Wrestle - how many gym bags did Shawn have to shit in before everyone realized how much of an asshole he was? Foley is Pod - what is the one thing about this match that no one talks about that you wish they did? Kurt Angle Show - when he finally hangs his boots up and people have a chance to appreciate his body of work more, do you think Randy Orton will be remembered as one of the all time greats? Arn - did you do much traveling with Michael PS Hayes and what kind of trouble did he get you and Bobby in? Would you rather spend 30 days on the road with Michael?……..OR EL GIGANTE!!!

Bobby KF5GTX

83 Weeks - Eric, what was your first car? My World - Jeff, are you a fan of uniting titles? What does that process look like, from an office standpoint? WHW - Tony, when do you get the run sheets for the night? Do you make notes on them? Do you leave them at the table or take them with you at the end of the night? OYDK - Dogg, when were you first told that the Performance Center was being built? STW - Bruce, what was the process like bringing Waltman back in 1998? Were you aware of what went down in WCW with Blume trying to renegotiate Sean's deal in WCW that Eric had been paying him under? Foley - Mick, what was your opinion of the KOTR designator? Where did it factor, in importance, to the titles in WWE at the time? Kurt - I ordered my first Kurt Angle t-shirt as part of my Father's Day gift from my wife and daughter. Can't wait to get it! I'll post a pic on Twitter. You have mentioned how you enjoy working with Orton. When laying out of this match with Randy, was there something you two disagreed on? Same question for your match with Samoa Joe for Destination X 2012. Arn - I ordered my first Arn t-shirt as part of my Father's Day gift from my wife and daughter. Can't wait to get it! I'll post a pic on Twitter. What was the most attractive part, in your opinion, of tag team wrestling? How were the payouts setup in JCP, WCW and WWE - was it a total amount already set by the office that you each took home half, or was there a different formula? Did those numbers ever cause you and your tag team partner any concern? For October 1992 - When you were told the DA was coming to an end, was there a long-term or short-term booking strategy for you past that point in the company? I really enjoy these month by month breakdowns that you do with Pauly B! They pre-date my fandom, but they also entice me to go back and watch on Peacock. Your matches are incredible for anyone wanting to be or currently remain a successful tag team wrestler!


I rarely comment on these because the hosts have great questions and the other guys/gals tend to have more informed questions than I do. But the JR one, that is the one I am most excited about. I'm an older guy, well, old-ish, about to turn 50. A little beat up, with some health issues, and you start looking back on things, but you can't really get to them until it's presented sometimes. It's like a scab that itches, and you want to scratch it but at the same time you know it's gonna bleed if you do. That is why that first episode meant so much to me. It really felt like this was a thing that JR had, back in his mind, that was stuck there, and it came out. It felt to me, listening, that it was cathartic to him. Something he didn't even realize needed to come out until it did. I feel like the stories, because they were shocking and tragic, maybe were the headlines, but that's not what hit for me. I felt, emotionally, a little weight lifted off of JR. And his excitement at the end when he was saying, we really need to promo this, wasn't about him selling the pod, or looking for new listeners, etc, as much as him wanting it to be ok, and appreciated, that he bared his soul a little. To see if his emotions came across and to have a sense of safety about it. My question is, and I hope if you do ask it that it includes this whole thing, does my interpretation feel right to him, how the feedback made him feel, has he listened back, and how does it sit with him now.


83 Weeks: we constantly hear Kevin Nash crap on the location of the original NWO Souled Out PPV in Cedar Rapids, IA. It’s probably been covered in the past, but can Eric comment on why a secondary market was selected for such a big show? As a 17 year old kid from Cedar Rapids who camped overnight to buy tickets and sat 2nd row at the show thank you again Eric! It’s a great childhood memory!

Terrell Lewis

Arn (September): As someone who was a fan of the business, prior to getting into himself, was it hard for you to see Michael Hayes bounce around, after the split of the original Freebirds? Let’s be honest, Jimmy Garvin was a talented performer, but he was better with Precious.

Terrell Lewis

Arn (October): if you had to work a 6 month program, town to town 6 days a week, which of these Bruiser teams are you working with: Road Warriors, Steiners, Doc & Gordy? All exceptional teams, but it didn’t look like fun being any of their opponents.


SOMETHING TO WRESTLE: I wanted to ask you guys your take on "4,5,6"? Steve Corino & Tracy Smothers told a story on an interview that Corino was considered to be brought in as the 123 Kid to join fake Razor & Diesel, and as a result nicknamed 4,5,6, thoughts?

Jeff Not Coaching This Season Fisher

Arn September 1992: Would Michael Hayes have been effective as the talker and manager for Terry Gordy and Dr. Death at this time?

Jeff Not Coaching This Season Fisher

83 Weeks - the recent book Ringmaster by Abraham Riesman noted that Verne Gagne would provide a tape of AWA shows free to any station that would air them as a way to promote live events and boost ticket sales. If this is true, how long into the 1980s did Mr. Gagne continue this practice?

Daniel Francis

83 Weeks: I believe Eric said that he found the NWO music in the Turner music library. Did WWE have to buy the rights of WCW music separate of the WCW deal? (maybe a question for Bruce?)

Brad Bell

83 Weeks: Hey Eric, I wanted to ask how different you feel wrestling would have been in the 90s and even today if the Vince McMahon steroid trial never happened? It’s interesting to think in regard to Hogan leaving the WWF and the movement towards smaller, athletic wrestlers. Thanks Eric!


83 Weeks - During your 2019 WWE Executive run, did you feel trusted and empowered to do the job you were brought in for and how challenging was it to make something you wanted to see as a reality happen?


WHW - Bringing in these mega celebrities for PPV’s and even some TV’s, what was the feeling among the production team and the boys during these moments where everyone knew more eyes from beyond wrestling fandom would be on the product?


STW - Was there ever an idea or piece of creative for Waltman that didn’t happen you can recall?

Pastor Tim

83 Weeks - Two common names mentioned as being “agile” big men are Bam Bam Bigelow and Vader. In your opinion who was better/easier overall to work with either business or creative and if you could only book one in their prime would it be?

Pastor Tim

Grilling JR - JR, first thank you for opening up on the Dark Side of Mid South. As a pastor, I often sadly walk alongside those that have experienced many different traumatic experiences in life. I know your sharing just a little bit resonates with more people than you would want to believe. My question is, if you can change or add one thing today that would make pro wrestling healthier for the talent what would it be? Blessings.


83 Weeks - Please did eric ever have any discussions with shawn michaels and undertaker about joining wcw during monday night wars. Something to Wrestle With - Sean Waltman. was there ever any plans too rename sean lightening kid during his wwe run as he had used that name on the indys. Foley is Pod - King of the Ring 1998. was there any others spots that were pitched that never happened in this match


#askeric there have been reports that a lot of talents are involved in creative in AEW. (BD, FTR,ETC) do you think this can create a “too many cooks in the kitchen” environment and eventually make it more difficult to book effectively ?

Brandon Arthur

Ask Eric- any memories of working in Cardiff, Wales?

Richard Bonifant

Question for Eric: do tv ratings really matter given that so many people stream or record wrestling? For example, in my country no major wrestling shows are available via traditional television and are only seen via subscriptions on apps. My guess is that a lot of the American wrestling audience are not represented in the neilsons. Is it time for different analytics to get a better sense of what the wrestling audience actually is?

Matt S

83 weeks - what did Eric think to the old WCW PPV approach to commentary in the early 90s where they would sometimes have two announcers ‘host’ the show and open the PPV and then hand over to the ringside announcers?

Matt S

STW - I understand why Sean Waltman was called the 123 Kid in the WWF. I understand why he was called Syxx in WCW. But why was he called X Pac in his WWF return?

Matt S

Arn - Sept 1992 - given that the Barbarian had been stuck on the WWF undercard for several years immediately before his WCW return, was it a mistake to book him as a main eventer? 10 year old me just thought WCW must be really rubbish if the Barbarian can be a main eventer.

Matt Richards

83-weeks- Eric was there any thoughts of using Eye of the Tiger for Hulk Hogan when he came into the company in 1994? I personally think it would have been incredible. STW- After having an amazing match with Owen Hart at King of the Ring 94 and the World title match with Bret Hart. Why was the 1,2,3 kid not on the Summer Slam 94 Card?