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Our topic today is one of the more memorable pay-per-views in TNA history - Lockdown 2008.

At the time there was the thought process of TNA to focus on the big 4 pay-per-views, sort of like the WWF did in the late 80s/early 90s with Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, SummerSlam & Survivor Series. Why was that something TNA started to look at doing?

The 4 major PPVs - and I’m just assuming this - was Victory Road, Slammiversary, Lockdown & Bound for Glory - is that right?

With limiting top stars to just some of those PPVs were you looking to use them in better situations and get some of the mid carders into main events on some of the less popular shows…walk me through that mentality.

It’s right away in the production notes we’ve gotten from back then that Kurt vs. Joe was the main event for the TNA title as far back as December. With the issues Joe had after the Scott Hall promo and his issues with Kevin Nash, it doesn’t look like you wavered off of that did you?

Even with contract talks taking place with Joe - was the plan to crown Joe at Lockdown all along?

Was it too little too late do you think?

When you consider that the main event that you’re building to - did you expect the match to be focused around working a MMA type style?

Who’s idea is that and when does it come to pass?

The creative for this match is very much unlike anything TNA had done - sports centric with these two guys are the two biggest bad asses on the roster and they both want the title - so even with all the hokey marriage stuff going on with Kurt, Karen & AJ…this still feels different does it not?

From the Torch - and this is right after Kurt defeated Kaz…

Karen got right to it and said she wanted a divorce. At first Kurt appeared potentially distraught, but it turned out he was coming to the realization that it'd be great for him. "Did you think of that? That's awesome. Now I can completely put all of my thoughts on actions on Samoa Joe and not have to put up with your high maintenance. Of course, after Lockdown we can sit down and talk. Do I have to sign any papers? And you'll take care of the kids, right? No distractions."

Karen laughed to stop from crying, then left the ring shaking her head. West said Kurt's reaction was surreal. Tenay said no one can ever question how serious he is about the World Title.

Looking back - man art imitating life huh?

From the Torch:

“Last week Kurt Angle talked in a media interview about wanting to present his Lockdown main event TNA Hvt. Title match against Samoa Joe as an MMA style contest. He even hinted that they'd fight for real to a certain degree. This episode of Impact began that process of setting a different tone for the match against Joe.

First, a video feature aired with MMA reporters talking about Joe vs. Angle as if it were a legit MMA fight.

Angle then put on an MMA display in the six-sided TNA ring with various sparring partners. He didn't wear boots, but instead had taped feet and hands, and had his singlet dropped down his waist at the start.”

Is Kurt heavily involved in this - is Joe? This is some top level stuff at the time for TNA is it not?

Where were the MMA connections to get the reporters to speak on this?

There’s a twist in the Samoa Joe - Kurt Angle story where Joe comes out and promises to win the title or else he would leave TNA. Did this match really need this - or was this playing off the internet rumors of the issues with Joe’s contract?

These loser leaves town matches never really did much to draw did it? Why do you think that gimmick was killed?

From the Torch

During the sparring routine, Mike Tenay plugged that Frank Trigg would be on Impact next week to talk about Joe's training. Trigg is a former MMA fighter who has moved into the broadcasting side of the business.

How did Frank Trigg come together for this and how was he to work with?

Any worries about a change in format making everything or everyone else look silly doing pro wrestling while they’re out there doing pseudo MMA?

Very early on it looks like there was a plan for Black Machismo & So Cal Val to get married at this show. Do you know why or remember why that was changed?

The story is that Sonjay Dutt is jealous and always finding ways to interrupt their dates. It’s amazing that 15 years later - here you are with Jay & Sonjay in AEW is it not?

Lethal Lockdown is put together as Christian and Tomko being the respective captains in a weapons match. Tomko is really being pushed here - was everyone high on him internally?

Kevin Nash would save Christian from a AJ Styles & Tomko beatdown but from the production notes we have it looks like Kevin was a last minute addition to this match and there were early plans for Nash vs. Matt Morgan. Why the shift?

Is it tough putting 10 dudes in a cage with weapons and have it be a match that’s able to be watched, produced and also avoid injury?

We’ve discussed some of this before…but how difficult is it to put all the matches in a cage? Do you think you could’ve gotten away from that formula at any point?

Christian’s story is that he’s having issues finding partners - as Rhino would flat turn him down. Was Christian treading water at this point in TNA?

To continue to build to Lockdown Cage & Nash would team up to defeat Tomko & AJ but Team 3D come out after the match and there’s a whole heel beatdown and even Joel Anderson from Survivor gets beat up by Team 3D to keep the heat going. What did you think of Team 3D as heels?

From the Torch on an episode of Impact:

Also on the show, Tenay had a sitdown interview with Christian and Rhino. He said he needs Rhino to be a part of Team Cage. Rhino asked him if it was some kind of a joke. Rhino said he could handle Christian hurting him, but not his family and friends. He said he's never told this story before, but one time his daughter was watching TV and saw Christian bloodying him up in the ring. He said his daughter then said with a confused look and a tear in her eye, "Why is Uncle Christian hurting my daddy?" He asked him how he's going to fix things with his daughter. He stood up and walked away. Anytime Rhino's not yelling at the top of his lungs, it's a good week. This was a good segment.

Was it time to provide Rhino with some depth as a character do you think?

On an episode of Impact…Tomko beats Rhino with help from AJ and it turns into a brawl and Cornette comes out and makes a tag match between Team 3D and Christian & Rhino…but he books it in a cage…Jeff you’re weeks away from your pay-per-view full of cage matches…why do this match on TV?

That match would end with a DQ…because why not…before Sting’s music plays and everyone goes nuts. This would lead to Sting’s return since being out in 07. Why Sting here?

There’s a story going on with Petey Williams & Scott Steiner - where Steiner has two briefcases and two title shots, for the X Division & World Title. These two pairing up together would end up being really funny - how did you see the growth of this coming together?

The story is quite…odd. Petey would lose…Steiner would put a mask over his head and handcuff him…and Steiner even zapped Petey’s nipples while in the handcuffs. This…this is a lot Jeff.

To continue the Motor City Machine guns burial - they lose to Rellik & Black Reign before Super Eric…yes that’s right Super Eric…comes out in a cape and mask and beats up both heels. Why didn’t you just release MCMG if you were going to do this to them?

One of the other builds was for the BG James & Kip James program. There’s these Rough Cut videos that air, building it up and both talk about being fired by the WWE and coming to TNA. Why is this highlighted? Do you think that helps or makes TNA look like they just take WWE people that have been fired?

From the Torch

The Robert Roode-Booker T feud has snuck its way into contention as one of TNA's best feuds of the year so far. Well, they still have to deliver some actual stand-out matches, but in terms of TV hype, it's certainly exceeded expectations. Sharmell has helped, too, and she played her part with a strong performance on this show.

What was it about these two that just clicked do you think - because I think Wade is right…it’s a great story, even with the whole Peyton Banks thing, and Sharmell was excellent in this role was she not?

Let’s get to some news & notes Jeff…

From the Torch

Konnan and his attorney, Cary Icther, who represents Michael Benoit, are working on a lawsuit against TNA for racial discrimination. Konnan has not filed the actual lawsuit yet, as was reported last week. Jason Powell at prowrestling.NET is reporting that the lawsuit is definitely in the works, but Konnan's attorney has only filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Atlanta, Ga. on Konnan's behalf. TNA will have 30 days to respond to the complaint once they receive it...

In attempting to beat Charles Ashenoff and lawyer Cary lchter to the punch after they filed an EEOC complaint against TNA, TNA filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Texas (where TNA's parent company, Panda Energy is located as opposed to suing in Nashville, where TNA is based) on 3/26 seeking the court to throw out any complaint Konnan had filed or would subsequently file.

The gist of the complaint is that in his wrestling contract, Ashenoff agreed to accept any responsibilities for injuries suffered in the ring, and also agreed to not file a lawsuit for any damages based on his participating in TNA wrestling, and any legal disagreement would have to be decided in a Texas court.

Jeff - how does this all happen and take place? Was this something that would worry you?

There’s talk in the Torch that TNA has yet to figure out where Bound for Glory would be but that New York, Chicago & Toronto are all being considered for it. Is that something you were handling - someone else - and why those towns?

From the Torch

TNA signed a deal with Joe Hand Promotions, Inc. as their exclusive commercial distributor of PPV events in the U.S. and Canada, beginning with the Lockdown PPV on April 13. TNA said in a press release that it will allow their PPVs to be shown in public areas such as bars and restaurants

How big a deal is this for the company at the time?

From the Observer

Matt Morgan will be filming Gladiators from 4/8 to 5/8 with the season itself starting 5/12. The standard Gladiators contract is exclusive, but NBC was happy to work out the exception for Morgan. It's expected TNA will start pushing him as a wrestler and in a top spot because they are big on any kind of mainstream link. The plan had been to bring him along slowly, but of late, slowly had slowed to a crawl and there were no imminent plans to do anything. Morgan pushed for the ability to continue working TNA tapings.

Is this something you see and hear and you think - there’s money to be made with pushing Morgan?

From the Observer

TNA is expected to be significantly profitable in 2008 according to a story on the website Wrestling Herald that we've been able to independently verify from several sources.

It's impossible to make an accurate projection this early in the year in a business where so many revenue streams are unpredictable. But with the two- hour prime time show, an increase in the demand for talent for outside bookings, the Midway videogame, overseas television sales and the high ticket prices charged at house shows, the company is expected to turn the comer in a big way, even offsetting the disappointing numbers on PPV.

It is said that it has now been more than a year since Panda Energy has had to pump money in the TNA operation, meaning they have become self sufficient.

Jeff - what can you tell us about this and the profitability of the company at this time?

Was it the video game or the Impact TV deal or both that pushed the company into profit?

One of the other things that’s highlighted by Meltzer is that the house shows are doing well, drawing at least 1,000 fans a night to Springfield, MO & Evansville before drawing 2,300 in St. Louis and that the company is making thousands every night doing $20 Polaroids with Kurt after the show. Also the June UK tour was going to be the company’s most successful house show run in its history…How were you finding all these revenue streams for live events?

With WrestleMania taking place in Orlando and the focus of the professional wrestling world on the city - TNA & Spike decide to run the first ever live Impact on March 27th. Explain to us the cost difference and how different it is running a live show like this to a taped one…

This is the show that infamously would air Robbie McAllister in the crowd leading to him getting fired but we’ve covered that over at AdFreeShows.com so you can check that out!

The live Impact features a ton being thrown at it, as there’s an X-scape match between Johnny Devine & Alex Shelley, Kurt Angle is going to do MMA exhibitions against Tomko & AJ Styles, also Awesome Kong will be taking on a woman chosen in a fan vote and Booker T vs. Roode will take place with the fans picking the stipulation at TNAWrestling.com.

Does this type of stuff overshadow the pay-per-view you’re building to it or add to it?

The interactive nature of this show is really something TNA would jump head first into - is that your influence?

It’s also teased that Sting would be on the show as well. This is an all hands on deck type thing isn’t it?

During the show - Mike Tenay plugged that TNA mobile had news of a specific confrontation that took place among wrestlers in Orlando. With everyone in that city for the weekend - there was bound to be something that popped up. What do you remember of these issues?

Were you attempting to let TNA wrestlers know, don’t hang here, don’t do this - or did you not care?

On this Impact…and I know we’ve barely touched on this…but…

-A sitdown interview aired with Tenay and Karen. He asked about her moving herself and her kids out. She said when she married him she knew he would put his career first, but she needs to set an example for the kids. She says she knows in her heart she made the right decision. Tenay asked about rumors that she's seeing someone on the TNA roster - someone close to her and Kurt. She confirmed she's met someone who is treating her the way she should be treated and the way Kurt used to treat her. She said otherwise she can't confirm anything.

I gotta ask Jeff…or do I?

The main event features Tomko, AJ & Team 3D taking on Christian, Sting, Rhino & Kevin Nash in a Lockdown preview main event. Sting gets the win with the Scorpion Deathlock on D-von before James Storm breaks a bottle of Sting’s head in his return. Was Sting selective about who he worked with? How did you all navigate that or was he easy to deal with?

From the Observer regarding WrestleMania

Dixie Carter had an idea several weeks back to fly a plane over Wrestlemania to advertise Impact. It was still on as late as the day before the show, but WWE got wind of it and somehow managed to get to the company TNA had gone to and got it stopped. The company at first told TNA that there were weather problems but when TNA investigated further and noted all sorts of planes flew above the stadium during the show, TNA felt the company they were working with breached its contract.

Jeff - did the WWE really do this?

“TNA also hired vehicles with big screens driving around the Citrus Bowl (and Raw) saying to watch Impact on Thursdays, and passed around a ton of fliers. The next night they had the truck in the parking lot at the Amway Arena but were kicked out of one parking lot and went to another. WWE sent staff who told the truck to leave the other lot, but the driver refused.”

You’re loving all this aren’t you?

“The funny part of all that is how the rules are selective. Kevin Nash was socializing with WWE wrestlers whenever he wanted, and as you can imagine, nobody on either side said anything. He attended Wrestlemania with his son in the Skyboxes and was backstage. On 3/27 at the TGl Friday's there was a wild scene with people from both companies drinking together. John Laurinaitis showed up and people started behaving better, and he was also having drinks with Jeff Jarrett.”

Jeff - tell me about this meeting with Johnny Ace?

Jim Cornette is “at a doctor’s appointment” so Matt Morgan fills in. Do you know if that was a plan for Cornette and to give Morgan more airtime considering his role in the American Gladiators? What did you think of Matt Morgan?

Eventually it would lead to Morgan being part of Team Cage at Lethal Lockdown - was Morgan ready for the spot?

Also - Steiner lets Kurt and Joe both know that he’s looking forward to challenging whoever wins at Lockdown afterwards for his title shot. Was Steiner someone who was a good fit to get a win over?

On the go-home Impact there’s teased dissension between Team 3D and Tomko - did the heels need that do you think? Does there always have to be an issue?

There’s a promo battle that Wade Keller of the Torch is critical of…

"Brother Ray, you're like Hillary Clinton in a fat suit," Christian said. West added, "I think Brother Ray's better looking." What an ass. Christian said he had a better analogy: "Hillary Clinton has bigger balls than you." West said he doesn't know how he'd know that.

Styles yapped, "Shut up! Don't bring it, sing it!" Team Christian charged to the ring. Team Tomko bailed. Tenay, to even things out said, said Styles "mangles the English language worse than President Bush." These attempts at political humor aren't working, and the stuff on Hillary was heavy-handed because it went after her looks, not her foibles or policies.

Was this attempt at leaning into the political nature of things…not the best move? What was your stance on this?

Also on Impact…and this is quite the promo exchange as well…

“Crystal interviewed Sting and Kevin Nash backstage late in the show. Sting said Ray's comments hit home and got his attention. He said he came back because Nash is family and TNA is his home. He said, "It's the only thing I know. Where else am I going to go?" He said, "Ray, you're marking out for yourself, and you want to question my intentions." He said he will make his intentions clear on Sunday and he will never question him again. Sting's attention span on promos never seems to last as long as the lines he's prepared to say, as he just seems to trail off mentally as he finishes speaking. This was no exception. His attempt to interject insider language like saying Nash was "marking out for himself" was played out in the late-'90s. It sounds worse than usual coming from Sting, who should be above that as a character.

Kevin Nash said he and Sting are different people. "You and I kind of differ quite a bit. Your intentions are honorable, but quite frankly, I'm here for the money. Always have been. Overpaid? I'd rather be overpaid than underpaid. Do you know how you get paid? By being a main eventer." He said this keeps him in the spotlight and after this match, he'll go where the money's at.”

Was this the right verbiage, did Sting need to be scripted? What say you Jeff?

Let’s talk about ratings…

March 13th drew a 1.12 rating…but the final quarter hour beat the first quarter hour for the first time in a long time.

March 20th you were down to a 1.03 rating - but it’s the same amount of viewers of 1.4 million. The drop is due to the NCAA tournament taking up so much real estate that the percentage of cable viewers who were watching Impact computed as a smaller number. Is that frustrating to deal with?

The live Impact on March 27th drew a 1.0 rating - but this time it was viewed by 1.5 million people and the replay on Saturday drew 500,000 so essentially you’re drawing 2 million viewers a week. Are you happy with all the hype of the live Impact to only gain another 100,000 viewers?

The next week it draws 1.4 million viewers essentially staying flat for the whole match but that’s not a bad thing is it?

The women constantly are the top rated segment - what do you credit that to?

From the Torch

When a TNA contact was asked if there were any internal theories on the drop-off that usually occurs between the first and second quarter hours, he answered: "We wish we knew."

Was this something you noticed and was apparent and had no answers for as well?

We’re at the show now Jeff - live from Lowell, Mass! This is the first pay-per-view run in the Northeast. Is this a big deal to you and the company doing this in Vince’s backyard?

The show is well received from Wrestling Observer readers - getting a 65% thumbs up.

From the Observer

The show drew 5,500 fans at the Paul Tsongas Arena in Lowell, MA, which was set up for 6,000. The paid was almost 5,400. The company does a great job of keeping the fans excitement level up by saying they are watching for the loudest fans who they will take backstage.

Before the show started, Dixie Carter got in the ring and told the fans it was the largest crowd in the history of the promotion, but the company claimed 6,000 fans last year in St. Charles, MO, for Lockdown as its record, but this show may have done more paid tickets. We were told that the local media actually had a hard time getting tickets in the last few days, but at least one station that did get them, also had a hard time giving them away. One station had Kevin Nash as a guest in the days before the show and was giving a few comps for anyone who called in and nobody even called in asking for tickets. The tickets ended up being given to local indie wrestlers.

So it’s the ups and downs of the company doing press and it being well received in some parts and others not…but this is the first time I remember hearing that Dixie got in the ring and spoke to fans. Was this something that happened often that was under reported…or is this the first time you remember her doing this?

Who’s idea would it have been to put her out there?

What was your relationship like with Dixie at this time?

X-Scape Match


Devine took the tape off of his wrist and taped Lethal's wrist to the top rope. He beat on Lethal, then tried to escape. Dutt wouldn't let him open the door. He told him he'd have to climb out. Devine reluctantly did so. The referees seemed okay with Dutt's disruption of the rules of the match. As Devine climbed to the top, Machismo broke free and dove out of the ring to win. Dutt, Lethal, and Val celebrated their way to the back like one happy family.

WINNERS: Lethal in 10:00.


Torch *¾

Observer ***

The Xscape rules - and having all these guys who can do lots of things - the cage really hinders them doesn’t it?

The goal was to continue the Devine, Lethal, Dutt & Val story and I think it accomplished it…how about you?

Frank Trigg is at the show to provide commentary and even does an interview with Jeremy Borash. Do you think Trigg would’ve fit professional wrestling well?


All of the "Knockouts" began at ringside. Angelina Love climbed into the cage first. Roxxi was the second to make it inside. As the rest of the women brawled at ringside, Roxxi and Love began their match. The crowd chanted "Roxxi" when she kicked out of a near fall. Roxxi came right back with Voodoo Drop for the win. Tenay said the good news is she gets a title shot; the bad news is Awesome Kong is the champion.

WINNER: Roxxi Laveaux in 7:00.


Torch 3/4*

Observer *¾ “

This Jeff…this is something. You had to climb into the cage and then get the win. This is Vince Russo all day long isn’t it?

“3 -- B.G. JAMES vs. KIP JAMES

Tenay touted the series of "Rough Cut" videos on Impact in recent weeks as taking viewers behind the scenes on the issues and relationship between Kip and B.G. Kip jumped B.G. as he entered the cage. Kip didn't leave his feet in the early minutes of offense until he settled on the mat into a chinlock. West and Tenay talked about Kip being the muscle of the team over the years and B.G. being the brains. Kip did the HBK stomp, but B.G. sidestepped his charge into the corner, then rolled him up for the win. Afterward, B.G. offered Kip a handshake. Kip accepted the handshake, then raised his arm. Then Kip gave B.G. a clothesline. West is apparently new to pro wrestling, as he reacted with utter shock and couldn't believe Kip sucked them into believing him. He said he was enamored with Kip's sportsmanship and fell for it.

WINNER: B.G. James in 8:00.


Torch 1/2*

Observer *”

Road Dogg has said this wasn’t his best match - but putting Dogg over here was to make Kip a more hateable heel is that right?

Next up - CUFFED IN THE CAGE~! This is some Vince Russo all over it daddy!


Kaz came out to the match alone. Lots of chaos early like a battle royal. Young came down to ringside a couple minutes into the match. Young got scared when he saw Rellik and Reign and turned around and returned to the back. Scott Steiner, Alex Shelley, and Chris Sabin were handcuffed to the cage early. Hernandez and Homicide ended up cuffed, too. Super Eric's music played and he made his way to the ring. Not even West could pretend to be surprised by that turn of events. He climbed to the top of the cage and dove onto five wrestlers with a bodyblock below. The crowd popped as Young cuffed Rave to the fence. He cuffed Hoyt next. Reign jumped Young from behind. Rellik gave him a big boot. Young tricked Reign into cuffing Rellik to the cage. Young then gave Reign a Super Eric Driver and cuffed him to win. Then he broke Kaz's cuffs so he could join him celebration mid-ring.

WINNER: Young in 10:00.


Torch *

Observer **¼ “

A lot of ga ga ha ha here that’s all just a backdrop for Super Eric. But it made people feel good didn’t it?


ODB and Kong began the match. Saeed and Kim tagged in next. Saeed got early control. She wrestled, by the way, with the formal garb and hood. It can't be safe to not see clearly at all times, as part of her hood often covered her eyes at times when she was moving. West said he was impressed with Saeed early in the match. Kong and Saeed isolated Kim and worked her over and made several tags. ODB got a hot tag at 6:00 and gave a fallaway slam to Saeed. Kong broke up the pin attempt. Kim climbed to the top of the cage. Tenay asked, "What is she doing?" Saeed met her up there and set her up for a powerbomb. Kim flipped over and took Saeed to the mat with a huracanrana. Kong gave a spinning backfist to Saeed, but she was aiming for ODB. ODB climbed to the top of the cage with a splash onto Saeed for the win

WINNERS: ODB & Kim in 8:00.


Torch **½

Observer **½ “

This is a hell of a match and really something you should go out of your way to see. But my goodness these women could work couldn’t they?


Booker beat up Roode early. Roode got in sustained offense. Booker made a comeback at 5:00 and went for an axe kick. Roode avoided it and took over again. Roode invited Sharmell to tag in. She did tag in and slapped him. Roode held her down by the hair. Banks tagged herself in. Roode held Sharmell as Banks mouthed of to Booker. Banks turned and slapped Roode by mistake. Sharmell then rolled up Banks for the win. Afterward, Roode yelled at Banks and even cocked back a closed fist. West predicted a riot if he went any further. Roode left as Banks cried.

WINNERS: Sharmell & Booker in 7:00.


Torch *¼

Observer *¼”

The best match was done on TV in the run up to this with a first blood match that Booker won - in hindsight - do you think it would’ve been better to put the women on TV and these two one-on-one again?

“7 -- TEAM CAGE (Christian Cage & Kevin Nash & Rhino & Sting & Matt Morgan) vs. TEAM TOMKO (Tomko & Team 3D & A.J. Styles & James Storm)

Christian came out first, then Tomko. West and Tenay talked about how Christian and Tomko were setting examples for their respective teams by starting the match. However, after Christian entered the ring, Tomko never made it in. As Christian waited for Tomko to enter, Styles appeared on the top rope out of nowhere and leaped onto Cage to start the five minute opening period. Tenay said Team Tomko won the coin toss so they'll have the edge in numbers every two minutes during the match. Back and forth fast pace in the opening minutes.

Fast forward to the last wrestler coming in - and then a roof is lowered from the rafters with weapons hanging from it. Wrestlers went for weapons right away.

The roof actually has two levels and wrestlers could climb through openings and battle on the roof. Storm and Christian were the first to climb up there where a table and ladder rested. Christian blocked a Storm suplex. Storm almost fell through the roof, which tore open during their fight. The rest of the wrestlers knew they weren't the focus and just had a stand-up brawl at half speed.

Let’s stop right there Jeff - you’re there on the monitors watching it and you see Storm almost go through - are you thinking - oh my god no?

Team 3D eventually gave Rhino a double-suplex. Nash and Morgan came back to give stereo chokeslams to Ray and Devon. Sting put the Scorpion Deathlock onto Tomko. Styles broke it up with a kendo stick. Christian, meanwhile, set up a table. Styles noticed and joined Christian and Storm on the roof. He hit Christian with a lid, then set him onto the table. Styles then set up a ladder. Tenay begged Styles not to do it. Christian got up and climbed the opposite side of the ladder. Christian tried to knock Styles to the floor. Instead, Storm tossed Christian and Styles off the ladder and through a table on the roof. The fans went berserk chanting "TNA, TNA" and "That was awesome!" Back in the ring, Storm climbed down and broke a beer bottle over the head of Morgan. Rhino, though, blindsided Storm with a Gore for the pin.

WINNERS: Team Cage in 26:00.


Torch ***½

Observer ***¾ “

It’s such a finish that it’s been played over and over again in all TNA highlights…but that finish is beyond scary is it not?


They showed both Angle and Joe backstage heading toward the entrance ramp before they actually walked through the curtain, which was a nice touch, taken directly from UFC to give it more of an MMA feel. Jeremy Borash handled ring intros, giving it the type of "big match" feel that Dave Penzer's ring introductions from the floor don't. Angle wore boxing trunks rather than a singlet and no boots, just taped ankles. Joe wore his usual ring outfit. Angle noticed Karen in the front row and yelled, "Get her out of here." Security walked over to her and said if Kurt wants her gone, she should leave. Karen yelled back, "I came here for you." Trigg said he doesn't allow his wife to be in the arena until after his fight is over. He said it can affect his concentration. Karen threw a fit and then walked away.

For the match…

Joe went for a Muscle Buster, but Angle slipped out and applied a full anklelock at 12:00. Joe caught a charging Angle seconds later with a one-armed chokeslam. Joe powerbombed Angle and held his shoulders down for a near fall. Joe then applied a Boston Crab. He torqued him and twisted him as Angle teased a tap. Angle reached the bottom rope, but before he could grab it, Joe yanked him away and applied an STF. Angle couldn't reach the ropes, but he did shift into an anklelock. He dragged Joe to mid-ring. Trigg said. "I am so much more impressed with Samoa Joe than I was before this match." Joe escpaed and applied a crossface from behind. A brief chant of "Joe's gonna kill you!" began. Angle escaped and went for a clothesline, but Joe sidestepped him and applied a crossface. Angle powered up and gave Joe an Olympic Slam for a near fall at 15:00. West yelled, "Unbelievable!" Angle again applied an anklelock mid-ring. Joe teased a tapout. Tenay yelled, "This is your career! This is your livelihood!" Joe escaped and yanked Angle by the back of the trunks into a rear naked choke. Angle grabbed the ref's shirt. The ref pulled away, but in the process "dragged Angle and Joe" to the ropes. Angle grabbed the bottom rope to force a break. Trigg called it a great strategy. Tenay didn't agree. Joe threw Angle into the side of the cage, then sidekicked him in the jaw, and gave him a Muscle Buster for the pin. Joe celebrated with the belt as his music played. He hugged his trainer Davis.

WINNER: Joe in 20:00 to capture the TNA World Hvt. Title.


Torch ****½

Observer ****¼”

Jeff - a whole different type of match - a whole different type of event - and a feel and Samoa Joe is finally TNA champion. How happy are you with the match?

Kurt was legit knocked out during this match is that right?

Did you think this would lead to an uptick in business?

The stark difference between last year and this year is heavy. Lockdown 2007 - featuring Team Angle taking on Team Cage drew 35,000 buys. Destination X the month before drew 20,000 buys.

This show drew 55,000 buys - the second highest in TNA history against Genesis 2006 which had Angle vs. Joe with 60,000 buys…but this would be the last time TNA ever reached this point on pay-per-view. Was it all Joe vs. Angle? Are they the best money drawing feud in TNA history?

Why do you think TNA never reached that height again?

What’s your biggest takeaway looking back at this era?


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