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Leave your questions for Mike below for a future Monday Mailbag episode!

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On this edition of Monday Mailbag, Mike and Paul discuss protecting kayfabe, boob signatures, World Series predictions, preparing for a match, HBK and more!  




Do you think we are overdue for a HEEL referee angle, like Nick Patrick was in WCW; or do you feel that ship has sailed and that it couldn't work in today's era? For Mike and Pauly; what are three things that you would tell your younger self about life?


Thanks for answering my question on the last episode Mike! I'm currently working my way through the attitude era on the network and as I'm writing this I've just finished up watching Brisco & Patterson vs the Mean Street Posse from May 10th '99. How fun was this match to officiate? Also, what do you think about this particular RAW still being the highest rated episode in history with an 8.1? Can you remember some of the reactions in the back when the ratings were announced?


Life-long Bears fan here. What do you think the Bears should do with the No. 1 pick - keep it or trade it? Looks like Trubisky was as good for your Steelers last season as he was with Da Bears!


Hey Guys! Mike were you getting exhausted watching the ref do the counts during the Danielson/MJF Ironman match?

Leland patterson

Hey Mike and Pauly. Mike, Nick Patrick said he’s undefeated against you in the ring and now he’s ready to stay undefeated against you in the podcast world. I think it might be tougher for him this time around as you’re the undisputed, undefeated mailbag champion. Second, what do you guys think about all the crazy money being thrown around to QBs in the past couple days. Derek carr and Daniel Jones and geno smith just aren’t worth 30 or 40 million a year but hey market dictates everything.


Yo! Mike C and Pauly B! Waaadaaaap my braddahs! Yall are cooler than Roseannes coochie whiles she's visiting the north pole! This show is the absolute best! 1. Was there ever an instance where a talent was a complete ass to you and disrespectful to the point you wanted to throw hands? 2. What talent would you say called spots the loudest? I've heard cena was the loudest 3. It's a beautiful hot summer day, you got the grill going, slap on some steaks...what's your go to beer while grilling? 4. Rumors of Brady un-retiring and Miami being the team at the front of the line. Thoughts? Even tho yall are Pittsburgh Squealer fans, yall are two of the baddest dudes around. Much love usos🤟🏽


“When I grow up I wanna be Mike Chioda!” -Pauly 🤣🤣💀 When you were a young kid, what did you really wanna be when you grew up? If you were to release a music album, what artists would you love to have featured on your album?

Stephen Harris

Without revealing any names, was there a time you can remember a wrestler being "impaired" in the ring and how did you / opponent react?


Hey guys. I hope all is well. I was at the elimination chamber a couple Of weeks ago in Montreal. My goodness, what a crowd. As Conrad says.. when wrestling is good, is it ever good. I had a Montreal Schwartz Smoked meat sandwich is honour of Mike :) Question for Mike, we often hear about wrestlers from the past trying to get back into WWE and coming in for a tryout. Oftentimes they don’t get anything past the tryout but I’m wondering if Mike can remember of any guys who actually came back in for a tryout and impressed and decided to pass on a contract or if he can remember other times where WWE reaches out to a past talent and they turn them down? Thanks as always Boys.


Yo Mike you recently went to a Bruce Springsteen and Greta Van Fleet concert. How were the shows and do you plan on going to any other shows this year?


When I submit questions for the Arn Show I like to ask questions about the shows where the ring doesn’t show up. Has there ever been a time in your WWE career where the ring or parts of the ring didn’t show up?


greeting fellas, which one of you ordered all this snow lately? Paul, thanks to you and your brilliant idea to have Rebel do a run in on my bonus podcast, I am now immortal on the main WHW feed. Where do I go to collect my royalties? Time to ask the real questions 1)Mike, you were the ref for the Evolution vs. Foley/Rock at WM20. How hard was it to keep a straight face since Rock and Flair were out there totally having fun, especially when Flair tried to do a people's elbow 2)Woah here's an actual serious question. Been binge watching Prime Time and they show a lot of matches from the Maple Leaf Gardens. In that arena they had a platform ramp going to the ring. Did that pose any problems trying to set up the ring or take down the ring with that platform in the way?