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The Enforcer will soon be sitting down this Monday, February 27th to record two all new episodes and he wants YOUR questions! 

Topics will include:

September 1991

  • Clash of the Champions XVI - The Enforcers, Arn Anderson and Larry Zbyszko, vs. Rick Steiner and Bill Kazmaier in the WCW World Tag Team Championship tournament final!
  • Discussing Arn and Larry's tag title win
  • Working with more young talent
  • The build to Halloween Havoc

October 1991

  • Halloween Havoc 1991
  • Chamber of Horrors
  • Wrestling the Patriots
  • The Halloween "Phantom" and the beginning of the Dangerous Alliance 
  • Ron Simmons first title shot




October 91 - You and Larry face the US tag team champions a lot during this time. Did you feel there was a need to have the US tag titles at this time? Also by having them did it bring the value of the main world tag titles down?


October 91 - On October 31st Gene Anderson passes away. Does Arn have any good Gene stories?


October 91-Does Arn think Ron Simmons should won at Havoc or was it too soon into Luger's reign and WCW trying to build Luger as a credible World Champion.


September 91 - From Kazmeier to Mark Henry to Braun Strowman, what’s the biggest challenge in helping world class strongmen transition to professional wrestling?


October 91 - Everybody asks about favorite tag team partners but you had three of the greatest managers ever - JJ, Bobby, and Paul E. Acknowledging they’re all undeniably great, what was your order of preference for those 3?

Nick Lenz

September 1991-what was your view on the look of the WCW world tag team championship belts at this point in time? October 1991- Arn did the mask of the Halloween phantom do a bad job hiding the fact it was Rick Rude under the mask? His mustache was partially showing. Also how did you feel about Rick Rude being in WCW at this point in time?


Oct 1991 - if Arn had ended up in the electrocution spot, rather than Abdullah, would if he have tried to negotiate his way out of the spot?


September 91 - Did Larry like "the Enforcers" as the name of your tag-team? I can just hear him "Arn.. you know the Living Legends is really what we should be called, you know I sold out Shea Stadium Aaaaarn."


OCT Why was Larry labelled “The Cruncher” when it was actually Arn who swung the car door on Windham’s arm??


I was the worst athlete in the history of athletics and I still have dreams like I’m still playing, do you have dreams about old matches or still being in the ring at night?