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On this episode of Monday Mailbag, Nick Patrick and Casio discuss Nick blowing his knee out, Casio breaking his ribs, WWE's sale to Endeavor, challenges of being on the road, and much more!



Dirty Dawg Darsie

Mr. Patrick, I would like to hear any stories you recall being in the ring with someone when they had a similar injury to Shane McMahon at WrestleMania this year when he blew out his quad. Thank you sir for your time and memories! And thank you Casio!

Dirty Dawg Darsie

Also, a fun “what if” question: does Mr. Patrick think the Alliance Invasion storyline in 2001 could have lasted to WrestleMania X8 in March of 2002 instead of at Survivor Series in November of 2001 with WWE bringing in Ric Flair and the nWo by WrestleMania? Thanks!

Jeff Ronquillo

Nick! You are THE MAN! Thanks for answering my questions. It's much appreciated. 1. How fun was it being a heel referee? 2. What is your most favorite TV series of all time? 3. Do you recall who in WCW called spots the loudest? In WWE, it's known that Cena was the loudest to call spots during a match. 4. What's your favorite music? Band? Thanks Nick! You and the coolest cat around, Casio, have a great show!

Leland patterson

Hey Nick, I recently saw a video again of Eddie beating Kurt angle at wrestlemania where you were the ref. After you counted the three you got up and were just kind of flailing your arms around while the crowd was going nuts. Was that just kind of being excited and marking out or what that something you always did? If it was marking out was there any other times you could think of where you sort of forgot you were a referee and became a fan in the ring?

Drew Landry

What did you think of Charles Robinson when he did the “Lil Naitch” gimmick?

Bryant Haremza

Hey Nick I know that your dad was in the business but what match as a kid hooked you on wrestling?

Bryant Haremza

Back in the WCW days and all the fans would throw trash and other things in the ring. What are some things you had been hit by? Were there ever any big items that you were able to avoid?