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It’s Royal Rumble Season and today on the Kurt Angle show we’ll be looking back at two Royal Rumbles - the Rumbles from 2004 & 2005. 

Kurt, you returned to WWE on the New Year’s Day 2004 edition of Smackdown taped from Laredo, TX after being off about 6 weeks due to problems with bone chips in your neck - how painful is that injury?

You then entered yourself into the 2004 Royal Rumble match in your return promo.

In the buildup to the PPV, you are then involved in the pending feud between Eddie and Chavo Guerrero Jr. leading up to the show.

Eddie and Chavo lost to Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin and after the match, Chavo said he was sick of his uncle Eddie and slapped him.

An enraged Eddie was ready to attack his nephew, but you come to the ring Kurt to hold Eddie back.

Then you and Eddie have this confrontation backstage:

Did you know at this point you were being lined up for you & Eddie at WrestleMania?

The following week’s Smackdown was in Huntsville, AL.

Kurt, you are the peacemaker as you seemingly get the Guerreros back together again as they begrudgingly shake hands.

But you can tell there is still friction between the two…

Later in the show, WWE Tag Team Champions the Basham Brothers were supposed to defend against Scotty 2 Hotty & Rikishi. But the Basham beat up their challengers before the match could start.

Kurt, you then come out and say you’ve just left Smackdown GM Paul Heyman’s office and have come to an agreement with him for the Guerreros to get the tag title shot instead. You’ve been associated a lot with Paul Heyman during your time in the WWE - how much did you enjoy working with him?

The Bashams win the match and afterwards they attack Eddie, while Chavo just watches from outside of the ring. Chavo then goes and helps Eddie to his feet, before turning on him and viciously beats him down leaving him a bloody mess.

To add insult to injury, Chavo then leaves the arena in Eddie’s low rider.

Kurt, you then try to console an emotional Eddie in the locker room as he’s being checked over by the doctor, and apologize for misjudging Chavo and getting involved in family matters.

Is Chavo someone that you think doesn’t get a lot of credit because Eddie was so good that Chavo was overshadowed?

The following week’s Smackdown was in Uncasville, CT and Kurt, you pass on a message to Eddie that you are told Chavo Jr. isn't here tonight, but Chavo Sr. - Eddie’s brother and Chavo’s dad is, and he’s gonna apologize on his son's behalf.

You also say you overheard Paul Heyman say it’s gonna be Eddie vs Chavo in a match at the Rumble PPV.

But Eddie says this isn’t what he wants and tells you to stay out of family business….

You’re enjoying being the shit stirrer aren’t you?

Eddie and Chavo Sr. then are in the ring discussing everything that has happened, when Chavo Jr. does end up appearing. Father and son then beat the crap out of Eddie until you eventually make the save Kurt and chase them off.

Eddie then confronts you backstage, and it seems like he wants to fight you, but then he thanks you for making him now realize he wants to fight his nephew.

Eddie Guerrero & Kurt Angle as a tag team…what could’ve been!

The go-home Smackdown was in Minneapolis and it’s your first match back since Survivor Series two months earlier. How much ring rust did you have or were you ready to be back in the ring at this point?

You and Eddie end up losing to the Chavo Jr. and Chavo Sr. when you get a nasty thumb poke to the eye and end up accidentally hitting the Angle Slam on Eddie, causing Eddie to get pinned following a frog splash from Chavo Jr. Getting to work with 3 Guerreros in one match probably hasn’t happened a lot - how big an honor is that for you?

Onto the Rumble PPV itself in Philadelphia on January 25, and Eddie ends up beating Chavo in their match. Were you surprised you weren’t involved in their match or did they need to do their own thing do you think?

As for your appearance in the Rumble match itself, you entered at #19 and last 29 minutes and 4 seconds before getting eliminated by Big Show when you are on the final 3 with eventual winner Chris Benoit.

It seems like everyone who enters the ring after you gets to work with you - are you put in that spot for a reason do you think?

You got to work with Chris Benoit, Randy Orton, but the big memorable spot is Test gets taken out and all of a sudden Mick Foley comes out and attacks Orton and eliminates himself & Randy. The pop Mick got was gigantic was it not?

Helps to give you sometime since you’re going almost 30 right?

Were you ready to go that long considering this is really only your second match back - and being in a battle royal does that help?

Christian, Big Show, Chris Jericho, your old team member Charlie Haas, Billy Gunn, John Cena, Rob Van Dam and finally Goldberg get into the ring to end up being the rest of the crew. Do you wish you got to do something with Charlie in the ring?

This is the first time you’re in the ring with Goldberg - what was he like to work with?

Well you only make one elimination in the match - that’s to Bill Goldberg when he is distracted by Brock Lesnar. Do you think there was any talk of you and Goldberg locking up before his contract ran out?

Finally the Rumble comes down to you, Show & Benoit and you actually go out 3rd. Considering the year before you & Chris had this epic World Title match - do you think it would’ve meant more for you & Chris to be the last two?

Chris would go on to win the Rumble and move on to WrestleMania to take on Triple H & Shawn Michaels - while you would go on to take on Eddie Guerrero which we have covered in the archives so be sure to check that out!

Kurt - what did you think of the Rumble?

Let’s move right into 2005!

Now let’s discuss the Royal Rumble commercial to get this started:

Kurt - what are your memories of shooting this?

Was it fun?

The buildup to your triple threat match vs Big Show vs JBL for the WWE Title is mostly hyped around Amy Weber and Joy Giovanni…

They had both been part of the Diva Search in 2004 and were signed to WWE contracts shortly after. What did you think of Joy & Amy? There’s been a lot of talk regarding their time in WWE…did you see any of the hazing issues that they’ve both talked about before?

Weber was JBL’s image consultant of his “Cabinet” faction with Orlando Jordan and the Basham Brothers and Giovanni was aligned with Big Show in the storyline. What did you think of JBL as World Champion?

Smackdown 12/30/04 from New Orleans is billed as the “Night of Champions” and all the title holders can pick their opponents.

JBL is the current WWE Champion and decided to pick his opponent at random and picked Shannon Moore.

WWE Champion JBL pinned Shannon Moore at the 19 second mark; after the bout, Smackdown GM Teddy Long came ringside to make sure all the Smackdown superstars were included when the champion picked Moore's name at random to be his challenger; Long then discovered that all the pieces of paper had Moore's name on them and that it was a setup;

Long then said that while JBL’s challenger was his choice on this night, it would be Long's choice at the Royal Rumble; Long then announced Kurt Angle as a challenger for the Rumble, which brought Angle out, and then announced the Big Show as the second challenger, with Show then coming ringside and clearing the ring of the other wrestlers.

This seems like…an odd way to put together a World Title match for the Royal Rumble. What was your opinion on the creative in the WWE in 2005?

Smackdown 1/6/05 from Uncasville, CT:

included Amy Weber inviting Kurt Angle to her private dressing room; when he eventually showed up and thought Amy was in the shower, Kurt stripped down to his briefs before realizing it was Joy Giovanni; Kurt chased Joy into the hall in an attempt to apologize, only for himself to be chased into the ring by the Big Show, with Show punching a steel chair into Angle's face; moments later it was revealed the entire scenario was a setup by Amy and JBL, who had put Amy's name on Joy's dressing room door.

This…this is some interesting stuff…do you like doing some of this gaga?


Angle was tremendous in this angle all the way through, particularly the spot where he took off his wedding ring when he went into what he thought was Weber's private dressing room, and when he kept falling all over himself like in a TV comedy sketch while trying to put his pants back on and run at the same time.

This is pretty funny - this feels like all Vince McMahon right?

Kurt Angle Invitational vs Brian Black:

Angle again did all shoot style moves in his local white boy challenge, this time with Brian Black of Chaotic Wrestling. Black looked to be about 6-4, as he made Angle look small, although Angle took him down immediately and won in the blink of an eye.

What did you think of the Kurt Angle Invitational? This was a good way to get you some wins - some local guys some exposure - did anyone ever have an issue doing this type of role?

Smackdown 1/13/05 from Tampa:


This show was built around two of the new WWE Divas-Joy Giovanni and Amy Weber. They were billed to wrestle, but the match never took place. The soap opera climax, though, was featured in the final segments of the show.

Kurt Angle apologized to Joy backstage for what happened the week before with the shower misunderstanding. Big Show told Angle he was a big man to apologize like that. He said JBL should do the same.

There’s a disappearance - and you find Joy tied up in the trunk of JBL’s limo…what in the world is all this?

“Then, as JBL was accepting the Man of the Year award from the “Florida Agricultural Group,” Angle discovered Joy tied up in the trunk of JBL’s limo. JBL looked shocked. Big Show came out to console a shaken Joy. JBL fled into the crowd and insisted he was innocent.

They went backstage where Angle laughed with Mark Jindrak and Luther Reigns about their “good plan coming together””

What did you think of working with Jindrak & Reigns?

Also on this show, the Kurt Angle invitation vs Roderick Strong!

Strong slapped you before the match but you easily defeated him at 1:50 with the ankle lock. Roderick is now in NXT! What did you think of Roderick and working with him way back when?

Smackdown 1/20/05 from Montreal:


The big tease of this show was that JBL was so disgusted with Kurt Angle that he was going to set aside his differences with Big Show for one night only to teach Angle a lesson.

Throughout the show, Big Show had been waiting backstage for Angle to show up. JBL, though, talked Show into waiting until later when they could both teach him a lesson together. This pleased G.M. Teddy Long since he ordered Angle to apologize to Joy for the whole kidnapping incident the week before that he was caught on camera admitting to. After Angle apologized, JBL and Show were to double–team Angle.

But after Angle apologized, Show walked out to confront him. Angle bailed out, but as he made his way to the back, JBL and his cabinet walked out, seemingly surrounding Angle. When JBL and Angle faced off, though, they smiled at each other for a plan well executed. Then they along with all of their cronies and sidekicks surrounded Big Show and eventually attacked him, leaving him bloody at ringside.

The angle, weaved throughout the show, was done convincingly, even if you were able to figure JBL was perhaps tricking Show. In the end, it built up the Royal Rumble three–way match, establishing that babyface Show would have to face two heels working in cahoots.

This had to be a lot of fun for you wasn’t it - but you always seem to be in the middle of doing things that make you look stupid - and here you are making the babyface look stupid for once! What a change!

Smackdown 1/27/05 go-home show from Little Rock:


“JBL and Kurt Angle headlined in a Last Man Standing match, during which Angle executed eight consecutive German suplexes on JBL. It was a strong main event, ending in a double countout at 19:25. The match followed the usual pattern of such matches, with several near–ten counts before the beaten wrestler would regain his footing and stand up to break the count.

After the match, they showed G.M. Teddy Long watching a monitor backstage and smiling. The camera then panned back, revealing Big Show in the ring with him. Long credited Show for having the idea of putting Angle and JBL against each other as a way to even the playing field headed into Royal Rumble.”

Eight consecutive German suplexes - it’s like Lesnar stole the spot from you!

“The angle made sense, since Angle and JBL had beaten up Show two weeks earlier, giving them an advantage headed into the three-way PPV title match. Show managed to manipulate tension between them and have Long book them in a grueling Last Man Standing match. After Angle had bragged about how it's great to see a plan succeed, the babyface Big Show one–upped them with his own master plan. It gave a last–second impression Show had a better chance than otherwise would have been the case to win the title on Sunday.”

Was there ever any conversation about you beating JBL?

At the Royal Rumble 1/30/05 from Fresno:


“3 JBL retained the WWE title in a three way over Kurt Angle and Big Show in


Angle hit Show with a TV monitor while he was standing on the ring steps, and Show fell backwards with a Nestea plunge bump through the Smackdown announcers table. Show only sold being out for two minutes before he made the comeback. Angle isn't able to carry a match with guys like this all by himself anymore. Show did a running tackle sending JBL through the barricades. They brought out a stretcher for him.”

Were working with Show & JBL tough for you in this three-way dynamic?

“The Bashams came out. Angle tried to bring in a chair, but Show flapjacked Angle on the chair and had him beat. Mark Jindrak pulled the ref out of the ring and then Luther Reigns attacked Show.

As Reigns and Jindrak beat up Show, JBL staggered into the ring and did a clothesline to Angle and pinned him. It was almost a babyface turn tease because Cole was putting JBL over as a survivor. *¾”

Torch was more favorable of the match and gave it ***

Where does this rank in your legacy of title matches for yourself?

Was having you pinned to make the story about you being in the Rumble later mean less?

Well Kurt, your night is not over! You steal Nunzio’s number and bully him out of the match and take his spot!

You enter at #20 and clean house on everyone but after only 37 seconds, you are eliminated by Shawn Michaels!

A few minutes later you jumped back in the ring and illegally eliminated Michaels, and then rammed the steel steps into him, busting him open and putting him in the ankle lock.

And there we have the start of our build for WrestleMania 21.

A lot of work on the night for a Rumble right?


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