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This week on My World we’re looking back 15 years at TNA’s Destination X pay-per-view. We covered Against All Odds last month so be sure to check that our in the archives.

Coming out of that pay-per-view…and we touched on this last week…there’s a tremendous amount of heat on the Motor City Machine Guns. They’re on the poster for this event but for their refusing to get color - they have been really depushed out of their program. Was the plan all along to have a X division only pay-per-view here and it had to be abandoned when they took issue with the idea of getting color?

It’s announced that the World X Cup tournament would be returning - how important was that event to TNA?

TNA signs a big deal with Jakks Pacific to begin making action figures and other licensing tools when the deal with WWE ends in January of 2010. What do you remember of this deal coming together - and how big a deal is this for TNA at the time?

Karen Angle does a conference call with the pro wrestling media as it’s described in the Torch and is asked about how the difference in TNA and WWE helped save the marriage…

“Kurt is able to do what he loves and what he has a passion for. Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter gave him that opportunity. He is healthier than he has been in 10 or 11 years, and he’s able to pursue other opportunities. He is home with me and our kids. We have a family. We have a marriage. Our life honestly could not be better than what it is right now.’’

Is that how you remember this time period?

From the Torch:

“Regarding a report in the Feb. 4 Wrestling Observer Newsletter that TNA is looking down the road to take Impact live every–other–week, TNA P.R. manager Steven Godfrey tells the Torch: “TNA is continuing to explore its options with Impact, but as of now there are no announcements regarding a change in the schedule.” There are many logistical and business–related factors that are part of ongoing discussions for the TV taping schedule going forward. One drawback to having a live Impact on Thursday and taping on Friday would be keeping wrestlers in Orlando for five days on a PPV week, or flying talent back and forth twice in the same week, creating many additional expenses”

Was that a conversation you were having weekly - monthly - or whatever about how making Impact live would help benefit the show and the company?

Kurt Angle is also doing PR at the time for the company and had this to say:

“WWE don’t care. They just want to put something together, hurry it up and get it out there just to make money. We spent a lot of money to make this the most authentic wrestling game ever, and we did it.” He said the game looks authentic and realistic that it could be mistaken for the actual TV show. Angle added: “Within two or three years, TNA is going to be the biggest company in the wrestling world, and this game is going to be our kick–off.”

Now - hyperbole aside - and I’m sure Kurt believed that - but how important is he to doing these types of media when he says things like this?

It’s also reported that the Samoa Joe contract negotiations are turning into an angle with Jim Cornette - and that Joe still had not committed long term. How important was getting this deal done with Joe?

The Torch would even come out and say it wouldn’t be surprised if Joe would jump to the WWE and join his friend CM Punk - and that it’s like a few years ago when Joe & Punk had offers from both TNA & WWE and Joe went to TNA and Punk to WWE. Do you remember the talks with those two and how that all went down?

The Impact coming out of the Against All Odds pay-per-view focuses on Karen and her upcoming wedding on the show. Jeremy Borash was her Maid of Honor…

We also have Brother Ray being prohibited from wrestling because he weighed more than 265 per their loss at the pay-per-view. So it was just Brother Devon going against Curry Man (Christopher Daniels) & Shark Boy. No worries though as Team 3D still gets the win after Ray knocked out Curry with the scale…

Scott Steiner & Rhaka Khan are in the back issuing an open challenge that will be answered by Petey Williams. Jeff - where did Rhaka Khan come from?

There’s lots of people getting beat up backstage including Christian and it’ll all lead to a 6-man match challenge by Samoa Joe for Destination X where Joe, Nash & Christian will team up to take on the Angle Alliance. Did you know at this point - Lockdown was going to be Joe vs. Angle?

There’s also a big NASCAR influence on the show as Hermie Sadler interviewed LAX, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley before Jimmy Spencer joined Mike Tenay & Don West for commentary…

From the Torch:

(5) Homicide (w/Hernandez, Juan Pablo Montoya) beat Jimmy Rave (w/Lance Hoyt) and Chris Sabin (w/Alex Shelley, Reed Sorenson) in 3:00. Unbelievably bad, with Montoya interfering to help Homicide win. (neg. ***)

How much did the NASCAR affiliation with TNA help do you think?

Rhino challenges James Storm to an Elevation X match at the upcoming pay-per-view. Who came up with the Elevation X concept and why do you think it was a good fit for two guys not known as X division competitors?

According to the production notes we’ve gotten in middle of December at the time it was to be Sonjay - called Guru - taking on Lethal for the X division title in the Elevation X match - do you know why it was changed?

A lot of what we saw in the production notes had some things delayed - such as at one point it was penciled in for Joe to take on Kurt - the James Gang to have their split here - what do you remember changing in pushing some of these programs into Lockdown?

From the Torch:

This week's Impact concluded with AJ Styles mistakenly being married to Karen Angle.

The ceremony was supposed to renew the vows between Kurt and Karen Angle. As often happens with wrestling weddings, things didn’t go as planned.

It’s one of those skits that, had the rest of the show been understated and more serious in tone, could have been memorable and effective. Instead, with such zaniness uncomfortably mixed with heavy–handed vileness throughout the show otherwise, not to mention generally bad character development and counter–productive booking pacing, any effectiveness of the comedy wedding plotline development was lost.

It began with a preacher asking the fans to stand as he introduced the groom and his best man, A.J. Styles. West said Styles’s facial expressions were like someone stole his puppy. Next Karen, daughter Kim, and maid of honor Jeremy Borash came out. Borash was wearing a suit, not a dress. We can be thankful for that. So Cal Val got emotional watching from ringside.

As Kurt and Karen renewed their vows. Angle made sure he was introduced as a 12–time World Champion and Olympic Gold Medalist. The preacher said if anyone objected, they should speak now or forever hold their peace. Styles tried to get Karen to say no. Instead, Joe walked out with Nash and interrupted. “I object,” he said. Joe said they hate him, but they couldn’t sit back and watch him make that mistake “with that dime store gold–digging skank.” Joe said he and Kev decided to beat him up and strip him of his dignity. Joe said, “It’s real, damn real.”

Joe knocked Styles on top of Karen. Styles seemed content. Joe and Nash beat up Angle at ringside. They ripped off Angle’s suit, stripping him down to boxer shorts with hearts on it. As Styles helped Karen to her feet, the preacher mistakenly pronounced them man and wife. Styles leaned in for a kiss and had a huge smile. Kurt stood up and couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

The ratings come in for the show and the Torch would note this:

“The Feb. 14 edition of TNA Impact on Spike TV once again saw the audience level drop between Q1 (the opening 15 minutes) and Q8 (the final 15 minutes), from a 1.10 to a 1.03, for an average of 1.8 overall, with an average viewership of 1.5 million. It continues the trend of recent weeks of TNA turning off more viewers than it gains throughout the show, a trend unique to Impact in that it rarely has happened on other two hour wrestling programs over the years. Let’s look closer at these figures. The program opened with a promising 1.10 rating level, then dropped to a 0.99 by Q3. What happened in there? Well, a tag match featured the comedy characters of Shark Boy & Curry Man, who have lost ratings in almost every segment they’ve been in in recent weeks, then a heavy–handed vile over–the–top Rellik interview aired where he vowed to puncture Young’s brain and suck out his brains, rip out his heart, pluck out his eyeballs and stir them into a martini with fingers he snaps off of Young’s hands. It wasn’t presented as absurd comedy, but rather serious and vile in tone. This is where the rating dropped below 1.0.”

What say you Jeff?

Kurt would lose to Shinsuke Nakamura in New Japan to unify the IWGP title that he had won from Brock Lesnar with Nakamura’s recognized IWGP title. Did you ever have any talks with New Japan about bringing Nakamura in or was he considered off limits?

TNA is going to be releasing the Global Impact DVD from the Tokyo Dome show - Jeff - walk us through the process of how a DVD came together for TNA back then. Who would come up with it - produce it - distribute it, etc.

What could TNA make off a good DVD?

From the Torch:

“TNA presented its first house show tour of New York on Feb. 21—23. The most notable event was the Feb. 21 show at Webster Hall in New York City. Sources in TNA tell the Torch

that the company felt it was their best house show experience to date, with a sell–out of 800

fans inside the packed club venue. TNA then drew approximately 3,000 fans for their Friday

night house show on Feb. 22 in Westbury, N.Y.

On Feb. 23 in Elmira, TNA drew a respectable 1,500 fans. It was the same venue that WWE had a house show in January and drew 4,000 fans.”

How exciting was it to see TNA having success doing house shows?

From the Torch:

“Serious consideration is being given to giving Samoa Joe the TNA Title as soon as

Lockdown. The rationale behind Joe refusing to sign TNA’s contract week after week on TV was

to portray him as being so important and so self–confident, that TNA needed him more than he feels he needs TNA.”

Was anyone putting the pressure on Joe that if he resigned with TNA - he would get the title?

Did the Joe - Nash incident a few months back show you how committed Joe was to TNA and building the company?

It’s also reported that Joe might be going over a bit of a makeover in terms of his look…did you think he needed tweaks to become THE top guy?

The issues with the Motor City Machine Guns don’t seem to be going away…again from the Torch:

“There were some wrestlers within TNA really upset with TNA fining Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin for refusing to blade recently as part of a beatdown by Team 3D. There is also equal

heat on Shelley and Sabin for thinking they’re above doing what almost every wrestler in

history has agreed to do one time or another, even if not all that often.

The issue with the fine is that it just looks so bad. Imagine the publicity of a lawsuit or just a

mainstream media story if TNA, owned by a big corporation Panda Energy, fined contracted

talents for not slicing their forehead open to bleed. Shelley has a rep for being more against

blading than Sabin, but Sabin is hardly a follower. In fact, a couple years ago Sabin was

asked to bleed, but refused, and ended up using a mix of Karo syrup and food coloring to simulate bleeding. Nobody was the wiser.

Those who are most against Shelly and Sabin thinking they’re above blading think TNA

shouldn’t have threatened fines, but instead punished them in unofficial ways, like jobbing

them on TV for four straight weeks to the Rock ’n’ Rave Connection. Jay Lethal, by the way,

volunteered to blade in the angle with Team 3D, and that would have been enough to get the angle over as needed.”

Was this an issue backstage? Who’s idea was it to fine them? Were you surprised how this all played out?

From the is this true department…

“Hermie Sadler was interviewed by Josh Stewart in the Long Island (N.Y.) Press on the working relationship between TNA and NASCAR. Sadler, who owns the UWF promotion in the Carolinas, said TNA is looking to have spot shows at NASCAR events to cross–promote wrestling and car racing. Sadler told Stewart that TNA has held meetings with FOX and Speed for cross–promoting on TV, and met with track officials at racing sites to run live events when those tracks are hosting NASCAR events. TNA tells PWTorch that talks are very preliminary at this stage, but they have a good relationship to build on”

Were there really conversations about this and how far did they go?

The Impact for the next week would see the Kurt - Karen - AJ story continue to play out…did anyone object to this storyline - I mean in one line Karen tells AJ to get ready for the honeymoon…?

Also Bullet Bob would team with Kip James with BG at ringside because of an injury - lose to Tomko & AJ when Kip would finally turn on the Armstrong boys and turn heel. Was it time to break up VKM?

In a…interesting angle…Jim Cornette comes out to pay tribute to X Division champion Black Machismo and he comes out with Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin and Sonjay Dutt and to end the segment…Lethal asks out So Cal Val…what did you think of all this?

After what feels like months of wrestling each other and feuding with each other…in classic TNA fashion…Scott Steiner helps Petey Williams defeat Sonjay Dutt & Johnny Devine to become the #1 contender for the X division title…does this seem like it happened a lot in TNA?

From the Torch:

“Mike Tenay had a sitdown interview with Rhino who said he’ll get revenge against “that dirtbag” James Storm in Elevation X. He admitted he is afraid of heights, but insisted Storm will fall, not him.”

Jeff - does this make any sense considering Rhino’s the one who challenged for this type of match?

Finally Samoa Joe tells Cornette - he will sign a new deal if he wins his title match at Lockdown against Kurt - showing how important the title is to him and his career. Do you think pushing that story for the pay-per-view two months away hurts the upcoming one with the 6-man tag match or are you just trying to keep the story going?

“Crystal interviewed Curry Man and Shark Boy. Curry danced and spoke in Japanese. Shark Boy imitated Steve Austin.”

I mean…what are we doing here?

The end of the story of the Kurt - Karen - AJ drama is that Kurt has a main event match against Booker T…do you think that first time match up on TNA could’ve done better on pay-per-view than TV or do you think it was important to keep presenting these types of matches on TV?

Angle got the win with help from Robert Roode…and after Tomko comes out - Nash would challenge Kurt Angle to a singles match next week on TV.

Why the reliance on putting Kurt in a long wrestling match every week on TV?

From the Torch:

Weaved throughout the show were skits where A.J. Styles earnestly took Karen Angle on their “honeymoon” after their accidental marriage last week. Jeremy Borash filmed it with a camcorder, but stayed off camera. At first Karen seemed to be doing it just to make Kurt jealous, but by the end she seemed taken in by Styles’s boyish innocence and charm.

At first, they went to handheld footage of Styles and Karen in what looked like a submarine shop. He lit a candle, but almost burned himself lighting it. Styles pulled out fake flowers. When Karen said they’re not real, he said they’ll last forever. Styles pulled out a snow globe. He said there was a story behind that. He said growing up in Gainesville, they never got snow. He said on Christmas Eve he prayed for snow, and Christmas morning, nothing. He said he was heartbroken, but there was his grandma handing him the snow globe. She said as long he has that, he’ll have snow anytime. He said he wanted her to have it. He said as long as she has that, she’ll have him. He called out for steak and gravy.

Later they went to Styles and Karen at Gatorland. Karen was losing her enthusiasm for being taken to Gatorland. Styles bragged about the smoked Gator Ribs. “This is the best honeymoon ever!” he said. He proudly said they’re fried. Styles brought her to the wrestling pit where the gators are. Styles knew the gators in the water around them by name. He poked one of them with a rake. Karen told him not to hurt them. Styles said they’re fast, but if they try to get any of them, they’d go after Borash. Styles said he wanted to show her birds now.

Borash continued to film Karen and Styles as they walked into the hotel. Styles wished her good night and went into his room. He quickly came back out and said he’s a little confused about being married to her, but so is Kurt. He said if she was his wife, every day would be his honeymoon. He said he needed to get some sleep. He went into his room alone. Borash off–camera asked if Karen was okay. She looked love–struck by his innocence, reverence for her, and not chasing her just for sex.

TNA makes a big move and makes this announcement:

“Universal Studios in Orlando to broadcast Impact live on Spike TV. CNNMoney.com published TNA’s official press release on the live taping, with TNA also announcing they will tape episodes for their April broadcasts on Friday, March 29 and Saturday, March 30.

Trying not to sound like they’re leeching off WrestleMania, TNA president Dixie Carter said, “Thousands of pro wrestling fans will visit Orlando, the home of Impact, at the end of March. We’re celebrating by taking Impact live for the first time ever so that fans from across the globe can experience the best professional wrestling available today.”

How does this come to be? TNA’s idea…Spike’s idea…and why do you think it was important to run while WrestleMania was in your backyard?


“TNA announced a new partnership with Longtail Studios on Feb. 27 to produce a mobile video game. There will be all sorts of available mini–games on the software, including strategy games and wrestling match play. TNA president Dixie Carter said the deal will put TNA on the “cutting edge of gaming.” It’s expected to be released in spring 2008, around the time of the actual TNA video game…”

There is a lot of licensing deals and product deals going on. Is that just the emergence of the brand - or do you credit that to the likes of Kurt Angle coming into the company?

From the Torch:

“TNA lobbed a half–court shot at the buzzer and shot an airball in their attempt to sign former Texas Tech head coach Bobby Knight to a “head coaching” position in TNA. The attempt to pick up Knight’s services was officially rejected by Texas Tech p.r. staff over the weekend. TNA wanted Knight to tape a message for a future Impact broadcast, but that was rejected as well. Jeff Jarrett said, “We had to give it a shot”

How far did it go?

With all the issues going on with MCMG - they’re actually going to be part of a MTV show coming up called Made. From the MTV website: “Chris Hendricks is a self–described ’choir queer’ who’s sick of being stereotyped as weak just because he’s gay. He wants to be made into a larger–than–life pro wrestler so he can prove to everyone that he’s tough enough to take a punch. With help from his coaches, Motor City Machine Guns Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin from TNA Wrestling, Chris will bulk up and learn how to throw a punch and take a fall. But with only six weeks of training before his first professional match, it’s anyone’s guess whether or not he’ll be ready to rumble”

Was this something that MTV presented to TNA do you remember?

It’s also reported that a lot of TNA wrestlers had purchased tickets to attend the Hall of Fame induction ceremony of Ric Flair that the WWE was producing. Did you tell anyone they couldn’t go? Were you worried about them being on camera in the crowd if the WWE wanted to embarrass them…

Impact the next week features all types of build to Kevin & Kurt in the main event and the Karen - AJ saga around it. Did you ever worry you were doing too much Karen - Kurt - AJ?

Booker and Roode’s story continues - did Booker enjoy working with Roode do you remember?

Team 3D also is out and about doing skits about Devon trying to get Ray to not overeat at a buffet and recommended a salad for him…spitting out candy from a candy store… before Team 3D joined a secret society BBQ. To get in, the secret word was “testify.” They gourged.

Of course this leads to…

Curry Man & Shark Boy beat Team 3D via forfeit when Team 3D didn’t make weight. Ray stripped to his boxers to try to make weight, and even pulled a sock out of his underwear.


The push for BG - Kip James feud begins with a video package on the two and that a new video diary will begin next week on their lives. You were treating this as a top level story were you not?

“James Storm (w/Miss Jackie) beat Eric Young in 9:00 of a ladder match for the Drinking Championship. Jackie grabbed the belt for a scared–of–heights Storm. Rhino gave Storm a Gore afterward. (*1/4)”

The build for Elevation X is that both guys are scared of heights…WHY DOES THAT MAKE ME WANT TO SEE THIS MATCH?

For the main event…and it’s a whole lot to unpack…from the Torch:

“(6) Kurt Angle (w/A.J. Styles, Tomko) beat Kevin Nash (w/Samoa Joe, Christian) in 14:00. The ringside wrestlers were kicked to the back halfway in. Karen ran out to check on a fallen Angle late. Kurt shoved her. Karen bled. Kurt gave Nash a low–blow from behind and scored the pin. (**)

The show again this week shows that TNA is booking the heart of any money–making promotion—the matches—as a means to an end, rather than the end itself. This week’s main event of Kevin Nash vs. Kurt Angle is a great example.

Let’s establish first that TNA does not sell house shows or PPVs on the basis of paying to see skits or promos or comedy. They sell matches. When people order a PPV, they are sold on the idea that it’s worth paying $30 for matches to see who wins a fight first and foremost. Sure, there’s the “see the stars in person” part of the sales equation, but it’s to see them wrestle, not just “appear” or “talk” or “squabble” or hug or eat or strip.

The heart of the problem with TNA’s booking is when the money–matches happen, they appear to be mere inconveniences to the bookers at worst, or a means to an end best.

Nash and Angle had never wrestled before. Ever. Their paths hadn’t crossed. Nash, hardly in his prime, is still a star with iconic status from his years as Diesel in the WWF and even more so as part of the Outsiders and NWO. Whatever he does in the ring should be made into a big deal so as much as possible is squeezed out of it. Nash isn’t a future star. He’s not going to fill out 15 minutes with great athleticism. He’s there to be a star. He can’t be or do much else. So he has to be treated as a star.”

Something needed to be at stake or there needed to be a reason for this match. Instead, TNA bookers once again cashed in the name value of the wrestlers to try to draw a quick rating, while doing none of the core basics that every good booker does to make sure when big name wrestlers fight—especially for the first–time ever—it’s the centerpiece of the show. Not whether Karen is warming up to A.J. and whether Kurt is such a big jerk. If TNA wants to promote the soap opera and comedy skits above all else, fine. But drop the PPVs and house shows, or reformat them to some sort of variety show with a stage and everyone yelling and flirting and scheming behind each others’ backs. Because this show further drove home the notion that in–ring stuff doesn’t matter. The disappointing part is TNA bookers would probably say: Yes, you get it! The wrestling stuff doesn’t matter. It’s 2008. Get with it.”

Jeff - what say you? This is a common narrative or complaint I guess you could say regarding TNA’s booking…did you think it was an issue and looking back it could’ve been fixed?

Also Wade Keller has this to say regarding the pay-per-view card itself:

“First, the advertised line–up: Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash & Christian vs. Kurt Angle & Tomko & A.J. Styles, Rhino vs. James Storm in an Elevation X match, Black Machismo vs. Petey Williams for the Title, Robert Roode vs. Booker, Awesome Kong vs. ODB vs. Gail Kim for the TNA Knockouts Title, plus three other matches will be added.

On paper, this does not appear to be a strong PPV line–up at all. Perhaps TNA writes off March as a no–go because everyone is saving their PPV budget for WrestleMania, even their loyal fanbase who normally order TNA events. Or perhaps they see this a strong line–up. It’s not, and the hype has been below par by TNA standards.

The hype for the six–man tag was almost non–existent on the latest Impact. Other than the brawl with the four ringsiders during Nash vs. Angle, it wasn’t even talked about. The PPV main event, ten days before an event, cannot be virtually ignored. The Elevation X match won’t be fun to watch, but TNA is banking on people ordering it for the chance of disaster or the sheer spectacle of it. They did a nice job setting up Storm as being scared of heights with the otherwise pointless ladder match on Impact against Eric Young. Booker vs. Roode is a real chance for a breakout star performance from Roode. Petey’s come along as a character in recent weeks, so this is a chance for he and Machismo, if given time, to deliver in the ring on the TV time invested in him.

TNA Ratings Pattern: Once again, TNA’s ratings pattern on Impact should be cause for concern. The show on Feb. 28 opened with a 1.08 rating, then dropped for three straight quarter hours to a 1.02 in Q4. For the first time in weeks, at the start of the second hour the show wasn’t in a commercial break, and for the first time in weeks, the rating went up at the start of the second hour (as it should) to a 1.12. However, it crashed afterward for the final half of the James Storm vs. Eric Young ladder match for the “Drinking Championship.” It rebounded for the women’s match to a show–high 1.14. Then it dropped to a 1.02 for the Kevin Nash vs. Kurt Angle main event, which was poorly hyped.

At some point, TNA management has to figure out why they are losing more viewers than they are gaining throughout each hour of their show on a regular basis and try to fix it. TNA should be growing its TV audience each week based on the talent they have and the network they’re with, but they’re not. It seems that many viewers tune in ready to give the show a chance each week, and segment by segment more and more lose patience with the content of the product. The idea that a first–ever meeting between Nash and Angle would draw the second lowest rated quarter hour of the show should be unacceptable.”

Were the newsletters too hard on TNA or are there solid criticisms and complaints regarding the product in there?

With all this going on…Jason Powell would report that Spike TV has this to say: “Spike TV spokesman David Schwarz told me earlier this week that the network is happy with the Thursday night time slot. He also said “we’ll see” regarding Impact going live more often. My guess is that the ratings for next week’s live show will be a big factor in future live broadcasts, which makes it all the more puzzling that TNA didn't bother to hype the live broadcast more than one week out. If I were calling the shots, I would have asked the network for an extra hour and turned the live show into TNA’s version of the old NWA/WCW Clash of the Champions specials…”

Let’s talk about that Impact…

Go-home Impact 3/6/08:

“The show opened with highlights of last week, as usual, including Karen Angle tossing wife Karen to the floor during his match. The show was titled, “Fighting for the Edge.”

Who came up with the show names for episodes?

“ Backstage, Jeremy Borash held the mic as Kurt Angle gave A.J. Styles and Tomko a pep talk to win their matches. They had to win two out of three singles matches on this show to have some sort of advantage in the six–man tag at the PPV. Angle got upset at AJ for being worried about not having talked to Karen all week.”

Did we really need a gimmick for the six-man?

It’s also announced that the Booker & Roode will be facing off at Destination X in a strap match. When is it too many gimmicks?

“Crystal interviewed Kevin Nash, Samoa Joe, and Christian Cage. After Joe and Christian cut promos, Nash said he couldn’t follow them easily, so he broke into a cliched Hulk Hogan “whatcha gonna do” promo. Christian and Joe cracked up.”

Does this help anyone?

“(1) Kevin Nash pinned A.J. Styles in 7:00. Only four minutes aired. Nash collapsed when lifting Styles for a Jackknife. Styles dove off the top rope at Nash, but Nash caught him mid–flight and chokeslammed him for the clean win. (1/2*)”

All this TV time you’re giving AJ - and in all those segments with Karen - and here he goes losing in 4 minutes on TV…

“(2) Curry Man won a battle royal to earn a stipulation in his PPV match. Everyone in the battle royal was scheduled for the PPV. Curry eliminated Rellik to win. Afterward, Curry spoke in Japanese, then Shark Boy took the mic and said the stip was if Team 3D didn’t make weight, they had to leave TNA; if they win, the weight stip would be dropped.”

It was time to put this storyline to an end wasn’t it?

“Borash interviewed Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, and Roxxi Laveaux. Love and Sky said they were going to give Roxxi a makeover next week so she can become “beautiful people” like them.”

This is the beginning of the Beautiful People story - what did you see in this gimmick?

“(3) Tomko beat Samoa Joe in a first blood match in 6:00. Joe bled from the arm after blocking a Tomko chairshot. (3/4*)”


(4) Rhino pinned Judas Mesias (w/James Mitchell) in 4:00 after a Gore. After the match, James Storm superkicked Rhino. (1/2*)

All this push for Judas - and here he goes losing in 4 minutes to Rhino and right after this Impact it’s announced that Judas would be leaving TNA. From the Torch: “Judas was looking for half of the TV dates at full–time pay so he could keep a full–time schedule in Mexico, where he’s making good money. When push came to shove, it didn’t work out for both sides on the terms of a new deal... “

Is this disappointing after the initial push?

“(6) Christian Cage beat Kurt Angle in a cage match in 17:00. Controversial finish with both landing on the floor about the same time. Funny how often that happens. Afterward, Tomko and Styles joined Angle in beating up Christian inside the cage with the door locked. Joe and Nash tried to make the save, but couldn’t get the door open. (***1/2)”

Another long match for Kurt on TV…and the babyfaces look incompetent…

Again Wade had this to say regarding the show:

If you’re fighting for something, it’s nice to know what that is. If an audience is watching people fight, it’s nice to know what’s at stake. TNA failed to effectively and clearly communicate that, despite it being the central theme of the show. They even titled the show “Fighting for the Edge.” Despite promos by all involved parties, commissioner Jim Cornette having mic time, and the announcers having two hours to talk about it, never was it clear what everyone was fighting for.

The show was set up with three singles matches between pairs of competitors in the six–man tag match at Sunday’s Destination X PPV. Nothing was at stake in the six–man tag, which seemed actually a bit refreshing. But to get some sort of advantage in the otherwise stipulation–free six–man tag match, there were three stipulation–filled singles matches.

Kevin Nash fought A.J. Styles in a no rules street fight. Tomko fought Samoa Joe in a first–blood match. Christian fought Kurt Angle in a cage match. Whoever won two out of those three got a man advantage of some type in the six–man tag. It implied it would be a progressive–entrance six–man tag, like War Games. Early in the show, Cornette said the team that wins two out of three singles matches tonight will enter the match with an advantage. He didn’t elaborate.

Jeff - is this a quality control issue?

Torch 3/15/08:

“Joel Anderson, the contestant who was voted off of “Survivor” on CBS last week, has been secretly training with TNA recently to become a pro wrestler. In a story first reported by Jason Powell of prowrestling.NET, Anderson has been working with Pat Kenney (a/k/a Simon Diamond) before TNA events and Johnny Stamboli (a/k/a Rellik) in Phoenix. Kevin Nash and Kurt Angle have also hit it off with him and are said to be high on his potential.”

What do you remember of Joel Anderson?

“TNA also sent out a message to Mobile subscribers that Sting is looking to return to the ring soon.

PWTorch.com reported months ago that Sting was going to be used in a legends role with occasional appearances built up to mean something. He never “left” the company when his previous contract expired as they remained on good terms with full intentions of continuing to work together this year.”

Who was in talks with Sting around this time? Why was it important to keep him engaged? Was there any fear about losing Sting to the WWE?

We’re at the show now Jeff and remember you can watch this over at Impactwrestling.com/packages/ and use the code JEFF to sign up!

The show draws 20,000 buys - down 10,000 buys from the previous’ years which featured Christian defending the NWA Title against Samoa Joe, Sting and Abyss in a Last Rites match, and Kurt and Scott Steiner in a singles match. Did you track these year to year on how to do better?

The show is from the Norfolk Scope and draws 3,200 fans. What did you think of Norfolk and why TNA ran the building?

The show opens…backstage…

“Jeremy Borash walking with Team Angle (Kurt Angle, Tomko, and A.J. Styles) arriving at the arena earlier. Angle confirmed with Borash that Jim Cornette saw all of the angles of the controversial finish of the cage match. He said he must reverse the decision. Tomko said for once he agrees with him. Styles asked where Karen was. Angle told him they’ve got a big match coming up and he shouldn’t be thinking about that.”

–They went to Cornette’s office. Borash asked if Cornette was going to let the fans rule TNA because they voted for the decision to stand.

Team Angle was present. Angle told Cornette to make it right because the replay makes it obvious. Cornette said it was too hot in his office and he walked away. He bumped into Team 3D and groaned. Brother Ray told Cornette to let the fans make the stipulations. “Why do you continue to screw the good guys?” said Ray. Ray said maybe he should be drug tested. Cornette said if he could take a drug that would make them all disappear, he’d take it. He said he’d made his decisions in his time without their help. They trailed behind him yelling all along.”

Is the thought to produce the PPVs like the TV shows?

“1 –– ROCK ’N’ RAVE INFECTION (Jimmy Rave & Lance Hoyt w/Christy Hemme) vs. LAX (Homicide & Hernandez w/Celinas) vs. MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS

R&R members did some shout–outs concert–style, with Rave as usual getting the town wrong, calling it Nashville. West noted the Guns were the TNA Tag Team of the Year last year, but they’ve never worn the gold. He said LAX want the belts back. The Guns got the crowd riled up with some cool double–team moves early.

At 2:00 they went to a series of dives to ringside. Rock ’n’ Rave got in sustained offense at 6:00. Chaos broke out at 8:00. West went absolutely nuts after Homicide flip dove through the ropes onto three opponents at ringside. Hernandez meanwhile gave Rave the Border Toss for the win.

WINNERS: LAX in 9:00

STAR RATING: **1/4 –– Chaotic at times, good pacing for a short opener throughout, with good highspots to get the crowd into the show.”

The burial continues of MCMG as LAX gets the win and seems like a renewed push…

Originally this match was to have Hermie Sadler be the special guest referee - what changed do you know?

“–They showed Jonny Fairplay and Joel “Micronesia” (Joel “Truck” Anderson) at ringside watching the show. Joel was voted off of CBS’s “Survivor” last Thursday in a total blindside. He had been a total jerk on the final episode and came across bitter at being voted off.”

What can you tell us about TNA’s on and off again relationship with Jonny Fairplay?

“2 –– BLACK MACHISMO (w/So Cal Val) vs. PETEY WILLIAMS (w/Rhaka Khan)

When Lethal climbed to the top rope, Steiner ran to ringside as Khan distracted the ref, and Steiner shoved Lethal to the mat. Petey then hit the Canadian Destroyer for the apparent win. So Cal Val yanked the ref by the leg before he could count to three. Khan went after Val at ringside. Val backed up the ramp. Sonjay Dutt ran out to protect her. Lethal remained KO’d in the ring. Petey got the ref turned back around. Lethal surprised Petey with a small package for the win. Afterward, Dutt stepped between Lethal and Val and raised their arms. It’s good to see a storyline brewing for Dutt where he’s the third–wheel whose jealousy is likely to get the best of him eventually.

WINNER: Lethal in 11:00 to retain the title.

STAR RATING: *** –– Really good match. The near falls were believable. Great counters. Great teases throughout for their big signature spots.”

You saw a story between Dutt - Lethal - Val but it’s a 3-way love triangle - not unlike the story with Kurt - Karen - AJ. Too much of this similar type of story?

–The promo aired with Rellik talking about drilling a hole in Young’s skull and sucking out his brains and pulling out his heart and plucking out his eyeballs and stir it into a martini glass. (After that promo, he beat Young and walked away, doing nothing to fulfill his promise, showing as a monster, he’s all talk.)


The heels double–teamed Kaz to take control at 4:00. Rellik hit a big boot to Kaz and settled into a cobra clutch on the mat. Young got a hot–tag at 7:00. When Rellik sat up, though, Young panicked and bailed out. West said Young “didn’t have the stones” to stay in there. He ran to the back, leaving Kaz alone. Kaz eventually made a comeback, but when he looked up to make a tag, Young was nowhere in sight. Superhero music played and a masked, caped Young walked

out. Tenay’s voice cracked with a “What?!?”

He tapped into his alter–ego and beat up both Reign and Rellik. He hit a top rope bodyblock for a near fall on Reign. Rellik clotheslined Young and then climbed to the second rope. Young shoved Reign into Rellik, then stacked both of them onto his shoulders and dumped them over with a “double Death Valley Driver” in a display of, well, “superhero strength.” He then pinned Reign.

WINNERS: Young & Kaz in 10:00

STAR RATING: *1/4 –– Fun storyline advancement. A bit silly, but in small doses, it’s fine mid–card content.

Eric Young can do no wrong can he?

“4-AWESOME KONG vs. ODB vs. GAIL KIM –– TNA Knockouts Title match

Kong gave Kim an Implant Buster. Kong then splashed Kim of the second rope. ODB dove over Kong to break up the pin. It was really awkward, as Kong still had Kim covered and Kim’s shoulders were still down, but the ref just stopped counting. Kong stood up, absorbed two ODB chops to her chest, and gave ODB an Implant Buster. Kong went for a splash off the second rope, but ODB moved. ODB attempted a comeback. She dove off the second rope with a Thesz press for a two count. Saeed tripped ODB. ODB grabbed her by her scarf. Kong pulled ODB into the ring and gave her an Awesome Bomb for the win.

WINNER: Kong in 12:00 to retain the Knockout Title.

STAR RATING: ***1/4 –– In some ways, just excellent. There was a little bit of bad timing here and there and that really bad pin break–up by ODB late, but all in all, a strong showing again by these women.”

You can’t keep running Kong & Kim out every month but ODB…super underrated is she not?

“–A video feature previewed the Elevation X match with Rhino pacing on the scaffolding and asking if James Storm will ever walk or even breathe again after this one. They actually ran the audio long enough that you could hear Rhino ask, “How was that?” five seconds after he finished his take.”

Those things happen don’t they - but it seemed like it was always something in TNA…


Earl Hebner explained to Team 3D that they have to make weight or be fired. Ray asked the fans if they want to see them fired from TNA. The crowd cheered. Ray said they’re not fat, but the fans in Virginia are. He pointed at various fans and called them fat, then insisted they’d make weight. Devon made weight. Rey did some deep breathing and then gingerly stepped onto the scale. He couldn’t bare to look down at the number. The ref announced that he made it. Ray celebrated. The crowd cheered and booed. Johnny Devine jumped onto the ring apron and handed them snack cakes because they were free to eat empty–calorie junk food again. Curry and Shark schoolboyed Team 3D from behind for a quick pair of two counts. Team 3D tried to regroup at ringside. They walked past the “fish market” set up in the wide entrance aisle. Curry and Shark followed them up the ramp. Shark grabbed a big fish to use as a weapon. For the next several minutes, Team 3D took a beating with various gimmicks, including Curry using a rod and reel to literally fishhook Ray and reel him in.

Shark gave Devon a stunner for a near fall. As Curry hit Ray with a trash can, Devine entered the ring with powder. He threw it, but it hit Ray in his face. Shark then gave Devine a stunner. Shark tossed Devine over the top rope through a table at ringside. Devon gave Shark and Curry a clothesline. Ray mistakenly 3D’s his owner partner Devon, and Shark opportunistically made the cover.

WINNERS: Curry & Shark in 12:00

STAR RATING: ** –– Hard to rate a match as zany and gimmicky as that. It was what it was, and effective at what it was trying to be.”

What did you think of this?

“–After the match, Fairplay and Joel celebrated at ringside with Curry and Shark. A minute later Ray shoved Joel hard into a row of chairs behind him. Joel went after Ray, but security intervened right away and kept them apart. Joel had great facial reactions.”

Could he had been something?

“6 –– ROBERT ROODE (w/Peyton Banks) vs. BOOKER T (w/Traci Brooks)

Roode stalled, resisting being hooked to the strap before the match. Booker dished out a beating early. Roode came back at 3:00 and got sustained offense. When the ref went down at 5:00, Traci beat up Banks at ringside and took away a pair of handcuffs she had. Roode gave Booker a low blow to get the cuffs himself. He KO’d Booker with them and scored the pin.

WINNER: Roode in 6:00.

STAR RATING: *1/4 –– What a letdown that was. Not a lot to it at all.”

Did this get cut short due to time? I mean 6 minutes for these two…

–Traci got in the ring to take ten lashes with a whip per the stipulation. Booker protested and security had to escort him to the back. Once they got to eight, Roode whispered something to Banks. She strapped her over and over. Traci got the strap and made a move toward Banks. Roode pulled away from her and grabbed Traci by the throat. When Roode grabbed the strap and looked threateningly at Traci, Sharmell ran out and made the save. Sharmell was worked up, and she began whipping anyone in sight including security, referees, the ring announcer, and then even Cornette after he tried to talk her down. Security restrained Sharmell and dragged her away.”

Great angle Jeff - but the man woman stuff nowadays - whole different world isn’t it?

“–Crystal interviewed Storm and Jackie backstage. Storm put up a brave front and said he has no fears, but he is understandably nervous. Storm said not only is drinking and driving wrong, but so is fighting two stories high with alcohol in one’s system. He said he’s going to bring a six pack to the top of the scaffold and after he knocks him down, he’s going to celebrate over his fallen body and broken bones. “Sorry ’bout your damn luck,” he concluded. Really good promo from Storm.”

Were you starting to see Storm as a top level talent at this time? Did you hear what Bruce had to say about Chris Harris recently?

“7 –– JAMES STORM vs. RHINO— Elevation X Match

Storm came out first and climbed to the top. Rhino came out second. Storm got cold feet and climbed down, shaking his head.

They both stood up and exchanged punches, then gingerly fell to the platform. Storm, with a beer in hand, slipped under the platform and rested on the scaffolding in the middle. The fans told Rhino where Storm was, which was cheesy since Rhino could have easily checked himself. Rhino pulled a piece of the platform and revealed Storm. Storm hung from his hands and legs and Rhino kicked him off. Storm fell to the mat and he landed on a table. It was a pretty clean landing. His feet hit the table first, but he landed pretty flat otherwise. Tenay called for EMTs. West said nobody can fall like that and be okay. EMTs came out with a stretcher and put a neck brace on him.

WINNER: Rhino in roughly 7:00.

STAR RATING: * –– It was pretty bad. Without someone of Styles’s agility, they really were limited in what they could do with this format. It was cheesy and uncomfortable and didn’t live up to the hype because both guys (sensibly) were so cautious up there. The pre–climb brawl helped give the fans some action between these two.”

Is this just a failure of execution?


Joe & Nash & Christian had a five minutes three–on–two advantage. When Styles and Tomko stalled at ringside, Joe, Nash, and Christian went after them. With 30 seconds left in the five minute countdown, Joe stepped to ringside and paced while waiting for Angle to come out. Angle charged toward Joe. They brawled at ringside as the crowd chanted, “Joe, Joe, Joe.” It settled into a standard six–man tag match. Nash got a hot–tag at 10:00 and cleaned house, giving Tomko a big boot and Angle a Jackknife. Styles hit Nash with a dropkick to his leg. Nash held his knee and writhed in pain. Nash tagged in Joe who took Tomko and Styles down with successive elbows and then a flying leg lariat to Tomko. Joe lifted Styles for a Musclebuster. Tomko gave him a low blow. Styles gave Joe a Pele kick. Angle gave Joe an Olympic slam for a near fall. Christian surprised Angle with an Unprettier. Nash tossed Styles by the neck over the top rope to the floor, then followed him out there. Tomko clotheslined Joe, but Joe yelled and no–sold it, then applied a rear naked choke. Tomko tapped out. Tenay pushed the Joe vs. Angle title match at Lockdown next month in Boston, Mass.

WINNERS: Christian & Nash & Joe in 12:00.

STAR RATING: ***1/4 –– Good six–man tag match, but it didn’t feel substantial enough to be a PPV main event.”

The build is there for Joe vs. Angle - but it seemed like going through the motions for the rest. What say you?

What did you think of the show Jeff - and what do you remember of this time period?

Next week…we’ll discuss early 2003 of TNA. From Raven, to The Sandman, Kevin Sullivan, S.E.X., Vince Russo to retire, Erik Watts, Kid Kash as X Division Champion, the old NWA Title, David Flair, D'Lo Brown, Jim Duggan, bare breasts, Trinity, teaming with Dusty Rhodes, Sadistic Madness & more!


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