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Last week we were celebrating 3:16 and Stone Cold Steve Austin and now we’re going to be discussing The Undertaker…two men who are Hall of Famers just like you!

Undertaker has the reputation of being the locker room leader - what he was like the first time you met him?

What stood out about him first and foremost for you?

Did he command that respect considering his stature in the business?

How long did it take you to earn his respect do you think?

Undertaker was on the shelf when you first came into the company - and when he returned on screen - he was the American Badass - were you sad to see the change of the gimmick from the Dead Man to the American Badass?

Your first big match with Taker is at Fully Loaded 2000. The rivalry would start when you would help Edge & Christian retain their tag team titles over Undertaker & Kane and eventually it would lead to you two agreeing to your match at Fully Loaded - before you would drive away on a scooter. Were you feeling nervous being programmed with Taker?

Was he easy to work with in the beginning?

At Fully Loaded he would defeat you in 7:34 with a chokeslam and the Last Ride. There was a lot of talk at the time about you being a rising star and Undertaker being the veteran and that you should’ve went over…do you think you should’ve gotten the win?

Does Taker sit you down after - give you advice - feedback? What’s the reaction backstage?

Was Vince happy with it do you remember?

Does it get easier working with Taker the more you work with him?

When you become World Champion in October - does Taker pull you aside and tell you - this is the way of the land and you’re the champion and this is how you’re supposed to act?

Undertaker has the reputation of being the guy who leads the locker room - and there are some stories about him and wrestlers’ court. Did you ever get pulled into wrestlers court?

Did Taker ever have to take sides with you?

Your first big title defense is at Survivor Series against the Undertaker. Is that a big test for you at that point?

Are you disappointed your first title defense on pay-per-view isn’t a main event? I mean you’re 3rd from the top…

The finish of the match featured your brother Eric getting pinned by the Undertaker…how big was it for you to have Eric involved?

You pin Undertaker with a roll-up - were you two happy after the match? Was Vince?

We’ve covered a lot of the Invasion and 2001 - but being on the side with the Undertaker when WCW was purchased - what was Taker’s reaction?

Would you go to Taker for advice?

How was he helping you?

What do you think is the biggest misconception about Undertaker?

From 2004 to 2006 you guys barely work together. Was that a disappointment for you?

What are some of your favorite road stories with Taker?

Your last few big matches were in 2006- including No Way Out 2006 when you defended the World Title against the Dead Man. How different was working with the American Badass and the Deadman?

You go 30 minutes at No Way Out with Taker. Do you think that was your best match with him?

You would go another 30 minutes with him on SmackDown. Was it your goal to do 30 minutes constantly with Taker?

What was your relationship like with Taker when you left the company?

Did he reach out to you or vice versa?

When you returned to the company did you see Taker?

What was the reaction he gave you?

Do you wish you had one more match with Taker?

Were you surprised to see Brock break Taker’s streak?

Is he the greatest gimmick in professional wrestling history do you think?


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