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With the internet out in Huntville, Jeff Jarrett joins listeners for a look back into the archives at his time with two of the greatest factions in wrestling history: The Four Horsemen and the nWo! Complete with a new introduction, transitions, and a goodbye to 2022 from "The King of the Mountain" himself!




We've been talking to Carl in Huntsville for the last two days over Zoom just fine...lol


I'm from the Shoals area about 50 miles west of Huntsville. If you had Xfinity it was out from 1:30 AM Thursday morning until about noon yesterday. A main fiber wire was cut.


Poor Jeff is spending the entire time trying to explain how he was actually a horseman. Many may not like it, but by Ric’s admission he was a member even if it was for 1 day. This was a great megasode. Thank you for entertaining me Jeff/Conrad and not holding back on all the criticism.