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Let’s get into our topic! No Way Out 2004!

We’re coming off the 2004 Royal Rumble. You got to the final 3 as we discussed a few weeks back on the show - getting eliminated by Big Show, and Chris Benoit goes on to win the Rumble match…did you know at this point the plan was for Benoit to leave SmackDown?

The next night on Raw he switches over from Smackdown as he picks HHH to challenge at WrestleMania for the Raw World Title.

The WWE roster is in a big state of flux - between Benoit switching - Goldberg is slowly winding down his time in the WWE and Brock obviously is soon to be letting the company know he’s on his way out. Are you aware of a lot of what’s going on or are you just showing up to work and getting what you need done?

Well since Benoit is leaving SmackDown it’s time to setup a challenge for Brock at WrestleMania…and Vince McMahon is blaming Paul Heyman because of it - so at the first SmackDown tapings in Washington, DC…Heyman suggests there should be another Rumble to determine Lesnar’s opponent at No Way Out.

Do you think another Rumble in the same week kind of hurts the Rumble - or was this just one of those things to try and get another story going?

Eddie Guerrero ends up getting jumped and injured going into the Rumble on SmackDown…did you know at this point Eddie was to begin the ascent to being a top guy for the company?

You go to Paul Heyman and tell him how bad you feel that Eddie wasn’t going to be in the Rumble and it should be Chavo instead. Were you having a hard time with your character as you seem to be all over the place between being a babyface and a heel and it changing almost weekly?

You end up drawing #1…and you dedicate the upcoming victory for the troops - are you a fan of doing that when you know you’re losing?

Do you think that adds anything to it?

As we talked about last week you’re big part of the Rumble is with Bob Holly - but the match itself goes almost 40 minutes…that’s a long time for a TV match. It’s gotta be mentally draining to try and do another Rumble and do all new stuff just a few days later right?

You and Eddie are the two at the end as Eddie was able to overcome his injury from an unknown assailant - which I’m sure you had nothing to do with…

Highlights of Rumble match:

Historic 15-Man Royal Rumble Match: SmackDown: Jan. 29, 2004

And you guys go 8 minutes before finally Eddie reverses a suplex that you had him set up for from the apron to the outside and knocks you off and out to become the #1 contender for the WWE Title. You two are one of the first to actually have a little match as one of the last two in a Royal Rumble - like Cody and Gunther this past week. Was that something you two wanted to do?

The chemistry with you & Eddie - it’s hard to have with a lot of people isn’t it?

Did you two know you were going to be doing this again at WrestleMania at this point?

You’re on the road working three-ways with Brock & Eddie. Are you enjoying those matches?

They are two polar opposites in the ring are they not?

On the next SmackDown in Cleveland you’re in the main event with Hardcore Holly and you defeat him in 15 minutes - it’s a really good match and coming off our episode last week - is this one of your favorite matches with Bob?

Paul Heyman comes out after…well let’s play the clip!

Did you come up with the line with Big Show from Happy Gilmore or was that a writer?

You’ve done a lot with Big Show & John Cena…does it ever get boring or too much to work the same guys over and over again?

The WWE wasn't doing many house shows at the time - do you remember business being down around this time?

So we have a 3-way set for No Way Out with you vs Big Show vs Cena, and the winner will face the winner of Brock vs Eddie at WrestleMania XX - do you know if there were any other plans for you at the time if it wasn’t you vs. Eddie?

The go-home SmackDown in Tacoma - you’re scheduled to team with Eddie but you’re attacked and injured just like Eddie was two weeks ago…

As you’re down…Eddie is hovering over you when mariachi music started playing and Lesnar cuts this amazing promo on Eddie about his drug addictions…looking back at your issues - does this type of stuff hit differently now?

Did you & Eddie ever sit and talk about his issues?

Was your relationship with him that close?

Guerrero & Cena beat Show & Lesnar in 17:29. This was not good by WWE main event standards. Cena was in most of the way, and it was mostly on the ground and he’s inexperienced at that, and didn’t look good when it was off the ground. Granted, he’s working on a torn MCL.

How close was Cena from putting the last pieces of the puzzle together?

Guerrero would get the win after a low blow and used Cena’s steel chain, and you also came down and hit Cena & Show with steel chair shots as well to build to everyone’s match at No Way Out. You assume they were the ones who hit you with the steel chair…but that’s the build to No Way Out…is this something you’re looking forward to?

There’s a promo at No Way Out between you & Cena where Cena comes up to you and said he would never do anything to your back - but just to your face. You could see the charisma with John early on - but man he’s just full of confidence in this talking..but then again he’s good when he slaps you in the face isn’t he?

You guys scuffle to help build the match - but without Show involved…do you think he needed to be?

6. Kurt Angle earned the Mania title shot in a three-way over Big Show and John Cena in 12:18. Cena didn’t get nearly the pop you’d think coming out with a Willie McCovey jersey. Angle largely carried it with Show’s limitations and Cena’s bad knee. Show did two legdrops to Cena. Angle hit three German suplexes on Cena, but Show saved. Cena gave Show an FU and Angle a DDT, but Show got his foot on the rope. Angle hit the Angle slam, but Show kicked out. Angle used the ankle lock at times on both men. Finish saw Angle throw Show over the top rope to the floor, and that’s a lot of weight taking a bump over the top. Show had taken out Cena’s leg, and Angle used the laying ankle lock to get the tap. ***

What do you remember of the match?

Is it tough to carry Show and Cena with their limitations - between injuries and size?

This isn’t the match you’re used to having - does it take a lot to slow down?

Are you happy with this?

Later that night…Eddie gets his crowning moment in the main event, defeating Brock to become WWE Champion and set up the build to Mania, and you finally turn on Eddie on the Smackdown following this.

But it’s only appropriate we end the show with a clip of Eddie’s crowning achievement and becoming WWE Champion.

Did you get a chance to watch this in the building when it happened - and soak it in?

Does watching this now - have a different meaning?

Do you miss Eddie?

Check out our  WrestleMania XX episode in the archives to hear all about the build to this Mania and the match itself with Eddie.


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