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“It was one hell of a ride.” - Jerry Jarrett

We’re saddened to hear of the passing of Mr. Jerry Jarrett today. 

A wrestler, promoter, icon, and father, we’re humbled to have had the opportunity to spend time with Jerry over these past few years. And grateful that his incredible legacy will forever be preserved through his own words.

RIP Mr. Jarrett.




I like others here had just listened to the my world pod and really felt this today, I know what it’s like to lose a father 🙏🏻


Sincerest condolences, Jeff and family


RIP & Godspeed.


So sorry for Jeff and families loss. Rip

Stephen Graziano

My condolences to the Jarrett family. You were very compassionate Conrad during that segment with him. Seems Jerry was farther along than we thought.

Sean Daniels

I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your father. Thankful for God's promise, absent from this body is present with The Lord. Praying for you and your family.


We had a great time with Jerry in September. Wanted to share this photo. I don't know if Jeff got many later pictures with his Dad. This is the two together, smiling. Thank you for the memories. https://www.flickr.com/gp/gregandbetty/7x7Z73V80o

Thunder Balls

That's horrible news for the entire community. We love you Jeff and I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my father a few years ago and it never gets easier.