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We’re going to continue our look back at 5 years ago. You have returned to the ring for the WWE at TLC as we discussed last month…and now you’re going to play a major role in not just building to a Survivor Series match…but being a part of it!

Coming out of TLC - how were you feeling - mentally and physically?

What was the reaction at the time to the match backstage?

Did you think at this point you were going to be wrestling more regularly?

Going into TLC - did you think you would be wrestling at Survivor Series?

As a reminder, Stephanie is the “commissioner of Raw” and you’ve been the Raw GM since the day after WrestleMania.

Shane is the “commissioner of Smackdown” and Daniel Bryan is the Smackdown GM.

The next night on Raw from Green Bay:

“Raw opened with Angle out. He wasn’t limping or selling anything from the night before. He brought up that he debuted in the 1999 Survivor Series and said the show would have a Raw vs. Smackdown themes with our champions against their champions. He announced the card, including Lesnar vs. Mahal. Originally the show was built around whether Lesnar would accept the challenge in his interview, but they gave that answer away in the first segment rather than waited for the Lesnar segment. He announced the two matches and the two elimination matches, a men’s match and a womens’ match with Raw vs. Smackdown. Miz came out with Sheamus & Cesaro & Axel. Miz complained about Angle getting in the match the night before and how with Reigns out it should have been a two vs five match. Miz told Angle he should resign his post immediately. They all surrounded Angle when Ambrose & Rollins came out as The Shield. Angle said he was scheduling a match and noted that he got Styles to stay an extra night. Styles & Ambrose & Rollins beat Miz & Sheamus & Cesaro in 19:45.”

Did you think it was odd after the beating everyone took last night - including yourself - that no one came out selling any injuries?

Did you think the brand separation and all that was silly when everyone was showing up on every show anyway?

“Backstage, Angle was on the phone when Shane McMahon showed up. They acted like they were old friends. Angle put over his match at Hell in a Cell and Shane said he was still sore. Angle thanked him for letting him use Styles the last two nights and asked if he could have Styles permanently. Shane said no, and Angle said that he could understand that because without Styles, Smackdown wouldn’t have a chance in the elimination match. Shane said that Angle was out of line and Smackdown would annihilate Raw. He still acted like they were half-joking and were two good friends having fun. Angle said how Raw had far more talent. Shane brought up that Smackdown won the elimination match last year, but Angle noted that he wasn’t General Manager last year. They shook hands and left.”

Getting to work with Shane again had to be exciting did it not?

Did you think you would ever wrestle him again?

“Banks & Bayley were with Angle. Angle wanted to pick who would be the Raw women’s team captain. Then Fox showed up and freaked out. She claimed she’s been in the promotion longer than both of them and she’s the smartest of the three. Angle noted how they settle things on Raw, which Bayley and Banks figured was in the ring, but Fox thought it was rock, paper, scissors, which came across funny. Angle set up the three-way for later in the show.”

You worked with a variety of talent during your time as General Manager. Who was the most run in doing these promos that you remember?

“The show ended with Angle out saying he was going to announce Team Raw for the men’s Survivor Series match. Shane came out with about half the Smackdown roster. He grabbed the mic, said “Under siege,” and then took all the talent backstage. They did a series of layered beatdowns, starting with O’Neil and Crews. Corbin threw a backstage employee into a wall. They tipped over a Raw monitor backstage. A bunch of women backstage ran away. They beat up Goldust & Hawkins & Axel. Jordan was backstage and Gable beat him up. Hardy and Balor were around and they got beaten down. They beat down Gallows & Anderson. Then the Smackdown women which were Lynch, Natalya, Tamina and Carmella squared off with Bayley, Banks, Fox and James. The Smackdown women thrashed them like jobbers in like ten seconds. They didn’t even have a numbers edge thing going. Ambrose & Rollins jumped onto the Smackdown team but the numbers game was too much and they were beaten down. Then Corbin and Rusev kidnapped Angle and brought him to the ring. Shane said that at Survivor Series they were going to finish what they started and said, “It’s true. It’s damn true.”

That damn Baron Corbin always had it out for you! It’s pretty crazy that you were the focus of all this at the end wasn’t it?

Did they ask you to work some of the SmackDown shows as well and you couldn’t?

10/30 Raw show in Baltimore.

“The big news was the return of Stephanie McMahon, who ordered Angle into being captain of the Raw team at Survivor Series and blamed him for the attack last week.

Angle apologized to everyone for letting his friendship with Shane blind him. Stephanie said that for Raw, it took 20 years to build a reputation and 20 seconds to lose it. She told Angle that she didn’t want to hear his pathetic excuses. She said that everyone thinks Shane is a great guy, but he’s shallow, conniving and manipulative. She said that Shane couldn’t get the job done at Hell in a Cell so he picked on her show, and somehow thinks that makes him a winner.

She said that Shane exploited his friendship with Angle and exposed Angle’s kindness for weakness and embarrassed and humiliated him. Angle let 25 years of what her father has worked for turn into a mockery. She talked about Angle’s three I’s, and said there is a fourth I, for incompetence.

She told Angle that she’s making him the team captain on Raw, she expects victory and total annihilation and if she doesn’t get it, she’s picking a new General Manager.”

This is really the beginning of the launching pad for you & Ronda against Hunter & Steph the next year at Mania. Being back on camera with Stephanie - feels like 2001 again doesn’t it?

“Later, Miz was mad that Angle got rewarded for being a bad General Manager. Angle asked where Miz was when they were under siege. Angle said that Miz was either selfish or a coward. Angle ordered him to defend the IC title later in the show and wouldn’t tell him who he was facing”

You’re really one of the most pushed acts during this time. Did you want a one-on-one match with the Miz? Would that had been fun for you?

“Angle was backstage when he started screaming red alert and panicking, that they were under attack. But it was only Bryan, coming alone, since everyone else was in Raleigh. Bryan said he came alone, that Shane doesn’t even know he’s there and he doesn’t agree with a lot of what Shane has done. Angle said to give Shane a message that he’s bringing his gold medals and he’s going to take Shane and Smackdown out. Bryan was on the phone in Angle’s office and suddenly the lights went out and the door was locked and he knew something was wrong. Kane then showed up and choke slammed him. At least in theory. They wouldn’t even allow Bryan to take a chokeslam bump. We just heard the idea of a chokeslam and then saw Bryan taken out on a stretcher.”

This led to the infamous GIF now of you screaming…sorry Kurt but it always cracks me up!

Do you wish Bryan had been cleared so you could’ve wrestled him?

Raw 11/6 from Manchester, England:

“Angle came out and told Miz he’s got his full support at Survivor Series. Miz said that he couldn’t say the same to Angle. Angle said that Raw has the best talent, the best show and the best fans. Angle said that Shane has an inferiority complex because Smackdown is the B show and they were going to prove that. Angle also apologized to Bryan saying that he had nothing to do with Kane’s attack and he has all the respect in the world for Bryan. Miz said that he doesn’t believe Angle didn’t set up the attack on Bryan because Angle wouldn’t let them leave last week knowing Strowman could be coming back. Miz said that he and Dallas escaped but Axel (who was wearing a neck brace from last week’s beating from Strowman), wasn’t so lucky. He said that Bryan doesn’t deserve an apology but Axel does. Angle told him he’s not apologizing to Axel. Miz said that Angle awarded Strowman by putting him on the Raw team. Angle said that he put him on the Raw team because he needed the strongest team possible, and to get him to agree, he had to give Strowman a match with Miz later in the show.”

Braun Strowman recently returned to the WWE. What was your experience with him at this time? Were you surprised he wasn’t a bigger star?

“Samoa Joe and Finn Balor fight to a double count-out. They continued to brawl until Angle and security came out. Angle said he was picking both of them on the Raw team for Survivor Series. He said that’s the kind of action and attitude he wants on the team. After all that, Balor broke free and dove off the stage onto Joe which looked good.”

This is hell of a team Raw put together wasn’t it?

“Angle was leaving a phone message to Bryan, who wasn’t picking up. Jordan then showed up. Angle chose Jordan as the final member of the team. He told him he’d better develop thick skin because people would be mad about that.”

The idea of putting Jason in the match - it was to get heat on him was it not?

“Sheamus & Cesaro beat Ambrose & Rollins to win the tag titles in 18:50.

Near the end of the match, The New Day came out and cut a promo.

Xavier Woods thanked the fans for staying awake for three hours during the B show. While this was going on, Angle told all the undercard and mid-level guys to get to the ring. Angle led much of the roster out. While all this was going on, and the match had stopped for several minutes, suddenly Sheamus gave Rollins the Brogue kick and the ref counted three to end the match.”

This…is silly isn’t it? The whole match stops because of it and then the heels finally take advantage. Was there a timing issue here do you remember?

Kurt worked as part of The Shield on the 11/7 show in Birmingham, England.

Main event saw Angle & Ambrose & Rollins as The Shield beating Joe & Cesaro & Sheamus. Angle got a hot tag late and did his suplexes. The finish saw them do the Shield triple power bomb on Cesaro and Angle pinned him.

Did you enjoy getting to work with the Shield one more time on the road?

How had Joe changed as a worker from your time together in TNA to here in WWE?

Did it feel good to have a normal match compared to a TLC match?

Were you just getting your stamina back in the ring at this point?

On the Go-home Raw 11/13 from Atlanta:

“Raw opened with Stephanie and Angle. She was browbeating him something fierce. She asked how the New Day got in last week and he said he didn’t know. She said that the New Day got in and Angle brought out all the wrestlers and then nothing happened, so Shane manipulated him again. She then asked about Jordan being picked as the fifth member of the team. She asked what makes him worthy of that. He defended Jordan and then Stephanie brought up that Cena was on the Smackdown team and the last time Cena was in WWE, it was on Raw. So she said that either Angle chose his son instead of Cena, or that Cena was so embarrassed being on Angle’s show that he

decided he would rather be on Smackdown.”

Listen - when you find out that John Cena is on the other side - that’s gotta be cool for you right?

Did you think the way your character was portrayed here with Stephanie made sense?

“Stephanie asked what the first thing he was

going to do at Survivor Series was, and Angle said that he was going to break Shane’s ankle. He said that he was going to start the match and if Shane had any balls, he’d start against him. Stephanie said that she didn’t think Angle could even break anyone’s ankle at this point saying he’s too soft, and that she made the biggest mistake of her life making him captain. She said she wanted her brother’s head on a plate and wants Smackdown gone. She was about to fire him when The Shield came out. The Shield backed Angle and said he’s our leader and he proved it on the TLC show that he’s still got it. Stephanie asked them where their tag team titles were. She said they lost them due to Angle. Reigns said that The Shield doesn’t do what you tell us to do, we do what we want to do, and challenged The New Day.”

Let’s talk about the Shield in present day Kurt. You got Roman Reigns - the top guy in all the business. Jon Moxley just lost the AEW World Title but he carried the brand for most of the year through injuries and backstage issues…and Seth Rollins is the current US champion. What do you think of them currently?

“Jason Jordan pinned Bray Wyatt in 7:11

when he reversed out of Sister Abigail into a schoolboy. They showed Kurt & Stephanie watching together with the idea that Jordan winning vindicated Angle’s pick. After the match, Wyatt rammed the left knee into the post while the fans chanted “Thank you Wyatt.” Angle then told Jordan that due to his injury, he’s pulling him from the team. Jordan acted like a spoiled crybaby, which is just death as a face. But it was ridiculous for Angle to pull Jordan given Angle’s entire life has been about competing while injured and excelling at the top level. It’s one thing to book babyface authority figures as having conflicts and issues, but another to have them do things that are the polar opposite of their own long standing histories, at least without a viable explanation, and none was given. Jordan was begging, saying “Don’t do this dad,” and “This is my break.”

Did you think it made any sense?

“Angle came to the ring and said he had the toughest decision of his career. He said that Jordan was injured and he won’t allow him to compete. He said he was going to name his replacement. Jordan came out and begged to stay in the match saying his knee would be fine by Sunday. He was begging, and finally brought up that Angle won a gold medal when he was injured. He said he would never get another chance like this, which, of course, nobody bought. HHH came out and said that if Angle won’t say it, he will, and that he’s the replacement. He then gave Jordan a pedigree. This just killed Angle dead. I’d say it killed Jordan dead, but he’s underground at this point. But Angle just stood there and watched as HHH gave his son a pedigree, and then when he did, Angle did nothing to HHH. It’s one thing to get verbally abused and emasculated by Stephanie, and that isn’t good either unless it builds to a comeback, which it almost never does. But it’s not like Angle can touch her and that’s understood. But to stand there and watch HHH pedigree your supposed son, that served no storyline purpose and just completely marginalized Angle as any kind of a top babyface character.”

Did you think this was as bad as Dave Meltzer points it out to be? Did you think you looked silly just standing there?

Raw invades the go-home Smackdown in Charlotte:

“The match with Big E & Woods vs. Zayn & Owens ended when the Raw roster came out. Right after Woods did a running flip dive, out came The Shield. They came to the ring. At first, all five guys stood together, but then Zayn and Owens just walked out on The New Day. I mean, logically, they should since they are feuding with them. The brawl started. Cesaro and Sheamus were next out. Backstage, the Raw women beat up the Smackdown women with Bliss taking a cheap shot at Charlotte. Joe, Balor, Crews, O’Neil and others were out. Strowman then came out and started killing everyone including treating Nakamura like a rag doll and then destroying Shane. Joe hit Big E with part of the trombone.

Angle was out and ordered a Shield triple power bomb on Shane. Angle then hit the Olympic slam on Shane. The Shield then ended the show doing a second triple power bomb on Shane.”

How cool was this for you Kurt? Gave you an edge back didn’t it?

Finally Survivor Series 2017 from Houston.

When you’re putting together a match like this - how complicated is it?

How important is it to have good communication in the ring?

How glad are you that you have experience with pretty much everyone in the match?

10. HHH & Kurt Angle & Braun Strowman & Samoa Joe & Finn Balor beat John Cena & Shane McMahon & Shinsuke Nakamura & Randy Orton & Bobby Roode in a Raw vs. Smackdown elimination match 33:19.

“Angle was clearly having trouble walking with his leg all taped up. Joe had his elbow taped up.”

Let’s pause right there…were you dealing with an injury? Was it nagging and bothering you?

“Nakamura got a hot tag and hit the Kinshasa on HHH followed by a second one off the middle rope but Strowman tagged in and powerslammed and pinned Nakamura like it was nothing in 11:31.

Roode hit a blockbuster on Strowman, but Strowman powerslammed him for the pin in 12:21.

Joe and Balor started arguing. Angle and HHH tried to make peace with them. HHH shoved Angle and Angle and HHH went at it. Orton threw Angle into HHH. Nakamura & Roode came back out and all five members of the Smackdown team suplexed Strowman through a table.”

This whole Raw team has issues makes for a great story…the crowd got really into it…but you and Hunter going at it…did it feel like 2001 again for you?

“ Balor and Joe argued. Cena then hit the Attitude Adjustment on Joe, another one on Balor, and then hit another one on Joe and pinned Joe in 18:04.

Cena was in with Angle and they talked about Cena’s first television match with Angle 15 years ago. They did the yay-boo spot. They booed Cena. Cena was playing to the crowd and Angle put Cena in the ankle lock. Cena kicked out of it. Angle used the Olympic slam on Cena. Balor came off the top rope with the coup de grace on Cena and Angle used another Olympic slam for the pin on Cena in 21:54.”

Dude - you pinned John Cena! In 2017! That’s a big deal! How was it to work with John again here?

Orton would eliminate Balor - Owens & zayn would attack Shane - then Strowman would powerslam Orton for the win leaving Shane 3 on 1.

“Shane got in the ring, got in some offense on Angle, including a flying elbow and a DDT. But Angle got the ankle lock on Shane and pulled him to the center of the ring. He had it on far too long to where it felt silly that Shane wasn’t tapping. HHH then came in and hit the pedigree on Angle. He then dragged Shane on top for the pin in 32:00.”

He’s in the move forever Kurt! Was that the plan?

“HHH then acted like he was going to back up Shane against Strowman, but then turned on Shane and hit him with a pedigree and pinned him in 33:19.

Strowman and HHH had a confrontation after where HHH went for the pedigree, Strowman blocked it and hit HHH with two powerslams. Most of the match really wasn’t that bad, and action-wise it was better than most of the show, but it also hurt the show more than anything on it.

*¾ “

I don’t know, Kurt the ending really made it seem like it was the Triple H show. Was that the point?

Were you happy with how this all went? I mean over 30 minutes in the ring…that’s not a short time even with some downtime for selling and stalling…

Was anyone upset or pissed after the match?

Was it all high fives, handshakes and hugs afterwards?

Was Vince and the agents happy?


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