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As discussed on this week's episode of My World with Jeff Jarrett, we present to you these classic Dutchisms!

Top Dutchisms:

  • "Never interfere with your enemies while they’re in the process of destroying themselves."
  • "Poverty has a strange way of changing someone’s attitude."
  • "I always like my reality shows to be well scripted."
  • "When you start listening to marks, pretty soon you’re going to be sitting with them."
  • "People will rise to their level of incompetence."
  • "If you always do what you’ve always done, you’re always going to get what you’ve always got."
  • "Hell, back in the day, people thought the space program was fake, but wrestling was real."
  • "Shut up, run the play and cash the damn check!"

Other Great Dutchisms:

  • "If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, befuddle them with bullshit."
  • "Just because you go over, doesn't mean you get over."
  • "They [ROH] take a fake business and try to make it real!"
  • "She's got a face that could make a train stop, back up and take a dirt road."
  • "He could sell a dying man a health club membership."
  • Dutch, when waiting to find out what his TNA PPV bonus would be: "I got a bill for my bonus!"
  • Dutch on a female talent killing the territory: "Hell, you ought to put her around the AIDS virus...she’ll kill that too!"
  • Dutch on Dixie asking him to give the office staff a pop quiz after a marketing meeting: "Hell, I didn’t want to give them a pop quiz, I wanted to pop them."
  • Dutch’s idea for a new song: "I’m a half-ass cowboy. I’m a half-ass truck driver, drinking some half-ass beer!"
  • "Hell, you could put an Eveready battery in him, he’d kill it."
  • "I asked [redacted] to bleed one time. Hell, I got more color shaving!"
  • "I stand out like a six-pack in a dry county."
  • "Hell, it’s like a beautiful woman. You build her up, but if her voice is the shits, when she talks, it’s like ‘what the fuck?’"
  • "Hell, I know just enough Spanish to get the shit beat out of me."
  • Dutch on coming up with gimmick names: "Barbara and Betty Skank. We come from a long line of Skank. Mama Skank. What about the daddy? Hank Stank?"
  • Dutch: "Two ECW wrestlers were walking down the street. One points up at the sky and says ‘hey, is that a full moon?’ The other says ‘I don’t know, I’m not from around here.’"
  • Dutch trying to build up Abyss after one of his matches: "Of all the matches that I’ve seen, yours is the most recent!"
  • Dutch on freshening up the roster: "Hell, you can’t keep the same dancers in the chorus line at the same time."


Rob Graves

I can relate hard to that first one right now, not so much enemies though


The world could use more of this common sense knowledge and critical thinking skills. In another words we need more Dutchisms.