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Today on the Kurt Angle Show we’ll be discussing when Kurt left TNA. 

I guess the story really begins on June 25th, 2015 - it’s a taping of Impact and you drop the TNA Title to Ethan Carter III. EC 3 was coming up at the time as the new hot and heavy heel for TNA…were you surprised they had you drop the title to him?

What did you think of working with EC 3?

At this point in time, TNA has gone from Spike TV to Destination America - a step down in TV station is it not?

When that deal goes down - did you think - when my contract comes up - I’m out of here?

Was it a fall from grace? What do you think went wrong?

If there’s one moment you can point of that involves the end of your run in TNA - or even when you knew TNA was in bad shape - what was it?

All the top guys - Hogan, Bischoff, Sting, had all left. Were you surprised you were the last one standing in the company?

Billy Corgan also got involved in TNA at the time - what can you remember about working with the Smashing Pumpkins singer?

You have a lot of medical issues going on at the time - as it’s reported you had to have surgery to remove a benign tumor in your neck. How much of an impact was your health at the time?

Did you ever have any issues with missed checks or being shorted money by Impact?

What was different about Dixie at this time if anything?

You had surgery with your doctor who did your neck operation in 2003 - Dr. Hae Dong Jho. Were there any issues besides your tumor?

Well very quickly you need another surgery from an infection in the original surgery. It’s reported you were experiencing severe pain, lost feeling in his extremities and was starting to have difficulty breathing according to your wife Giovanni.

You get rushed to the hospital where they tell you your previous surgery led to a huge buildup of fluid on your spinal cord and it could’ve been fatal. This is some scary shit Kurt…

Did anyone from TNA reach out to you to see how you were doing?

Finally you’re able to return after months of inactivity - but you make some headlines in September…

“With its future uncertain, TNA’s biggest remaining mainstream star, Kurt Angle, has been the subject of a lot of talk in recent days.

Angle, 46, said on 9/8 during an appearance on Mark Madden’s Pittsburgh radio talk show that he would not be signing a new deal with TNA when his contract expires in January.”

Were you seriously thinking about retiring or you just knew - TNA was over and done with…

Was it tough to walk out on TNA to to speak - after all the years with the company…

You reached out to the WWE but was told there was no interest in your at this time is that correct?

You’re held off TV before your big return at Bound for Glory where you defeated Eric Young. What was it like being back out there in front of the fans?

Sadly - Christy Hemme blew your promo ahead of time as she announced the match was no DQ and then you come out and tell everyone you talked to Dixie Carter and it’s going to be a No DQ match. Typical TNA isn’t it?

Let’s discuss the match … here’s the recap from the Torch

Kurt Angle beat Eric Young in 13:06.

Angle got a big reaction, like the people see him as a legit star compared to everyone else. They were chanting his name. So Christy Hemme announced this was a no DQ match. Then Angle grabbed the mic and said that he had just talked to Dixie Carter backstage, and we’re not going to have a wrestling match, we’re going to have a no DQ match.

They probably should have alerted Hemme not to spoil his promo. They went a few minutes and Young hit a piledriver. Angle sold it like he was injured. A doctor and EMTs and Pat Kenney all came out. The doctor then stopped the match and ruled Angle unable to continue. But the bell never rang. They were carrying Angle backstage and he was holding his neck.

Then Young attacked Kenney, gave a low blow to the doctor and threw him into the ring steps. He decked Brian Stiffler (who was helping Angle to the back). He attacked Angle. Angle told him the match was over. He didn’t care. He went after Angle’s neck. Young hit Angle with a chair shot to the head. He held back enough that this wasn’t a bad deal. He set up a piledriver on the floor. Angle powered out and used a German suplex on the floor. Angle started making a comeback with three German suplexes and an Olympic slam, but Young kicked out. Young came back and threw Angle into the post twice and used the elbow off the top.

Angle pulled Young to the center and he tapped out. So Angle won the match that was stopped and he lost nine minutes earlier. The match told a story, but the doctor stopping it and the bell not ringing part was really stupid. The lack of crowd reaction hurt it. Also, the live crowd had no idea what was going on with the injury angle part of the match since they couldn’t hear that the match had been stopped, so the whole idea of what they were doing didn’t get over live. ***

Could this story had been better off served without the gimmick of you getting hurt?

Did TNA know at this time you were leaving?

Just a few weeks later - they have another injury angle take place with you so you’re off TV. Was this just back to being hurt again?

From the Observer:

Kurt Angle has signed a deal with Bellator. He will be at the company’s Fan Fest on 11/5 at Dave & Buster’s in Maryland Heights, MO, as well as the 11/6 show in St. Louis, where Bobby Lashley will fight James Thompson. People are jumping on the idea of him fighting Ken Shamrock, as Shamrock has also teased having a big announcement coming in the next few days. It’s in a P.R. role similar to that of Randy Couture, Frank Shamrock and Royce Gracie.

Kurt - why did you sign with Bellator? What was the deal here?

The Observer reports that you were one of the first announcements of TNA’s live debut on Pop TV in January…another TV station Kurt. What gives?

Did you know this was going to be it for you?

Observer 11/30/15:

“Kurt Angle confirmed that his final shows with TNA will be the U.K. tour. His plans

include trying to break into acting and writing a second autobiography, claiming the WWE was too hands on regarding the first one. He said he will be starting filming in March a movie called "Epidemic." He said he'd like to get into acting and doing comedies and dramas as opposed to action movies. Jeremy Borash was shooting an Angle documentary while both were in the U.K. this past week. Borash also hosted Angle's talk shows that took place there this past week. Angle said he expected this tour would be his last time he would wrestle in the U.K., and if he had his way, he'd like to do a retirement match on the tour against A.J. Styles. He said he was very excited about the prospects going forward with Bellator.”

Were you though?

Did you talk with Dixie about not coming back?

Was she sad? What was that conversation like?

Did you tell the company who you were willing to work with, put over, etc?

You’re doing media and saying you’re retiring from TNA but not wrestling. Did anyone get hot at you about that in TNA?

You filmed for Duck Dynasty around that time didn’t you?

It’s reported that you’re really going to try acting in 2016-17 and that you didn’t know what the future would hold…but you wanted to work Daniel Bryan in a singles match. Are you disappointed that didn’t get to happen?

Were you ready to be an actor full time?

Your debut on Pop TV…well here’s what the Torch had to say:

“Angle came out and was announced as the only Olympic gold medalist in pro wrestling history. Fans were chanting “Thank you Angle.” He did a thanking the crowd promo and acted like he was about to retire and this was his last run. He thanked the fans for letting him live his dream. Fans were chanting “One more match.” I think the idea is about a half dozen or more. He talked about how he got to wrestle Steve Austin, The Rock, HHH, Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, A.J. Styles, Samoa Joe, Roode, Young and EC 3 during his career. Thank God he mentioned the last three because it was starting to get silly him putting over on TNA his biggest matches against guys from another company, or guys who left TNA. He promised high caliber matches for his farewell tour, and mentioned he was interested in matches against both Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards. He then said he was picking his opponent for next week’s main event, the future leader of Impact, Drew Galloway. Galloway came out and said he was honored Angle chose him. Jessie Godderz and Eli Drake came out. Drake said that Angle was a dinosaur, and Anglesaurus, and said Angle was talking about the future and never mentioned Drake. Drake then asked Godderz to be his partner against Edwards & Richards. Angle challenged the two to get in the ring. They did, but Angle & Galloway got the better of them and ran them off.”

A Farewell Tour - were you excited about that?

Getting to work with Drew Galloway - now McIntyre - what was that like?

You would team with him to lose to Eli Drake (LA Knight) & Jessie Godderz and also the American Wolves of Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards. Were you taking it easy on the way out?

You would defeat Galloway in the main event on Impact on January 12th. Were you surprised you’re getting ready to leave and here you are beating one of their top guys?

It is reported that TNA kept offering you deals - why did you say no?

One of your last appearances was losing to Matt Hardy and he retaining the TNA title after Reby Hardy interferes. Was it important to you to give Matt that win?

You would finish up your time in TNA by losing to Drew Galloway in Manchaster England and then defeating Bobby Roode.

Let’s take a look at this one Kurt!

On the March 1 episode of Impact Wrestling (taped January 30 in London, England) Kurt defeated Bobby Roode:

“Angle beat Roode via submission with the ankle lock. Good match. Crowd was really into it. The crowd saw Angle as the biggest star on the show. Roode then talked about how great Angle was. Storm came out and he pulled out two beers and a half gallon of milk and gave Angle the milk. Angle drank the milk like Austin used to drink beer. Then somebody played the Wolves entrance music early. Angle managed to think on his feet and cover up for it. Then the Wolves did come out. This led to the announcement of the Wolves defending against Beer Money on the next TV show.”

Angle's final match was against Lashley on March 8, 2016, which ended up in a losing effort, and was taped January 31 in Birmingham, England:

“Lashley beat Angle in Angle’s last match. They did all the near falls. Good match but it was so late in the show and the crowd was tired. Lashley won after a third spear. The two hugged and raised each others’ hands. Lashley then sucker punched Angle (leaving him a reason for a return as they do want him back). Lashley speared Angle a fourth time. He kept beating on Angle. Galloway ran in for the save, only for Lashley to spear him. Edwards then tried to make the save but Lashley speared him. EC III then ran in and Lashley smirked at him and backed off. So it looks like Lashley vs. EC III will be a major program.

After Lashley left, all the faces embraced Angle. Then they left the ring. Angle said he thinks that wrestlers often don’t show enough appreciation for the fans. So he thanked the fans and told them he’d see them again someday.”

Do you wish you had stayed around the WWE a little bit longer in 2006 to see Lashley’s rise?

What would you say Lashley is best at in the ring?

Were you happy with the sendoff TNA gave you?

If there was one thing about your run in TNA you would change - what is it and why?

Kurt - big time episode next week - we’ll be watching back your epic match with Samoa Joe from Lockdown 2008!


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