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Jeff our topic today is about your return to the WWF in 1997.

As everyone listening to this already knows - one of the most classic moments in my podcast career - is when you got hot at me over asking about Steve Austin’s reaction to your classic promo.

But let’s back up before we get back to that…

We have also discussed when you left WCW in 2021 so be sure to check that our in the archives.

We’re going to focus today exactly on your return to the World Wrestling Federation.

After Booker T would defeat you on Nitro in your last WCW match this would come out in the Observer:

“Jeff Jarrett's contract expired on 10/7. He was offered $300,000 per year to stay but turned it down, and the general feeling is that he's gone. Jerry Jarrett, who is handling his negotiations, smartly used media avenues to play up the contract expiring and get the word out he was negotiating with Titan to play all the leverage. He was still being advertised on Nitro and they even did an angle to build up a match with Steve McMichael where if Steve won, Debra would have to get out of the wrestling business, even though he wasn't signed nor had he agreed to work the show without a contract.”

Were you offered a $300,000 deal to stay with WCW?

Was your father handling your negotiations?

Were you aware the WWF were interested in you to return?

Were there any bridges that had to be repaired after your walk out in 95, and your lackluster return in 96?

Do you think being in WCW and associated with the Horsemen helped your standing in your return negotiations?

Your Dad would say this in a Prodigy chat with the late Bob Ryder -

"Jeff had creative differences with Vince McMahon and that was the only difficulty he ever encountered. That dealt with the direction of his character and if that can be cleared up, Jeff has nothing but fond memories of the WWF." Jerry is acting as Jeff's agent in contract talks. He said Jeff made "considerably more money" in the WWF than his recent contract with WCW paid him and that Jeff would not be willing to work for WCW on a per diem basis to fulfill the dates WCW advertised Jarrett for in the future.

Is this your dad trying to get you a better deal by talking about you in the media?

Is this something you were happy about? Did you know what he was going to say?

Did you make more with the WWF than with WCW?

In a Prodigy Chat with Eric Bischoff on Tuesday night, Oct. 7, Bischoff said: "Jeff's contract ended today. I have respect for Jeff as a performer and a person. I sincerely hope Jeff will stay with WCW, but if he decides to go anywhere else I respect that decision and wish him the best. He's a pro and a good human being and deserves whatever success he can get wherever he chooses to be."

It's rare to see Eric Bischoff put someone over on their way out…especially in a public forum like that. Did you leave amicably?

From the Torch:

“Eric Bischoff went public on the internet last week responding to reports that Jeff Jarrett turned down his initial $300,000 contract offer. Bischoff said he refused to negotiate with someone who would disclose details publicly. "Unfortunately, out of principle, I will withdraw the offer and refuse to negotiate further," Bischoff told Bob Ryder. "I wish him the best of luck wherever he ends up. Once they disclosed money, they're trying to start a bidding war. I feel pretty strongly about that."

Did you think that was really Eric pulling out negotiations or saving face?

Also from Wade:

“Jarrett signed a one—year contract, with the idea being that he would sign a long—term deal about six months into the contract once he established himself. WCW head Eric Bischoff apparently wasn't impressed with Jarrett's showing, as he failed to discuss renewal until the day before his contract expired. Jarrett was disappointed with the offer and forwarded Bischoff to his father, who was acting as his official agent. Bischoff never contacted Jeff's father, and instead pulled the offer from the table the next night during an Internet interview, saying he would not negotiate with a party that revealed details of negotiations publicly.”

Is that how this all went down?

From the Torch:

“On a Wednesday night Jeff Jarrett and his father, longtime Memphis promoter Jerry Jarrett, met with Vince McMahon, Linda McMahon, and Jim Ross at McMahons' house. By the time they left hours later, an agreement had been reached. "

What can you tell us about this meeting?

What was it about the offer from the WWF that made you return? Was it cash or creative?

Was it the WWF or bust? Like was there any interest in say ECW or even Japan?

When you sign the deal with the WWF - it’s planned for your debut to take place in Oklahoma City on October 20th, 1997. From the Torch:

“With his hair slicked back into a ponytail, without any sign of a gimmick persona, Jeff Jarrett walked into the ring 30 minutes into the live Oct. 20 Raw. Jarrett signaled the first major jump from WCW to the WWF since Vader and Dustin Runnels. McMahon hopes Jarrett can become more than he was given a chance to be in WCW and more than he was in his last stint in the WWF. Clearly from Jarrett's opening speech, he is being positioned as a top tier star. McMahon hopes the Big Four (Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, Undertaker) expands into the Big Five.”

Was that the plan? Did Vince, JR, Russo - anyone tell you they’re looking to make you the next top star?

You talked in our Austin 3:16 episode that you worked with Russo to put the promo together and he gave you the clearance regarding what you said. Austin was pissed, Shawn Michaels was there to stop anything from happening obviously and on your first night back you got heat with what seems to be the soon to be top babyface in the company. This is exactly where we left off at Austin 3:16 so let me ask you this Jeff…

Right off the bat did you think…ah shit did I just step in it?

When the night is over - where is your head at? Is this one of those deja vu things of…here we are again and something happens and now you’re behind the eight ball…

How did it feel to be back in the WWF?

What was different about the WWF at this point in time compared to when you left previously?

New set, new attitude, were you excited to be there?

Regarding the promo itself - from Wade:

“There was no country music, no flashing suspenders, no waving blond hair, no exaggerated "ha, ha" laugh. He walked out to the ring earlier than McMahon had planned according to the storyline. "Sorry, Vince, I know you wanted the big introduction and to be standing alongside me, but I've got something to say and I'm going to say it right now," Jarrett said. "Last week on Monday Nitro Jeff Jarrett was declared everything but dead. Since I refused to accept Eric Bischoff's offer and re—sign with WCW he did everything within his power to bury me. Being the coward that he is, he even hid  behind his computer and announced to the whole world that he had pulled the offer off the table. Well, Eric, the only thing you ever pulled from Jeff Jarrett was opportunity. Since I wasn't one of your boys, you put a lid on my potential. I was only going to go as far as you wanted me to. There was never, ever any ladder of success for me to climb.”

It was a conscious effort to not do the country, haha, stuff right?

Did you feel the heat right away after the Austin thing? Was anyone else besides Michaels coming up to you to discuss it?

Did JR ever ask you about it - or McMahon?

You shoot this vignette that part 1 airs on Raw on the go-home Survivor Series…who’s idea was that?

Who scripted it - did you get everything cleared ahead of time?

Sitting down and doing this with JR gave Mick Foley a much needed shot in the arm earlier in the year - were you hoping this was the right way to launch your new character…which was…what exactly?

On the list of things you would discuss:

•On his past WWF persona: "When I got here all of a sudden Vince just had a vision who he wanted Jeff Jarrett to be. I succeeded in spite of Vince, but he definitely put limitations on me. He tried to make me the character Double J. Vince and I had a conversation two years ago and I said, "Vince, Jeff Jarrett is the only guy in the world who can be Double J because that's your vision. But just let me be Jeff Jarrett."

•On the night he lost to Shawn Michaels and walked out on the WWF: "It was one of the greatest nights in Jeff Jarrett's history because it was the night I said, 'Vince McMahon, you will no longer run my life.'"

•On the difference between the WWF and WCW: "Vince gave me an opportunity to be Double J. WCW gave Jeff Jarrett no opportunity. I more or less had a spot when I walked in the door and one when I left—the same spot. No ladder of opportunity. If you're not one of Eric Bischoff's boys, if you don't have strong enough stroke, if you're not in his clique, then you don't have the ladder of opportunity, you don't get the spotlights.

Is the plan to work a program with Vince? Because that’s what it seems like here?

•On WCW's star power: "A lot of people say WCW is built on has–beens and name–recognition guys. Those guys, their track records speaks for itself. They've been very successful in what they do. Put me and Shawn Michaels in the ring and I'll put that match against any match in the world—Japan, WCW, anywhere. Your true in-ring ability does not count in WCW."

•On the main differences in the two organizations: "You go to a WWF arena show, I haven't been to one in two years, but I know the last time I was at one there was action from bell to bell every match for two–and–a–half hours nonstop. WCW, you don't really have that at their arena shows. You don't have excitement from bell to bell. They have their moments. And it's no secret their top six to eight wrestlers are all over their 40s. I think in the WWF we have maybe one. There are only a few Nolan Ryans in baseball who can pitch in their 40s. There are no basketball players. Wrestling is a young man's game."

You’re really going after them here Jeff aren’t you? Was this an important point Vince wanted you to hammer home?

•On his value to the WWF: "I've been around 12 years in the ring, night in and night out, never taken a steroid in the ring, no skeletons in the closet, have the star potential and star quality that I have, looks like I do in and out of the ring, so for the WWF to get me at the price they're paying me, I think it's a bargain."

I’m shocked - shocked that Vince let you say that you’ve never taken a steroid in the ring…how did you get that cleared?

You’re scheduled to have part two of this interview air…but…

As you’re coming in - Bret Hart is on his way out. You’re not on the Survivor Series show, was there any talk of you being on it?

Are you in Montreal?

What did you think of what took place?

Looking back as a wrestler - and now looking back as an eventual promoter - different perspective?

Are you looking at it as - well someone I really wanted to work with is gone - but at least it’s another top heel gone for me to be able to move up the ladder?

Are you on this tour at all because you’re not on TV at all…

Part two of your discussion with JR gets cut for time…was that a sign to you at that point that maybe this isn’t that important considering they were more focused on burying Bret on his way out after screwing him?

The next week on Raw it finally airs…from the Torch

Part two of Ross's chat with Jeff Jarrett aired where Jarrett said he'd be surprised if Michaels didn't beat Bret at Survivor Series. He said even though he's never beaten Bret, he thinks he is now "better than Bret in every way." He called Eric Bischoff, "right place, right time, right wallet." He called Randy Savage the hardest working wrestler he's ever known. He played word association with a few other wrestlers. How about if Jarrett wins a match in the WWF before he starts evaluating the careers of every big star in the industry?...”

You even call Hunter a “tagalong!”

I mean…it’s a fair point. Was the plan for you to be working a program with Bret before he left, or Shawn?

Finally you get a match for TV…and it’s against Crush even though you kept calling him Chainz. You complained that in your contract that you were supposed to get a catered meal and bottled water and how Vince wasn’t living up to the deal. Meltzer would speculate this is a shot at Bret and attempted to symbolize how he was crying about his contract…was that the point of this? Or was that not even a thought process?

Kane comes out and destroys Crush which would actually be his exit from the company as he follows Bret to WCW. What did you think of the creative here? Do you think this makes you a big top tier heel?

Did something change in the creative or the story - or do you think once the Screwjob took place it was all a scramble?

Of course the next week…you’re scheduled to take on your old friend Ahmed Johnson…

From the Observer:

“Ahmed Johnson came to the ring. His right leg looked to be a total mess. Jarrett said he wouldn't wrestle him doing the gimmick where the WWF isn't living up to its contracts trying to establish that as the wrestler being the heel. Jarrett referred to Johnson, who legitimately couldn't work which is one of the reasons they did the angle, as a "water-retaining idiot" which is a steroid reference. Johnson called him a "chickenshit" although it was somewhat bleeped. Slaughter came out and told Jarrett that on the PPV he'd get to wrestle a major star because he was facing Undertaker.”

I mean I’m sure you had no interest in wrestling Ahmed again but did he give you any shit about calling him a water-retaining idiot?

When you’re told you’re going to be making your return to pay-per-view with the company and having a singles match with Undertaker…I mean that’s not something at this point in time the company gave out to just anybody. Was this a big deal to you in your mind?

Were you hoping it was going to be a competitive match to help make you?

Well at In Your House: DX…you sure wrestle Taker…

“6. Jeff Jarrett beat Undertaker via DQ in 6:56.

They basically did nothing except Jarrett clipping Taker and working the knee, all of which got no heat. Kane showed up with Uncle Paul. Jarrett told Kane to destroy Taker, so Kane choke slammed Jarrett, which enabled Jarrett to win via DQ. Kane, who with the lifts in his shoes was made out to be taller than Undertaker, slapped him in the face. Undertaker wouldn't hit him back, and Kane and Bearer left. Jarrett then jumped Undertaker, but got choke slammed again for his troubles. It was a one-arm variety and Undertaker nearly lost him on the move. After Undertaker left, Jarrett got to strut in the ring. If you look up the phrase "not getting over" in your dictionary, they'll have a photo of Jarrett in that Mayan Indian outfit next to the phrase. DUD

Torch gave it a *”

I mean my goodness Jeff…the Mayan Indian outfit comment by Dave…rough.

You are literally just there to take chokeslams it seems like…

And who the hell thought it was a good idea for you to strut after?

The next night on Raw you beat Vader in a match that actually never got started when Goldust came out and “flashed” Vader, who chased after him and is counted out.

So let’s get this straight…you come back…talking about how WCW misused you - and never gave you an opportunity to use your skills…and here you are barely wrestling. Are you showing the confidence in the creative at this point or are you going…guys what are we doing and where are we going?

You’re not used at the next set of TV tapings…any idea why?

But you’re used on the road! Chattanooga, Nashville & Little Rock…and it’s you teaming with the King taking on the New Age Outlaws! First off…this had to be a thrill doing this with Road Dogg on the other side - working as babyfaces I’m assuming with the King of Memphis?

Well speaking of Memphis…there is one show during that loop that we skipped over..and that is December 14th…

From the Observer 12/22/97:

There was a near riot 12/14 in Memphis when, due to actions and decisions that appeared at least to people at the show to be by Michaels, the main event didn't take place. In Memphis, the scheduled main event of Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett vs. Michaels & Helmsley never took place. Before a crowd of 5,078 fans at the Pyramid, Michaels, came out for his once per week scheduled arena match and was met with so much garbage thrown his way that he simply refused to wrestle and the show ended without the match ever taking place. As it was described to us, the show itself was poor and the crowd, many of whom had been drinking heavily, were getting unruly even before the main event. Michaels was hit with a few cokes, and a large wad of tobacco juice nailed Helmsley in the face, at which point Michaels grabbed the house mic and said,"Well, that just cost you your main event," and walked out of the ring with Helmsley and Chyna. When the crowd realized what had happened, they got even more unruly. There was an attempt by Dude Love, who was at the event but couldn't wrestle due to fractured ribs, to get the crowd to chant "HBK" to get Michaels to change his mind and wrestle but he refused to come back out. Finally Lawler tried to apologize to the crowd, but the crowd pelted the home town hero with debris after chanting for Lawler and Jarrett to wrestle each other and Lawler responding by saying that since he didn't have a contract to wrestle Jarrett that match "couldn't" take place.

Jeff - what do you remember of the show that night? I’m assuming you’re at gorilla when DX walks down the aisle? What’s the reaction backstage? What did you think of the whole scenario?

There’s gotta be a fear to the company that this could kill this city for themselves right?

Did Shawn take any heat for this? Did you think it was the right call to not go out there and wrestle?

Is this a massive disappointment? Being in the main event teaming with Lawler and against the top heels?

Meltzer would point out that the plan for the match was for you & Lawler to get the win by disqualification…so it wasn’t DX trying to get out of losing - right?

Two months in…you wrestled exactly 1 match on pay-per-view against Taker - none on TV officially - are you regretting making the move?

You would tape a match for Shotgun against Scott Taylor before the next night you’re in the NWA gimmick with Jim Cornette…what a difference the start of your time in the WWF is compared to what 1998 was going to bring is that right?

You can hear all about the NWA angle in our archives where we discussed it at the beginning of this year…but 1997 Jeff - from WCW and being a pseudo horseman - getting to wrestle Ric Flair - to not agreeing to a deal with WCW and heading back to the WWF and then this…what a year!


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