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The Enforcer needs your questions for 3 upcoming episodes of ARN! Drop them below for:   

1) Ask Arn Anything   

2) July 1992: Great American Bash, Vader winning the World Title from Sting, Miracle Violence Connection winning the Tag Tournament, the emergence of Ron Simmons as #1 contender, Arn and Bobby off of TV, house shows vs. television

3) August 1992: Jake Roberts TV debut, Ron Simmons winning the World Title, Arn and Bobby back on TV, Arn and Bobby break Larry’s arm, working with Pillman and Bagwell



1) Who in the future would Arn like to manage in AEW or even outside of AEW?


2) There’s been a lot of talk from certain wrestlers about Vader being stiff, how did Arn feel about Vader’s in ring work?


3) What did Arn think about Ron Simmons winning the world title? What did the guys Arn hung around with think of it?


Ask Arn Anything, Who would be on your Mt Rushmore of Bad Asses in wrestling. My list would be Haku,Meng, Rick Rude and Dick Slater. Thank you for answering my question Arn


Ask Arn: How did the backstage/road chemistry change with the Horsemen when Ole left? Also, did you all tend to travel together and, if so, when Windham, Luger and others joined would they then travel with you? Thanks Arn!


AAA: Regarding magazines - was there ever much made among the talent of being featured on the cover of the Apter mags? And knowing Vince was famously uncooperative with Bill Apter for years, how was JCP/WCW’s attitude regarding photos or working with them in general?


July 92: The Steiners were notorious for hazing, was there ever even a hint of trying anything - even a friendly rib - with Doc and Gordy? Or did they land in the Ron Simmons category of “un-f—-with-able?”


August 92: In your opinion, was Pillman better as a white meat babyface, arrogant heel, or “loose cannon” heel?


AskArn: if you were the world champion during your career who would you like to have traveled the loop against? Let’s say in the 80ies as a single where there was a lot of talking then into the building. Excluding Dusty


WHW: When Ric returned from WWE did you two have a conversation, kinda compared notes about you experiences in WWE?


What drove ya to Cena to be his agent?


If you had to write a job post for the prototypical Horseman, what would it say? What required skills would you list?


Ask Arn- any memories/road stories of competing in or being an agent in Cardiff, Wales?


Ask Arn - Does Arn believe the Four Horseman could of worked if Ric was not in the World Champion role? Like had Ric been the US or part of the Tag Team champions and maybe Tully or Barry or even yourself being the World Champion. Or was Ric’s charisma to much to where he needed to be in the world champion role?


July 92 - Did you ever work agains the team of Doc and Gordy? Who was the stiffer more hard hitting team Doc and Gordy or the Steiner Brothers?


If Arn & Tully hadn't been managed by Bobby Heenan in the WWF, would he have preferred to have been managed by Jimmy Hart, Mr Fuji, Slick or The Genius?


August 92 - Arn would go on tour with New Japan to start the month. What was a tour like in Japan? Did you have to adjust or get used to anything different working in front of the Japanese crowds?


Ask Arn - What is the best cheap beer and why is it Lonestar?


Ask Arn in a live in ring promo on live tv how does time cueing work? Are there people off camera who cue if a talent is running long?


Ask Arn - Does Arn think the Bulldogs can pull off the 3-peat? I'm a life-long Vandy fan so I have to live vicariously through the teams at the top of the SEC, well, except that orange team, screw them.


July 1992 - How did your match prep differ, if any, between house shows and televised events? August 1992 - Where did you see WCW going in 1992, when you knew Ron was getting the World Title? Ask Arn - What extra curricular activities were you involved in during school?


Ask Arn: we know you were a consummate professional and a businessman first and foremost, but personally was there any point during your Dangerous Alliance run that you missed Ric and Tully? At that time it wasn’t that far removed from when you guys had the business on fire.


July 92: Arn you’ve told us many times how much of a fan you were growing up. Despite being on the roster and having your own angles to focus on, were you able to enjoy the Vader V Sting rivalry?


August 92: I met Arn at WrestleCon in San Antonio and again in LA. Both times his table was right next to Ron Simmons. Arn has also talked about his relationship with Ron on the podcast. What did it mean to Arn to see his real life friend make history then, and looking back 31 years later what does it mean to now?


Ask Arn: being one of if not the greatest tag team wrestlers of all time, how would Arn rank these 3 tag teams: Steiners, Dudley Boys, Road Warriors? They all won multiple promotion titles after you and Tully did it first


Aug- When Ron Simmons won the heavyweight championship did it feel groundbreaking at the time or did it feel like just another babyface win?