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Welcome to Grilling JR - with the voice of wrestling - Good Ol JR!

Let’s get into our topic today JR! “The British Bulldog” Davey Boy Smith!

Born November 27, 1972 in Golborne, Lancashire, England (just outside of Manchester for anyone not up on their English geography!)

He started wrestling on ITV’s popular World of Sport TV show when he was just 15 along with his older cousin Tom Billington, the Dynamite Kid.

Davey would even team up with British Wrestling’s biggest star Big Daddy.

How aware are you of the European wrestling scene at that time?

Bruce Hart is said to be the one who saw Davey Boy in 1979 when he was scouting talent in the UK and brought him back to Calgary, where Davey received a bit more training from Stu Hart in the Dungeon. The Dungeon - you spent some time in there is that right?

Dynamite was already in Stampede by the time Davey came into the territory, and the future British Bulldogs were not partners early on, and were actually rivals and spent most of 1981-1982 wrestling against each other in the territory. Did you ever get to see any of those matches?

While in Stampede, Davey Boy meets Diana and they get married in 1984. Davey Boy & Diana ended up being synonymous with each other in the business didn’t they?

Davey Boy has his first New Japan in 1983, where the Bulldogs are put together for the first time. Dynamite had several runs already over there and became well known due to his matches with Tiger Mask in particular.

Were you aware of either of the Bulldogs in their formative years before they became big names in the WWF in the mid 80s?

Vince buys out Stampede in 1984 and as part of the deal gets the Bulldogs and Bret to join the WWF. Bulldogs are one of the few people to have a deal where they could continue their All-Japan tours as well as working the WWF at first, before eventually switching to a WWF-only deal. Have you ever heard the stories about this deal - with Vince promising Stu a bunch of money and never actually paying him for it and defaulting on it after he had gotten Bret & the Bulldogs?

They are given Lou Albano as their manager as let’s face facts their promo skills weren’t close to the wrestling and so they needed a mouthpiece. They also give them Matilda the bulldog to add a bit more character to the team. What did you think of this presentation?

Watching them and their work - do you think they would fit more in the JCP or Mid-South Wrestling product?

They memorably defeated Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake to become tag champs at WrestleMania 2 in April 86 with Ozzy Osbourne in their corner. Just think about this though - the Bulldogs against the Rock ‘n’ Rolls, the Midnights - what could’ve been right JR?

The Bulldogs stayed with the WWF until November 88, even with Dynamite suffering a terrible back injury that he never fully recovered from. This effectively ended Dynamite as being a top worker - can you explain how good Dynamite really was?

The Bulldogs then go back to the reformed Stampede and All Japan, but have a major falling out with each other along the way that they never make up from. Did you ever talk to Davey Boy about this?

Davey Boy returned to the WWF in October 1990 for his first major singles push - but do you recall if there was ever any consideration to bring Davey into WCW at the time - to help expand WCW’s business in Europe?

Davey Boy’s most memorable moment of this run (and probably his entire career) is of course the SummerSlam 92 match vs Bret at Wembley Stadium where Davey won the IC Title, coming during the huge boom in popularity of WWF in the UK in the early 90s. I don’t think we’ve ever discussed this match in detail Jim - but how good is this?

Just over 2 months later it all comes crashing down as Bulldog drops the IC belt to Shawn Michaels and is fired in November 92 for failing a drug test. When you hear that Bulldog is available - are you or Cowboy thinking - we need to take a chance on this guy?

Bulldog was brought into WCW in February 1993 at almost the exact time you left, so chances are you likely just missed seeing him in person for the first time - but what was the value in bringing in Bulldog at this point?

The WCW run only lasts until November 93, and Davey goes back to the UK to work in 94 until he returned to WWF at SummerSlam 94 getting involved in the Bret vs Owen cage match.

You were on the outs with the WWF at this time so again you just missed out on meeting Davey…but it seemed obvious he was better suited for the WWF right?

When you returned to WWF in January 95, was this finally the first time you met Bulldog in person, Jim?

What was your first impression of him?

Were you aware of his issues or demons - between his mother and sister both having cancer - and the civil and criminal cases he had pending for an altercation in a bar?

Bulldog and Shawn are memorably the first two entrants and the last two standing in the 1995 Royal Rumble. Did you think Bulldog would have a run at the top at this time?

Bulldog and Lex Luger are put together as the Allied Powers tag team shortly afterwards and defeated Jacob & Eli Blu at WrestleMania XI in Hartford. He doesn’t really get a push but just when it seems like all is lost…

Bulldog turned heel in the Summer of 95, attacking WWF Champion Diesel during their match with Men on a Mission. He shaved his head and was put with Jim Cornette. Was Bulldog better as a heel or a babyface?

It seemed like we were gonna have a feud between Davey Boy and Luger, but Luger jumped to WCW to cancel those plans. Was Bulldog left in the dark do you think about Luger leaving? Was he hot about it?

Did you think Bulldog could be a credible main event heel? Having Cornette do the talking is obviously a plus, but little things like keeping the “Rule Britannia” music - would a heel Bulldog in 95 be more effective with more of a “bad guy” theme?

Bulldog challenged Diesel for the WWF Title at the 4th In Your House PPV in October 95 from Winnipeg. Bret who is on commentary interferes for the DQ so Diesel is still champ. Was this the first chance for Bulldog to show he can be a top guy again?

Jim Cornette would say this about Bulldog - ‘I don’t think anybody understands how great an athlete that [Davey] really was ... he could do everything and even though he put on so much weight to have the body, he still moved like a light-heavyweight and he had such flexibility and he was so strong at the same time; he was just a special athlete in the ring.”

Was Bulldog having his issues in getting out of his own way?

Did Vince show a lot of faith in him?

Bret would end Diesel’s year long title reign the following month at Survivor Series and Bulldog gets another title shot now against Bret at the next In Your House in December 95 from Hershey, PA in a classic.

From the Observer:

“6. Bret Hart retained the WWF title pinning Davey Boy Smith in 21:09 with a Lucha cradle move known as La Magistral or Dandina. Diana Smith came to ringside with Davey Boy. Diana was pushed hard on TV as rooting 100% for Davey Boy in this match rather than being torn between the two as in their 1992 SummerSlam classic. It started slow but built into an excellent match. Among the new spots was Hart trying for a superplex, Smith blocking it and picking Hart up as a reversal and crotching him on the top rope. Hart hit his head on the steps and had his back rammed into the post and ended up juicing heavily. Smith used a piledriver and a head-butt off the top rope for near falls. After a bow and arrow, Hart reversed it and went for the sharpshooter but Smith got out. The two traded near falls until Hart hit a plancha, tried for a second dive but Smith caught him and powerslammed him on the floor. Smith undid the mats around the ring and went to suplex Hart, but Hart reversed it and crotched Smith on the guard rail. Hart used a backbreaker and a superplex for near falls. Smith tried a rolling reverse but Hart reversed it for a near fall, before using the Magistral to win. After the match, Smith left hugging his wife and walking out together which certainly looked as though Smith is going to turn back to babyface. In the commentary in the closing minutes, they almost gave you the impression both were babyfaces. ****½”

It felt like whenever Davey needed a push - it was a big time main event match with Bret…why do you think that was?

Fast forward into 1996 a bit and Davey Boy gets another shot at the title, now vs. Shawn, who is the champ, at the appropriately titled Beware of Dog PPV.

To set this up they brought in Davey Boy’s wife Diana in to make up a storyline of Shawn being a womaniser, and allegations Shawn had made a pass at her. Did Davey have any issues with this that you remember?

The Beware of Dog PPV itself in Florence is mostly remembered for the power cut during the show, but is restored in time for the Bulldog/Shawn main event. They do a double pin finish with two referees counting the pin, one for Shawn, one for Bulldog.

So we get a rematch at the King of the Ring in Milwaukee, Mr. Perfect is the advertised guest referee, but instead come show time they just put him outside the ring in an enforcer position, and Shawn gets the victory. Was this the end of Bulldog being painted as a top guy?

Bulldog starts teaming up with Owen a lot more after this, and they win the tag team titles in September 96 from the Smoking Gunns at the In Your House: Mind Games PPV in Philly.

Clarence Mason is also added as their manager, replacing Jim Cornette, but did Mason really add anything to the team?

Were you on the receiving end of any of the more “friendly” ribs from Bulldog and Owen?

They had a lengthy run with the belts and are champs for 8 months before losing to Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels on the May 26, 1997 Raw from Evansville, Indiana.

During the tag reign, Owen and Bulldog reach the finals of the tournament to crown the first ever European Champion, with their match taking place in Berlin. Davey Boy wins and so is a double champion, and it’s another classic match of his that is fondly remembered. Did you think we were about to see the old Davey Boy?

We also see the creation of the Hart Foundation 5-some with Bulldog, Owen, Bret, Neidhart and Pillman. Their big moment of course is the homecoming for the Canadian Stampede PPV in Calgary in July 97. Check it out in the archives - but this is the pinnacle is it not?

They’re also heels in the United States but babyfaces everywhere else in the world. This means come the One Night Only PPV in Birmingham, England in September 97, Bulldog is the ultimate babyface in defending the European title vs Shawn Michaels.

Some will say surprisingly, the Bulldog lost the title to Shawn that night, but really we’re just putting a lot of extra heat onto Shawn, and also the potential to build up a rematch in the UK down the road. But you interviewed him on the show early and Davey had this to say:

“It’s gonna be very special. I got my sister who’s sitting out in the crowd who’s battled with cancer twice - once when she was a year old and just a few months ago, she was in hospital in Manchester and they didn’t think she was gonna pull through. They’ve taken almost everything out of her that they possibly can take, and she pulled through it. So, to me, she’s a champion in my eyes so I’m dedicating this match tonight to my sister Tracey.”

Did you know when you did that interview - or did Davey - that the finish was going to be Shawn winning and that’s why he didn’t dedicate the victory to her knowing he was scheduled to lose?

Did that make you feel…uncomfortable?

Right after that - as we covered a few weeks ago - Bret was told the WWF wasn’t interested in honoring his contract anymore. Did you talk to Davey or Davey talk to you about his role in the company moving forward?

Did Brian Pillman’s death effect Davey in anyway do you know of?

If those were the plans however, this ultimately doesn’t happen as the Montreal Screwjob happens in November 97, and Bulldog is in the room when Bret is punched by Vince. He jumps in when Shane jumps on Bret and pulls him off and because he didn’t expect anything to happen - he had taken his knee brace off. Supposedly Bulldog had hurt his knee worse than he current injury he had…did you ever hear that story?

Davey flew home and that was it. Were you the one involved in his contract talks regarding his buyout?

Why did Vince refuse to let Davey out of his contract? Was there any talks of keeping Bulldog?

Finally Bulldog pays $150,000 to get out of his contract - what did you think of that decision by Bulldog?

Davey Boy is out and he follows Bret out of loyalty to WCW. But it’s a completely forgettable run and eventually he gets injured on a trap door in the ring for an Ultimate Warrior entrance and it nearly paralyzes Davey Boy. He would eventually be released by WCW and was actually in a full body cast at one point from the injury.

It’s said following this serious back injury, Davey struggled a lot, battling an addiction to morphine and painkillers. Did Vince keep tabs on Davey Boy?

Did you ever envision him coming back to the company?

Owen we know tragically passed away in May 1999, and Bulldog was back in the WWF by the Summer of 1999. How did this all come to be?

Did Bulldog ever bring up Owen’s death?

How messy was the whole Hart family situation with the WWF and the lawsuits?

Davey’s return would really start with a series of a sit-down interview conducted by you Jim with Davey Boy and Diana, but would never televise the actual interview. Do you recall this sit-down interview and why it never aired?

Only small clips would be shown…but it’s very quickly and very painfully obvious…this is not the Bulldog of old. When you first saw him…did you think he was ready to return?

His in-ring return would be on the first SmackDown in August of 1999 and he would answer an open challenge for the Hardcore title over the Big Bossman. Did Vince envision Bulldog building his way back up the card to get involved in the main event mix?

He’s in the 6-pack challenge main event at Unforgiven 99, and then loses to The Rock at No Mercy in October 99. This would be the last time he was involved in the main event picture sadly and also featured Bulldog getting rock bottomed into a bed of dog shit. I mean…that’s an effective way to end someone’s run at the top is it not?

He has a new look wrestling in jeans and new music, but it seems to quickly become apparent that the Bulldog can’t go like he used to, and is put with the Mean Street Posse in a role much lower on the cards, and does get another short European title reign.

From the book Dynamite & Davey:

Davey continued to wrestle sporadically. He played a minor role as Kurt Angle’s tag team partner against Chris Jericho and Chyna on the 21 February edition of Raw in Atlanta, Georgia, before flying to Tennessee, for the following day’s Smackdown taping. Bulldog showed up at the Nashville Arena in an alarming state. Bruce Prichard and Jim Ross sat Davey down in private in the locker room. Davey drooled and slurred his words as he denied having a problem, but Bruce had been there himself and could see the signs easily, and Jim still carried the weight of his final conversations with Brian Pillman around with him, in which Pillman had vehemently denied having problems. They had seen and heard it all before in their combined decades in this poisoned industry. Speaking on behalf of Vince, Bruce and Jim assured Davey that his job would be there waiting for him if and when he returned healthy. ‘Okay,’ accepted Davey, ‘I’ll go t’ rehab back in Canada after this tour is done.’ ‘No,’ Bruce answered sternly, ‘you gotta go tonight; you gotta go right now.’ They got Davey to the airport and on to a flight directly back to Atlanta, from where he was taken straight to the Talbott Recovery Center. He was admitted into a four-month treatment for addiction to painkillers, sleeping pills, morphine and muscle relaxers.”

What do you remember of this conversation?

He returns and he has one last small bit of glory in the spotlight in front of his home country at the Insurrextion PPV in London, in May of 2000 defeating Crash Holly for the Hardcore title but loses it a few days later.

It was obvious that it was time to part ways was it not?

Davey’s final televised match is against Eddie Guerrero on an episode of Sunday Night Heat and Eddie would defend the European title to a double DQ…

From Dynamite & Davey regarding the last couple of matches of Davey’s career:

“Davey’s final WWF match was, of course, in Calgary. He stumbled to victory over mixed martial artist and former Stampede comrade Steve Blackman at a house show on 27 May. It was painful for the Calgary wrestling-goers to watch one of their favourite sons in such disarray, with Davey continually failing to get Blackman off the ground for his signature power moves. A wired and incoherent Davey turned up late in Edmonton for the following night’s show. Agents Jack Lanza and Tony Garea removed him from the card and sent him home. His ‘last run’ was over, and he had failed to get to the dream of sharing a ring with Harry.”

When are you told about this? Do you have to tell Vince? Are you the one who releases him?

Bulldog was said to be in a bad place at the time, after divorcing from Diana and shortly after his release from the company here, he entered an Atlanta drug rehabilitation clinic to treat his addiction to prescription Opiate painkillers, which he had become dependent on following the back injury suffered in WCW.

Bulldog went into retirement, but had begun training for a comeback and wrestled a few tag matches with son Harry in May of 2002 in the weeks leading up to his death

Why do you think Harry has not really made it to the big time as a singles wrestler for a major company such as WWE or AEW?

Davey suffered a heart attack while on vacation in British Columbia with his girlfriend Andrea (who was the estranged wife of Bruce Hart), on May 18, 2002 at the age of just 39.

What do you think the type of career Davey would’ve had if he was born maybe 10 to 20 years later when it was acceptable to be smaller height wise at that point?

Davey Boy was inducted into the 2020 Hall of Fame class - a well deserved accolade wouldn’t you think?

What is Davey Boy’s legacy in his career do you think?


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