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Leave your questions below for these upcoming topics!

Note: While the hosts try to get to as many questions as possible on their respective shows, there is no guarantee that all questions received will be read on-air. Thank you!

83 Weeks - The Four Horsemen. Eric will discuss in detail his thoughts on the group, the various incarnations of it, why he said the Horsemen were never draws and more!

My World - May 2003 for TNA. The Glen Gilbertti push is on in TNA, as CM Punk also debuts, Extreme Revolution takes shape, SEX takes over, and the Asylum turns on Jeff!

What Happened When - WCW 6/4/88. Building to the Great American Bash, Barry Windham is the new US Champion, Dusty Rhodes has returned, the Clash is coming up, and more!

Grilling JR - Brian Pillman. The Loose Cannon's time in WCW as Flyin Brian, his jump to the WWF, and all things in-between!

Oh...You Didn't Know - Money in the Bank 2018. Putting together dual brand ladder matches for the men and women, Ronda Rousey's first singles match, AJ takes on Shinsuke again, Carmella vs. Asuka, Big Cass & Daniel Bryan continue their program, Bobby Lashley and Sami Zayn and more!

Something to Wrestle - Jacques Rougeau. Fingers crossed that we FINALLY get the Jacques Rougeau episode! From the Fabulous Rougeaus, the Mountie, the Quebecers - Jacques has done it all in the WWF and has a lot of controversy around him!

Foley is Pod - Mikey Whipwreck. The man that Cactus Jack teamed with in ECW, worked with at the end, Mick will discuss what he saw in Mikey, the gimmick and the man himself!

The Kurt Angle Show - Kurt as Smackdown GM. When Kurt couldn't wrestle, he could still talk and that's what he did as Smackdown GM! The funny promos, skits, and more!

The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy - Macho Man. Matt will discuss his childhood wrestling hero, the legendary "Macho Man" Randy Savage!


Matt Sangervasi

Something to wrestle was a baby face run as the mountie ever considered or is he too much of a real life heal


83 Weeks - Was Fall Brawl 1997 supposed to be the end of The Horsemen for good? Thanks in advance. Grilling JR - What did you think of Brian Pillman joining The Hart Foundation? Thanks in advance. Oh You Didn't Know - Was there talk of Shinsuke Nakamura winning The Title? I felt this was the best time for him to become WWE Champion as this was an excellent match. Thanks in advance. Something To Wrestle - Who was supposed to win the cancelled British Bulldog Vs. Mountie Intercontinental Title match at Survivor Series 1992? Thanks in advance. Foley Is Pod - What made going aghainst Mikey Whipwreck your favorite ECW match? Thanks in advance. Kurt Angle Show - Were you supposed to be The General Manager longer? It felt the storyline was cut short as usual. Thanks in advance. Extreme Life - What's your favorite Randy Savage match in WWF & WCW? Thanks in advance.

Scott Golden

83 weeks What made The NWO WORK better the the horsemen I your view


Oh you didn’t know- I don’t think it’s really arguable, Nakamura hasn’t been seen in the same light amongst fans since his two failed title chases (Jinder and AJ). Looking back, do you think the fans just lost faith in the character? How much say did you have in this story back then and do you think the right call was made?

Scott Golden

Grilling jr If Pillman had stayed healthy do you think Austin vs Pillman cold have been a main event program

Scott Golden

STW What was the thinking behind the Rockers marathon match series at wth the brothers in 1989 60 min matches were notthe norm at the time

Scott Golden

Foley is pod Were you shocked when Mikey opened a wrestling school have you ever seen him as a trainer?

Brad Bell

Extreme Life of Matt Hardy - Hey Matt! The Macho Man got me interested in wrestling when I was a kid and is an all-time favorite of mine. I’m curious if you preferred him as a heel or a babyface? I preferred babyface personally, but he was so great at both. Thanks!

Nick Lenz

Kurt angle show-Kurt do you remember dressing up as the champion of Mexico and coming out to interfere in the eddie vs jbl wwe championship steel cage match? The episode of smackdown when happened was the 1st smackdown I watched


83 Weeks - Eric says the the Four Horsemen were not a draw. In one sense, he's right, but try and think of if Jim Crockett Promotions had the visions ,connections, and business savvy that Vince McMahon had when he decided to go national with the WWF at the height of Hulkamania, and apply that with the Four Horsemen. Would Eric's opinion of the Horsemen's potential change then? Or was something still missing that kept the Horsemen from being as popular as Hulkamania?


OYDK: Dog…. You ever been smashed in the face by a ladder?? Kurt Angle: I love the chicken snax, especially the Kung Pao flavor. Any thoughts on adding additional flavors?


WHW: Tony, can you recite some of Mr. Big again?!?!

Bharat Sundaresan

83 Weeks: Like with everything else, was it just a case of timing with the Horsemen in Eric’s vision of WCW. Once you had an all-conquering heel faction like the NWO running roughshod, there was no room for another heel faction like the Horsemen, who in many ways just couldn’t work as a face faction? Grilling JR: JR has spoken a lot about the benefits of roping in former athletes into wrestling. What are the challenges though and what are the things that pro-athletes need to be taught to unlearn when they break into wrestling?

Bryant Haremza

My World - Triple X I always thought was an underrated tag team in TNA. What did Jeff think made them special as a tag team? Did Jeff see Triple X as the face of the tag division in the early days or was it America’s Most Wanted? Also did Jeff feel they were better together or better on there own?

Bryant Haremza

Kurt Angle Show - You add Luther Reigns as your bodyguard at this time. Was anyone else in consideration for this role? Was it your job to mentor him or did you think he was ready for this spot?

Bryant Haremza

Oh You Didn’t Know - What is Dogg’s thought in the money in the bank concept. Does he like the unpredictable cash ins or does he prefer the build to a title match? Would he prefer the holder call his shot like RVD or just a random cash in?

Bryant Haremza

83 Weeks - Would Eric agree that the Horsemen was a better territory faction? Meaning they were better in mid Atlantic but not on a national level.

Carl Hayes

83 Weeks - The Four Horsemen - if Crockett had the marketing that Vince had when Hulkamania started so you think the Horsemen could have been bigger than Hulk?

Carl Hayes

Something to Wrestle - Jacques Rougeau - Rougeaus vs Hart Foundation in 2 out of 3 falls at Boston Garden and it closed the show still one of my most memorable matches I saw. Why didn’t the Rougeaus get title belts during their tag career so you think?

Bobby KF5GTX

83 Weeks - Eric, as an executive, were you against tag teams like the Four Horsemen, as it relates to having enough tag teams to support the division and its championship belt? My World - Jeff, what is your approach when you book a PPV card? How do you structure the card from beginning to end? Are you aware of commercial breaks before you write the show? WHW - Tony, what was your thought on the Clashes? Did you think they were "giveaways" and should have been PPV type shows? Grilling JR - JR, how do you think Brian's career would have changed, had he stayed in WCW? OYDK - Dogg, what is your opinion of PLE's (formerly PPV's) named after specific matches like Money in the Bank, TLC, War Games, etc? Why were those names chosen? It sounds like lack of creativity to me. Foley - Mick, which do you prefer to participate in, singles matches or tag matches? Kurt - As a former amateur wrestler, how did the role as Smackdown GM initially sit with you? Love the podcast and enjoy the Chxn-Snx! Matt Hardy - Matt, what was your reaction when Macho Man joined the nWo?

Dillon Leahy

83 Weeks: Can Eric explain why Jeff is the greatest 4 horseman of all time? And what is his favorite Jeff Jarrett moment in the horsemen?

Dillon Leahy

Matt Hardy: Was there ever an event that Matt was close to wrestling on with Randy? Also what match would you book for yourself against Randy?

Dillon Leahy

Kurt: What was Kurt’s favorite moment or segment as smackdown GM?

Dillon Leahy

Grilling JR: Did Jim watch any of his loose cannon promos in ECW?

Dillon Leahy

Foley is Pod: Where does Mikey rank for Mick of all time ECW greats?

Dillon Leahy

My World: Does Jeff think TNA could have done a show like AEW is putting on in Wembly?

Tony Flowers

83 Weeks: You’ve said you didn’t get to see much NWA/JCP in Minnesota and weren’t super familiar with the Horsemen. When you went to WCW did you do any research on the talents, like watching old matches/learning about them, or was it only focused on the now and moving forward?

Tony Flowers

Kurt Angle: Was it difficult to not be physical every week on tv? I feel like it would be similar to a world class swimmer having to walk around the pool for a living but never be allowed to jump in and swim. Or were you content with the non-physical role?

Tony Flowers

My World: Hey Jeff! Do you have a particular piece of creative, the company did, during your TNA years you are most proud of as a promoter?

Tony Flowers

STW: I feel like the All-American Boys angle/gimmick is criminally underrated. Every time we go back and watch that era we can’t stop laughing. Great stuff, highly entertaining. Gave the announcers a lot to work with as well. What did you think of that at the time?

Jeff Not Coaching This Season Fisher

83 Weeks - Eric, any ideas for angles or booking if you had been around in 86 or 87? Would you have made Barry Windham a horseman after Luger left the group?

Joey, The Tori Amos Guy

Kurt Angle - which GM run did you enjoy more 2004 or 2017-2018?

Matt S

83 weeks - on balance did Arn Anderson’s career benefit or suffer from his Horsemen run/association with Ric Flair? On one hand, it ensured a long term mid card/upper mid card spot. On the other, he was always playing second fiddle to Flair and had no real prospect of a solo main event run.

Matt S

STW - why didn’t the Quebecers have cattle prods?

Matt S

STW - why did Vince McMahon acknowledge that The Mountie was formerly known as Jacques Rougeau on commentary when he debuted. It was unusual for the WWF to recognise previous gimmicks so why do it here?

Adam Arpin

83 Weeks: Disclaimer, by no means am I trying to start shit asking this. On many episodes of 83 Weeks I've heard you state how the Horsemen weren't over and weren't a draw but at some point doesn't at least some of that fall on you and creative? Do you think that possibly personal feelings between you and Ric may have kept you from giving the Horsemen various moments that allowed them to reach that next level? For example if a healthy Rick Rude was leading the Horsemen might you have been inclined to have the Horsemen win War Games against the nWo in Horsemen country whereas maybe subconsciously you didn't want to give Flair that moment?

Adam Arpin

Matt Hardy: Did Molly Holly ever share any cool stories with you about Randy from her time as Ms. Madness and if so are they anything you can share?

Terrell Lewis

83 weeks: it’s often said that Vince McMahon doesn’t/didn’t like creations that weren’t his own. While not assuming that he did, I’m curious if Eric had any similar feelings towards the Four Horsemen?

Terrell Lewis

83 weeks: Not as a producer or executive, but as a fan, how does Eric view the Horseman and their legacy?

Terrell Lewis

Grilling JR: JR was always great at reminding us, as viewers, the Brian Pillman played for the Bengals, which helped us understand how tough and athletic he was. Curious, did JR ever have the opportunity to catch any of the games Mr Pillman played in, given what a huge football fan he is?

Joey, The Tori Amos Guy

Foley is Pod - why do you think he didn’t get a fair shake in WWE, and was it because of his disgruntled run in wcw that soured his future?

Jonathan Mason

Has ‘To Be The Man’ been canceled? It’s been weeks since we’ve had a new show.

Jonathan Mason

Who’s Ric mad at now?? 🤦🏿‍♂️

Matt S

STW - how would Jim Cornette sound singing the Mountie’s theme tune?

Lee Kearbey

Whw Tony how many women did you have sex with in wrestling and how many threesomes were you in and who was the women.