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On this episode of Monday Mailbag, Mike and Paul discuss CM Punk and AEW Collision, favorite TV shows growing up, an international love story, NHL and NBA playoffs, and much more!



Kyle Gray

Hey Mike and Paul! Mike, any good William Regal stories? I'm fascinated by the two sides of the loveable, funny guy who also nobody would want to cross for a second. Miss his podcast too, love that guy.

Jeremy Strunk

Hey guys! Only a couple more episodes until Top Guy weekend in Huntsville. Hopefully you’ll both be there. If so, we gotta get a few drinks in Mike and get some names of these coworkers he hooked up with. No one will tell! I’ll keep us rolling down that perverted road in the meantime with this question. Given all of this hooking up on the road by Mike and others, has the ring ever served as a hookup spot? Probably difficult with so many people around, but then I would’ve assumed that about backstage too. So how about it? Anybody ever get the ‘ol pump handle slam when the show was over?

Fernando Diaz

We heard how the coyote would say why would people get it on in strange environments. Can Mike choida share one of the craziest place he ever get it on? Thanks for answering the questions and keep up the good work

Fernando Diaz

Hopefully Mike choida doesn’t freeze again during that podcast but if he does what internet is he using and why is it the same as Kurt angles & Jeff Jarrett internet

Jeff Ronquillo

Yo! Pauly B and Mike C! Yall are badder than Michael Jackson. Yall are the baddest dudes on the planet. Nothing but love for the show 1. What has been your favorite gimmick in all of wrestling? Least favorite? 2. What was the atmosphere like around 95/96 when things weren't looking good for WWF? Were you worried the WWF was going down? 3. Did you ever play dominoes with BSK? 4. Early predictions...who's winning the Superbowl this upcoming season? I gotta go with Philly. They beefed up with them boys from Georgia Much appreciated usos!

Ben Jones

G'day from Perth! Mike, do you know why the ring ropes at Wrestlemanias 9 and 10 were black and gold?


Pauly A Fuckin’ Plus and The Coyote. I haven’t asked a question in a while but you answered my past ones so, like OJ getting married again I figured I’d take another stab at it. Mike, have you ever had a Sonoran Hot Dog while in AZ? I think they are garbage personally. Speaking of garbage what was you favorite gimmick during the occupation era. Thanks y’all, love you guys. #4showsamonth

Loren Eason

What were Mike's thoughts on the Rodney Mack and Theodore Long "5 Minute White Boy Challenge"? Was there ever a match Mike did not want to referee, but just had to cause it's the job? When this is out it will be my birthday, and I just wanted to say thank you for all the entertainment and great stories from Mike and Pauly every other Monday. Definitely makes my Mondays worthwhile 😊

Kyle Gray

Hey Mike and Paul, thanks for putting me over on last week's show 😬 Mike, loved hearing all the women escapades the last 2 shows, but what I want to know is who among the boys was the worst at romancing the ladies? Who was so bad that if they fell into a barrel of tits they'd come up sucking their own thumb? Look forward to every mailbag guys, peace ✌️

Devyn Dowling

This has gotta be a continuous bit! What’s this week’s international sex story?!?

Devyn Dowling

I’m not sure how much you’ve been watching baseball this year, but what’s your early season predictions for the World Series?!

Edward B Ring

Hello from New Jersey. Was there ever a standing order to keep two talents away from each other? Male or female.

Edward B Ring

I totally agree with what you said last show about the cartoon graphics in the WWE. My next question, Kurt Angle has written and spoke about other wrestlers trying him. I believe even Mr. McMahon has tried to take him down. Has Mr. Chioda ever tried the Wrestling Machine?

Frank Jones

Hello All, I enjoy watching Hidden Treasures on A&E. What hidden treasures is in Mikes collection? Thanks for all the goodtimes you guys provide on ADFree Shows.


Did you have to deal with he kamodo drag on Ricky Steamboat brought out on Jake The Snake?


What up Coyote and the Brom-a Bull? Mr. Chioda, all of us know the legendary tale of you reffing that street fight between the Best in the World and some other guy who I guess once did okay in the Olympics, and we all know that “Stone Cold” tried to swap out the glass for a panel that wouldn’t shatter because he didn’t want anyone infringing on his gimmick. What I’d like to know is, since you probably could have gone as deaf as Angle claimed to be as the boss is screaming in your ear for something out of your control, if you’ve ever gotten yelled at for wrestlers not following your instructions or doing something to change or otherwise ruin the match, did they ever do anything nice for you as a thank you for taking some of the heat off of them, like buy you a drink, offer to carry your “gimmicks” across the border, or even book you an after hours handicap pillow fight against the Rosati Sisters? Thanks, as always. You guys are cooler than Katie Vick’s body temperature.

Leland patterson

Hey Mike, you mentioned last time you worked wrestlemania 9 at caesars. Sooo what did you do with the toga? On the show with Tony chimel you were talking about the flight where you thought that was it for your guys. Were there any other times that you thought this is it whether it was driving, flying or banging? Also how could you pick against the Celtics Mike? By the time this airs the finals might already be decided but Tatum and brown are just to talented especially for that old and decrepit sixers team

Jon Gradwell

Just saw Mike absolutely kick the shit out of a fan running in during a match between Triple H and Stone Cold, looks like 1996, can Mike tell us more and anybody else he may have kicked the shit out of? 😁 Love the show but have to skip the American Football 😉, I’m in the UK.

Michael McLanahan

Hi Mike and Pauly, long time no question, lol. I’m sorry for the limited questions as of late my work has been going great but very busy. Now that I’m on vacation I have lots of time for questions. My first question is if you and Mike could plan the ultimate Summerslam Barbecue what is on your menu?

Brad Stanton

Hey guys! Did you guys watch Tales of the Territories? If so which was your favorite?

Jon Dorrance

Hey fellas! We are coming up on the 10th anniversary of HHH vs Curtis Axel w/ Paul Heyman on Raw. Mike was the ref and the match saw Curtis Axel pick up the win when HHH “passed out” at ringside. What are Mikes memories of the match, did Mike think Curtis Axel would be successful at that time, and is HHH the worst actor of all time? The clip of HHH “passing out” is brutal. Thanks guys! #FlyEaglesFly

Matt M

First impressions of meeting Chyna? You were one of the refs in the pullapart after her debut attack on Marlena.